Fedora 22

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Fedora and the Infinity design logo are trademarks of Red Hat, Inc.

Release Schedule

  • Link to current fedora wiki page:
  • f 22 (Rawhide) will become fedora 22 in the future.
Do not use any f 22 (rawhide) installs for anything but testing.
boot.iso- Basically a Netinstall (Built daily)
  • This is Rawhide so it may (or not) work. Latest is 21.48.1-11 Anaconda 07/29/2014
May contain Server and Many Desktop Environments and options for each of them to test.
Requires a Network Connection
Works in Virtualbox


boot.iso is the same as a netinstall.iso
  • For latest builds:
  • Alternative Download Site (koji builder - (Only use if releng-dash not available.)
Click on Name and then Click on the xxx.iso for download.

Loss of wifi

source: http://blogs.gnome.org/dcbw/2014/06/19/psa-fedora-21-networkmanager-and-dnf/ The"... core of NetworkManager smaller and more flexible by splitting out Wi-Fi support into the NetworkManager-wifi package. If you don’t have or don’t use Wi-Fi on your system, you don’t need to install stuff for it and you can save some disk space and RAM. If you suddenly find yourself without Wi-Fi, find a wired network connection and:"

dnf install NetworkManager-wifi
systemctl restart NetworkManager




RPM Fusion

"RPM Fusion provides software that the Fedora Project or Red Hat doesn't want to ship."


"Copr (Cool Other Package Repo) is a Fedora project to help make building and managing third party package repositories easy."



Version 2014-11-26 :: v3.13.1
   "Support a new destructive mode that uses dd to copy the iso directly to the device. This method tends to be more reliable,
   and requires ​hybrid ISOs, which Fedora have been producing for a long time.
   Added a new --dd command-line option
   DVD iso support with the 'Overwrite device' method..."

Upgrade to rawhide from an existing installation



Link: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora.next
  • "Fedora.next is an umbrella phrase for the planning for the next decade of the Fedora Project.""

Workstation Release Criteria