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1,871 bytes added ,  13:12, 27 November 2012
Sugar in VirtualBox

'''== Run Sugar in VirtualBox =='''

First you must download VirtualBox from this address
and choose your OS.
After download, you have to install it. Then download Sugar from this link
Click on VirtualBox Appliances and choose second link to download .vmdk file.
After you download that you need to make new VirtualMachin in VB.
Click on New icon. Then type name choose Linux and Fedora and click Next.
Then choose your Memory Size and click Next.
Then choose Use an existing virtual hard drive file then bowse and choose your downloaded Sugar file and click Create.
Now you are create and you can click Start.
After you click Start you will get this screen.Type Enter.
After load you need to install Sugar. Follow this steps.
At first screen click Forward.
Again click Forward.
Set Data and Time and click Forward.
Fill the fields and click Forward.
At Hardware Profile click Finish.
Now you can Log In.
Click on logo to change color. And click Done.
And finish. Now you can use Sugar. :)


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