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fedora 24 (rawhide)

Developer Portal


  • Page under construction
  • updated 11/15/2015

wayland in rawhide

  • Workstation now is using wayland by default
Users will be able to disable wayland by setting WaylandEnable=false
in /etc/gdm/custom.conf but there will no longer be two separate menu
  • Wayland By Default

Do not use any fedora 24 (rawhide) installs for anything but testing.
This works in f23 virtual manager: https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/mash/rawhide-20151111/rawhide/x86_64/os/images/boot.iso
  • For latest builds:
Alternate: (Still f23)
  • How to test if you are using wayland
1) You can check if you're on wayland by running
$ ls -l $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/wayland-0
if it returns a socket you're probably using wayland.
2)'xrandr' is easier to type... Output names have WAYLAND in them under wayland.

Fedora Package Information search

Available environment groups

  • example command line
dnf groupinstall workstation-product-environment
sudo dnf group list -v
  • Available environment groups:
  Minimal Install (minimal-environment)
  Fedora Server (server-product-environment)
  Fedora Workstation (workstation-product-environment)
  Fedora Cloud Server (cloud-server-environment)
  KDE Plasma Workspaces (kde-desktop-environment)
  Xfce Desktop (xfce-desktop-environment)
  LXDE Desktop (lxde-desktop-environment)
  LXQt Desktop (lxqt-desktop-environment)
  Cinnamon Desktop (cinnamon-desktop-environment)
  MATE Desktop (mate-desktop-environment)
  Sugar Desktop Environment (sugar-desktop-environment)
  Development and Creative Workstation (developer-workstation-environment)
  Web Server (web-server-environment)
  Infrastructure Server (infrastructure-server-environment)
  Basic Desktop (basic-desktop-environment)
  • Available groups:
  Administration Tools (admin-tools)
  Audio Production (audio)
  Authoring and Publishing (authoring-and-publishing)
  Books and Guides (books)
  C Development Tools and Libraries (c-development)
  Cloud Infrastructure (cloud-infrastructure)
  Cloud Management Tools (cloud-management)
  Container Management (container-management)
  D Development Tools and Libraries (d-development)
  Design Suite (design-suite)
  Development Tools (development-tools)
  Domain Membership (domain-client)
  Fedora Eclipse (eclipse)
  Editors (editors)
  Educational Software (education)
  Electronic Lab (electronic-lab)
  Engineering and Scientific (engineering-and-scientific)
  FreeIPA Server (freeipa-server)
  Games and Entertainment (games)
  Headless Management (headless-management)
  LibreOffice (libreoffice)
  MATE Applications (mate-applications)
  MATE Compiz (mate-compiz)
  Medical Applications (medical)
  Milkymist (milkymist)
  Network Servers (network-server)
  Office/Productivity (office)
  Robotics (robotics-suite)
  RPM Development Tools (rpm-development-tools)
  Security Lab (security-lab)
  Sound and Video (sound-and-video)
  System Tools (system-tools)
  Text-based Internet (text-internet)
  3D Printing (3d-printing)
  Window Managers (window-managers)