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Fedora 21

  • Rawhide is now f 22
To convert to a F21 and remove rawhide repos:
Boot.iso - Basically a Netinstall (Built daily)
This is pre-release so it may (or not) work. Latest is 21.48.2-1 Anaconda 08/06/2014
Works in Virtualbox


boot.iso is the same as a netinstall.iso
  • For latest Builds builds (and links to them) see:



  • Warning UEFI does not support MultiBoot
New install will delete the existing UEFI boot record if installing from USB.


  • How to fix booting of your disk if it does not boot.

Described by Dan Mossor here:

  • Text of link:

Errors in java when upgrading to f21

"After updating to java-1.8.0-openjdk-1:
java is no longer my PATH"


Use Liveusb-creator to make a bootable Live USB to do Installation from one of these LiveCD's

Testing liveusb-creator in Windows 8.1

  • Tested by satellit on 2014/08/01
NOTE: GUI works well in fedora.
"There are a number of things that need to fixed in the windows version of liveusb-creator. 
1-) detect screen resolution and properly display GUI
2-) run in compatability mode (run as administrator)
3-) run as liveusb-creator --reset-mbr by default  (this can be done in linux by editing the icon command)
4-)Fix the Download button on the GUI to work and be up to date."

  • fedora-qa Install testing:
06/24/2014 NetworkManager--wifi added to comps in f21(rawhide)
SoaS shows wireless and ad-hoc in f1 Network Neighborhood on install

"If you suddenly find yourself without Wi-Fi,find a wired network connection and:

dnf install NetworkManager-wifi
systemctl restart NetworkManager"



Upgrade to rawhide from an existing installation


Anaconda Command Line Options



  • Fedora wiki page

Systemd Commands


Updating Grub 2 on UEFI systems

Turn off gnome automatic background updates

  • NOTE seems to be no longer available:
  • To turn off background downloading of updates and forced 10 minute updates on boot of gnome3.10.1
  • Root terminal
yum install dconf-editor
  • User Terminal
Uncheck [ ] auto updates
NOTE this plugin no longer exists in f21(rawhide) 03/14/2014
  • see gnome Bug:
  • This is modified: 12/28/2013
"This moves more functionality from the gsd updates plugin here:
* Notify about successful or unsuccessful offline updates 15 seconds after start.
* Monitor for available offline updates and notify about them, once per hour.
* Refresh the cache once per day, after 6am.
* If important updates are available, or updates have not been installed for at least 7 days, download all available updates.
We rely on PackageKit to prepare an offline update when updates have been downloaded.
* Avoid mobile networks for cache refresh and downloads."

Logic Map for Updates in gnome


know how to force a reinstall of a kernel

yum reinstall kernel isn't doing anything
you need to re-run the scriptlets
this is not done with "yum reinstall"
"rpm -q --scripts kernel-version-release" would tell you what to rerun

fedora boot optimization

  • Can be dangerous - ADVANCED USERS ONLY

Location enabled by default in GNOME

  • Fedora Gnome seems to have GeoClue enabled by default

"Geoclue is a D-Bus service that provides location information. The primary goal of the Geoclue project is to make creating location-aware applications as simple as possible, while the secondary goal is to ensure that no application can access location information without explicit permission from user. "

Rawhide Watch

boot failures with recent rawhide kernels


Being consdered by gnome in IRC GIPMnet #qa for automated testing

Fedora-21 anaconda 21.48.1-1 installer

  • This is the installer from Fedora-Live-SoaS-x86_64-21-20140728.iso SoaS LiveCD in Oracle VM VirtualBox
This is a Preliminary version and will be modified before f21 is released.
  • Note The same installer is on the boot.iso with more options.




  • Install done from Soas terminal with



  • Time Zone selected
[Done} to return to main Hub


Custom Install Screens

  • Note only used if you select:
 [x]I will configure partitioning



select type of partition to create in Drop Down menu



Reclaim space if HD is already formatted



Begin Installation



  • Configuration
Root Password and User Creation
Select Password and User Creation to enter their spokes and return with [Done]
  • A weak Password will require entering [done] 2 times to return to main Configuration Spoke
See yellow warning in bottom of page


  • Installing Software
% completion until [Done]-Reboot appears




Software Selection


Lists Server and Desktop Environments with their Optional packages listed on the right side.
Select and hit [Done] to return to Main Hub.

Sugar-test Cases

Used in #fedora-qa testing

SoaS v10 testing with activities not included in the standard distribution

Bug Reports

  • Blockers Bugs info

New proposed Features

AppInstaller in F21


"gnome-software will support installing system add-ons such as fonts and codecs. It will show additional metadata for applications: screenshots, ratings, other details.
We will also work with the Fedora infrastructure team to obtain the metadata online for all applications instead of shipping it statically for a limited set."



"This all came out of a number of proposals at Flock 2013, 
including Architecture for a More Agile Fedora and Stephen Gallagher's suggestion that we use that architecture to design, build,
and market three distinct Fedora products. This grew into a proposal accepted by the Fedora advisory board, and the formation of Initial Working Groups by FESCo. "

Release Schedule

  • Link to current fedora wiki page: