3,719 bytes added
, 09:17, 22 May 2010
m== Introduction ==
These are instructions describing how we run meetings at Sugar Labs. It was originally written for [[Sugar on a Stick meetings]] and is based on the [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_run_a_Fedora_Marketing_meeting Fedora Marketing Meeting SOP].
== Examples ==
You can see examples of past meetings at [[Sugar on a Stick meetings#Minutes]].
== Instructions ==
=== Make an agenda ===
Make a simple bullet list of topics to talk about at [[Sugar on a Stick meetings#Agenda]] - if you need help, ask on the list or on [[IRC]] for things people would like to discuss.
=== Announce the meeting ===
Email the [http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/soas soas list] with a meeting announcement that includes a link to the agenda. Here is [http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/marketing/2010-March/011933.html an example announcement] - it's very simple. There's also a template [[#Meeting announcement]] you can use.
=== Run the meeting ===
Show up on IRC a few minutes early, announce the meeting (say something in-channel like "the meeting is starting in N minutes!") in both the meeting channel and '''#sugar''', and then start the meeting with the '''#startmeeting''' command (just type that into the channel).
See [http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-mktg/2009-09-17/fedora-mktg.2009-09-17-13.07.log.html this log] for a quick runthrough of meetbot commands in action, and [http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting Functions the Fedora wiki's guide to meeting bots] for a full list of meeting commands.
To end the meeting, use the '''#endmeeting''' command. (Again, just type that into the channel.)
=== Publish the meeting notes ===
Once you #endmeeting, the meeting bot will spew out some stuff that looks like this:
21:01 -!- meeting changed the topic of #sugar-meeting to: <OLD TOPIC>
21:01 < meeting> Meeting ended <DATETIME>.
Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot .
21:01 < meeting> Minutes: <LINK>
21:01 < meeting> Minutes (text): <LINK>
21:01 < meeting> Log: <LINK>
In other words, the meeting bot:
* changes the channel topic back to whatever it was before the meeting
* announces that the meeting has ended
* creates links to the minutes (in html), the minutes in text, and the full IRC log.
Here's what you have to do:
# Take one of the "Minutes" links and add it to the list of meeting minutes at [[Sugar on a Stick meetings#Minutes]].
# Email the [http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/soas soas list] with the link to the meeting minutes and a copy-paste of the text minutes. A template can be found at [[#Meeting notes to the soas list]]; it's taken from [http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/marketing/2010-March/011898.html this email] as an example.
# That's it! You're done!
== Templates ==
=== Meeting announcement ===
Subject: Sugar on a Stick weekly meeting, '''DATE/TIME''' in '''CHANNEL'''
Details and agenda at http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_on_a_Stick_meetings.
See you folks there!
=== Meeting notes to the soas list ===
Thanks to everyone who came to the meeting!
Minutes are at '''Link to the text version of the meeting minutes (zodbot-generated)''' and the full log is available at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_meetings#IRC_meetings_archives.
'''List 1 or 2 big decisions or high-level points (jokes are ok!) that happened during the meeting, to get people to read the minutes and logs.'''
'''Copy-paste the text version of the meeting minutes (meeting-bot-generated) here.'''
== Improve these instructions! ==
If you see a way to improve these instructoins, please go ahead and edit the page - you don't need to ask for anyone's permission.
[[Category:Sugar on a Stick]]