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Created page with 'In attendance: SLOB members: walter, tomeu, seandaly, mchua, canoeberry, bernie (cjb made a brief appearance) Some community members (including sdziallas and stickster) attend…'
In attendance:

SLOB members: walter, tomeu, seandaly, mchua, canoeberry, bernie (cjb made a brief appearance)

Some community members (including sdziallas and stickster) attended the meeting.

== Agenda ==
# Further discussion of policy for using Sugar trademark
# Fedora use of Sugar Trademark []
# Infrastructure
# Finances

=== Further discussion of policy for using Sugar trademark ===

We got into even more details the modifications to the [[Talk:Sugar_Labs/Governance/Trademark#Sugar_Trademark_Policy|trademark policy]]. We added new language:
:'sweetened by' as proposed from the Marketing Team;
:asked for written permission in Sections 2a and 2b;
:included information about how to ask for written permission in Section 2;
:clarified the language in Section 5a;
:added some language regarding our intentions to be cooperative in the preamble.

'''Action:''' Everyone will do a final read/revision over the next week.

=== Fedora use of Sugar Trademark ===

We answered some questions from Fedora regarding our trademark:

# Does SL currently own the SoaS trademark?
:We do own the SoaS trademark (pending) and will protect it.

# Do we also agree that the Fedora SoaS spin is eligible to be called SoaS?

=== Finances ===

Not discussed.

=== Infrastructure ===

Not discussed.

== Next meeting ==

Friday, 22 January 2010 16:00 UTC ('''Note:''' We will again be meeting one hour later than usual.)

== Log ==

[[Oversight_Board/Meeting_Log-2010-01-15|Meeting Log]]

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