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- 13:35, 19 July 2010 diff hist +659 Education Team/Content Creation Guidelines current
- 13:30, 19 July 2010 diff hist +289 Education Team/Content Creation Guidelines
- 13:27, 19 July 2010 diff hist +554 Education Team/Content Creation Guidelines
- 09:46, 8 March 2010 diff hist +127 Improve Sugar on a Stick →The Hard Work of Making a Simple Solution
- 09:45, 8 March 2010 diff hist +64 Improve Sugar on a Stick →Where we need to simplify
- 09:43, 8 March 2010 diff hist +6 Improve Sugar on a Stick
- 09:42, 8 March 2010 diff hist +1,675 N Improve Sugar on a Stick Created page with '= The Hard Work of Making a Simple Solution = === Inspiration === Amy Smith "Do the hard work needed to find a simple solution. As Leonardo da Vinci said, “Simplicity is the …'
- 09:28, 8 March 2010 diff hist +85 Gardner Pilot Academy
- 09:27, 3 March 2010 diff hist +1,843 N Create videos for parents Created page with '== Communicating with parents and other adults in the home with video == This is a brainstorm towards an activity spec. === The Big Picture === Communication between home and …'
- 09:15, 3 March 2010 diff hist +128 Accessibility →For people with cognitive impairments
- 14:49, 29 October 2009 diff hist +461 Talk:Teacher's Tools
- 20:52, 29 September 2009 diff hist +952,762 N Student Macbooks hardware details Created page with '279-167940-mac 9/25/09 1:22 PM Hardware: Hardware Overview: Model Name: MacBook Model Identifier: MacBook5,2 Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo Processor Speed: 2 GHz …' current
- 20:52, 29 September 2009 diff hist +17 Gardner Pilot Academy →Current computers at GPA
- 20:04, 27 September 2009 diff hist +269 User:CarolineM current
- 20:00, 27 September 2009 diff hist +90 Oversight Board/2009-2010-candidates
- 19:59, 27 September 2009 diff hist +139 User:CarolineM
- 19:56, 27 September 2009 diff hist +1 User:CarolineM
- 19:56, 27 September 2009 diff hist +1,446 User:CarolineM
- 10:04, 13 September 2009 diff hist +79 Preparing donated computers →Preparing Donated Computers for Sugar on a Stick Usages current
- 10:03, 13 September 2009 diff hist +1 Preparing donated computers
- 10:03, 13 September 2009 diff hist +7 Nomodeset current
- 10:02, 13 September 2009 diff hist +2,333 N Nomodeset From an email by Bill Bogstad
- 10:01, 13 September 2009 diff hist +15 Preparing donated computers
- 11:16, 11 September 2009 diff hist +213 Preparing donated computers
- 09:05, 11 September 2009 diff hist +116 Activities/Help →Asking a Question
- 09:02, 11 September 2009 diff hist -11 Welcome to the Sugar Labs wiki
- 20:12, 9 September 2009 diff hist -7 Gardner Pilot Academy →2nd Grade
- 20:12, 9 September 2009 diff hist -125 Gardner Pilot Academy →2nd Grade
- 21:36, 8 September 2009 diff hist +666 N Preparing donated computers Created page with '==Preparing Donated Computers for Sugar on a Stick Usages== # Wipe the disk drive if the computer has a harddrive. We used DBAN it takes a while, generally about an hour, per …'
- 21:32, 8 September 2009 diff hist +269 Gardner Pilot Academy →Prep for the Fall
- 14:12, 4 September 2009 diff hist +1,059 User:CarolineM
- 22:13, 17 August 2009 diff hist +208 Features/Bug Report →User Experience
- 21:03, 3 August 2009 diff hist +415 Collaboration →School/Camp IT person, Teach Savvy Teacher or accidental techie
- 20:57, 3 August 2009 diff hist +130 Sugar on a Stick/TODO →Collaboration is unreliable and thus frustrating
- 20:56, 3 August 2009 diff hist -3,767 Sugar on a Stick/TODO →Stick Failure
- 20:55, 3 August 2009 diff hist +3,766 N Sugar on a Stick/Stick Layout Created page with '''Failure Modes'' # Gets stuck at Fedora Login ## With liveuser prefilled <br>I was able to repeatably create this failure when I was testing a version of schoolserver.py that h…'
- 20:55, 3 August 2009 diff hist +53 Sugar on a Stick/TODO →Sticks are dying a lot - Make sticks more robust
- 20:48, 3 August 2009 diff hist +409 Sugar on a Stick/TODO →Sugar on a Stick Improve Deployability
- 20:43, 3 August 2009 diff hist +21 Collaboration →School/Camp IT person or accidental techie
- 20:42, 3 August 2009 diff hist +4 Collaboration →School/Camp IT person Tech Savvy Teacher or accidental techie
- 08:24, 31 July 2009 diff hist +110 Sugar on a Stick/TODO →We need a more robust files system
- 16:19, 30 July 2009 diff hist +524 Sugar on a Stick/TODO →Sticks are dieing a lot - Make sticks more robust
- 16:08, 30 July 2009 diff hist -214 Sugar on a Stick/TODO →Sticks are dieing a lot - Make sticks more robust
- 09:37, 30 July 2009 diff hist +125 Sugar on a Stick/TODO →We need a more robust files system
- 08:17, 30 July 2009 diff hist +356 Gardner Pilot Academy →Prep for the Fall
- 08:03, 30 July 2009 diff hist +49 Gardner Pilot Academy
- 22:20, 29 July 2009 diff hist +87 Gardner Pilot Academy →Class notes
- 21:56, 29 July 2009 diff hist +89 Sugar on a Stick/TODO →We need a more robust files system
- 15:40, 29 July 2009 diff hist +1,018 Sugar on a Stick/TODO →Sticks are dieing a lot - Make sticks more robust
- 21:10, 28 July 2009 diff hist +120 Sugar on a Stick/TODO →Sticks are dieing a lot - Make sticks more robust