Sugar on a Stick/previous versions

< Sugar on a Stick
Revision as of 20:05, 9 June 2012 by Satellit (talk | contribs) (edit Soas Sub-page)

Sugar on a Stick

Also located on left side of all Wiki pages under Projects
  1. Download
  2. Install
  3. Boot
  4. Use
  Sugar on a Stick v7 Quandong
(Burn the .iso to a CD and Boot with the resulting CD)
  Sugar on a Stick v6 Pineapple
(Burn the .iso to a CD and Boot with the resulting CD)
  • released 11/09/2011
  Sugar on a Stick v5 Coconut
 Sugar on a stick v4 Mango Lassi
 Sugar on a stick v3 mirabelle
  Sugar on a stick v2 Blueberry
 Sugar on a stick v1 Strawberry