Wiki Team/Guide/Wiki Structure


Our challenge is how to organize the wiki so that communities can find the information they need.

First Level

Teams are the first level of organization for the wiki. Teams are listed on the navigation bar. See Sugar Labs for an overview of the organization.

Second Level

At the second level are the standard team sub pages, as reflected in a team header, e.g.,

Team Home   ·   Join   ·   Contacts   ·   Resources   ·   FAQ   ·   Roadmap   ·   To Do   ·   Meetings

  • Team Home
Team introduction
  • Join
How to start participating in a team
  • Contacts
How to contact the team
  • Resources
Team resources
  • FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
  • Roadmap/Vision/Ideas
Team plans, in stages with schedules; or a vision; or just ideas for a newly formed project or team
  • To Do
Tasks the team is working on
  • Meetings
Schedule and Agenda for upcoming meeting, and logs of past meetings

(See Category:Team for the identified teams.)

Teams in Sugar Labs provide general services in their subject areas across the spectrum of projects. Team members may be active in multiple areas. Teams have a home page with links to pages in a team header for participation, contacts, resources, FAQs, a roadmap or their vision, tasks, and meetings.

Second or Third Level

At the second level, or possibly, at the third tier, under a team, is a Sugar Labs project, e.g.,

Sugar on a Stick project home   ·   Join   ·   Contacts   ·   Resources   ·   FAQ   ·   Roadmap   ·   To Do   ·   Meetings

See Category:Project for the identified projects.

Projects in Sugar Labs are generally focused on delivering specific goals within a defined time period. They may require services from multiple specialties. Project members may be active in multiple areas. Projects may have a home page with links in a project header to pages for participation, contacts, resources, FAQs, a roadmap or their vision, tasks, and meetings. As projects mature and meet their goals, some may graduate to Product or Service status, like the Sugar Activity Library, others may simply be integrated into the Sugar Learning Platform or our archives of learning.

Local Labs

Local Labs associated with Sugar Labs may have a wiki presence here.

Team Home   ·   Join   ·   Contacts   ·   Resources   ·   FAQ   ·   Roadmap   ·   To Do   ·   Meetings