Sugar Creation Kit

Sugar Creation Kit DVD

A complete DVD containing all the resources required to create all 3 versions of Sugar-on-a-Stick without requiring Internet access.


  • "sneakernet" or behind firewall at school.
  • save bandwidth on servers.
  • download once and distribute copies locally.

Get Sugar

Chat room Help

click this link^ to enter chat
  • NOTE: there are 4 channels on IRC: #sugar; #sugar-es; #sugar-it; #sugar-de
dogi has set up these channels which use MEETING to do translations between them. (02/28/2011)
to join enter this in command line of IRC: /join #sugar-it ; /join #sugar-de
Pida ayuda a través de este canal #sugar-es Por favor, sea cortés y hacer sus preguntas.
Los voluntarios no pueden estar en línea todo el tiempo.
Sea paciente y permanecer conectado durante varios minutos para ver su respuest 
(utilizar la función de meeting para la traducción de estos artículos)
  • Ask for help on these IRC channels by clicking on either of the above links (English or Spanish)
Please be courteous and ask your questions.
Volunteers may not be on line all of the time. Be patient and stay connected for several minutes to see their answer.

Communication channels

Mailing Lists; IRC; Blogs; Forums; Jabber Networks; Video; Contacts; Mail.


Provides translation between IRC Channels

Community Distributions

Linux distributions where sugar is used
Fedora F13 SoaS, F14 SoaS, How to install Sugar packages
Trisquel Tris 4.0 Ubuntu 10.04LTS; Tris 4.5 Ubuntu 10.10; Sugar sweets 0.88.1 or 0.90.1
Mandriva 2010.2 mandriva sugar 0.88.0
Debian Debian 6 Sugar 0.88.1
Linux Mint Debian Debian 6 Sugar 0.88.1
Linux Caixa Magica based on mandriva 2010.1 repositories sugar 0.88.0
Ubuntu Sugar sweets 0.88.1 or 0.90.1


An expanded and enhanced listing of Items Included in the SugarCreationKit DVD ver 1.2.3 (see Above)
NOTE: There are newer and additional items on this web page that are not in the SCK DVD.iso

Use to Download the elements you need and burn to your own DVD to save Downloading all of the above SCK DVD.iso

Look below to the References section to see how to then convert your customized DVD to an .iso
(revised 12/20/2010) satellit


Sugar on a Stick (READ THIS FIRST) - AN Introduction to Sugar on a Stick

Cautions with using Live USB's.pdf

How to Make a live USB.pdf:

How to use Sugar on a Stick

  1. Download
  2. Install
  3. Boot
  4. Use

Hardware Compatibility

smolt profiles:
Wifi (Open FirmWare for WiFi networks):


f15 gnome3 with sugar 0.92.0

click this ^ link


Soas v4 Mango Lassi

(The current version of Sugar on a Stick)
(Burn the .iso to a CD and Boot with the resulting CD)
  • Activities Compatible with Mango Lassi & Mirabelle
Editable Listing of Activity Compatibility Features/Soas_V4/ASLOxo Activity Test Table Please Use this wiki page to report your findings

SoaS v3 Mirabelle

(Burn the .iso to a CD and Boot with the resulting CD)

Index of Sugar Labs Archive

  • click above link ^


  • click above link ^
New: Updated activities through 02/08/2011 (satellit )
  • These can be copied to a 2-GB USB device and drag-­dropped into the Sugar Journal to install them.


Mirabelle DVD covers and artwork

CD labels to print
  • Sugar on a stick Mirabelle.png (Mirabelle 4 stick Logo ) 300px-SugaronastickMirabelle.png

Floss Manuals

(Important Manuals on how to use Sugar Applications and Features)

(Local copies of the.pdf files shown below:)
  • Source Links:
Introduction to Sugar
MakeYourOwnSugarActivities Internet Archive Publishing Quality
In PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Daisy, Full Text. DjVu formats
MakeYourOwnSugarActivities-es with corrected index
Linux Command Line
The Terminal
Turtle Art
Reading And Leading With One Laptop Per Child
Text to Speech:


  • How to make your own custom Sugar-Creation_Kit.iso file (How this DVD was converted to an .iso file)
    1. Collect, annotate and sort the files you want in a folder on your Desktop.
    2. Burn the contents of this folder to a CD or DVD.
    3. Use the following command in Terminal as the root user:
      dd if=/dev/sr0 of=Sugar-Creation-Kit.iso
    Sample output:
 dd if=/dev/sr0 of=Sugar-Creation-Kit.iso
 5555584+0 records in
 5555584+0 records out
 2844459008 bytes (2.8 GB) copied, 232.86 s, 12.2 MB/s
  • the resulting .iso file can be sent over the internet or used to make copies by burning to a DVD
  • How To Sugarize a Program
Instructions on how to make a program appear in the (F3) Home view of Sugar as an icon
Running Linux Applications Under Sugar

The Undiscoverable

(The Undiscoverable Features of Sugar)
Features and tips not easily discovered about using Sugar


Graphic installers

Liveusb Creator
Fedora and Windows (BEST METHOD TO USE)
liveusb-creator Digest, Vol 28, Issue 6
Message: 2
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2011 23:02:46 -0500
From: Luke Macken <>
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] liveusb-creator 3.10.0 Windows release
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
liveusb-creator 3.10.0 Windows Release

* Changes Install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package, if neccessary, to
  get the liveusb-creator running on more versions of Windows.
*Tickets Fixed  Live USB Creator (3.9.3) doesn't run on Windows XP
[SoaS] SoaS windows USB builder
01:14 PM 01/21/2011
Kevin Gordon
It would appear that the fix which now allows the Fedora Windows USB builder
to now correctly create a bootable USB stick of the most recent F14 based
SoaS USB (with syslinux 4.03),  the app now no longer properlry creates the
previous SoaS versions (the berries) from the spin ISO's, that will boot.
Workaround appears to be to use the same methodology as before but in the
case where one wants to create older version bootable usb's,  one now
manually copies an  *older* 3xx syslinux into the windows working directory
before doing the build
Full instructions for this method are listed in this SoaS digest in previous
posts.  If one didn't keep their old syslinux, its available in the archives
openSUSE Live USB stick
Multisystem LiveUSB

Multisystem enables a LiveUSB to do everything, ideal for exploring different Linux distributions without installing on your PC, or to install the Linux distribution of your choice on your PC much faster than via a LiveCD by using fast USB 2.0 ports.

Essential for the current range of netbooks that have no CD drive.

Ideal for any geek, anyone doing maintenance, keep your USB key with you always, and be ready for use in wherever you are with friends in a cafe, ...

  • Multisystem is a free software developed under GPL-V3 written in bash / gtkdialog for creating USB sticks MultiBoot.
(in French with google translations on some pages)
Multisystem LiveUSB Web Page
Supported Systems
Supported Systems pdf with links
Plop Linux

Plop Linux is a small distribution that can boot from CD, DVD, USB flash drive (UFD), USB harddisk or from network with PXE. It's designed to rescue data from a damaged system, backup and restore operating systems, automate tasks and more.

  • Instructions to build a Custom bootable CD/USB with your files on it.

Expert install methods

Use "dd" command
click this link ^ for more details and examples
to make an install USB from a liveCD .iso file
Use (live).iso and terminal to make bootable USB
Use to install to HD or USB without needing a DVD/CD ROM

SoaS installation variations

soas­-2-­blueberry-direct-­cleared­3GB.img.xz - Non­-live EXT3 file structured USB Image file, How to USE and How it was Made (ADVANCED)]
Building a bootable Mac USB
Click above Link ^
(tested on a MacBook Air)
Boot Helper CD's
  • MAC SOAS-3 Mirabelle Boot DISK
soas-3-boot-test.iso (Burn this to a CD and boot with it)
Read Me First & Credits to Programmer
  • MAC SOAS-4 Mango Lassi Boot DISK
soas-4-boot-test (Burn this to a CD and boot with it)
  • rEFIt
burn a bootable rEFIt CD on Mac OS X Used to Boot live USB's in a Mac
rEFIt is a boot menu and maintenance toolkit for EFI-based machines like the Intel Macs.
You can use it to boot multiple operating systems easily, including triple-boot setups with Boot Camp.
It also provides an easy way to enter and explore the EFI pre-boot environment.

Backup and Restore

QEMU Virtualization

  • f12 AND F13
In Gnome terminal:
yum install @virtualization
Start (Graphical): Applications/System Tools/Virtual Machine Manager
  • installs soas.iso files to VM HD (with liveinst command in terminal of running Virtual Machine)


VMware Player Virtualization

Download VMware Player (free)

VMware Player Appliances

  • VMware Player appliance of soas-v3-Mirabelle
Compressed in .zip file
This appliance is ready to run "firstboot" (agree/user name/password/tz/etc)
sugarroot is the root password.
  • VMware Player appliance Trisquel-3 (NEW) 01/05/2011
Compressed in .zip file
  • VMware Player appliance Trisquel-4+sugar (NEW) 01/05/2011
Compressed in .zip file
  • VMware Player appliance Sugar on a Stick v2 (Blueberry)
Read this first.
  • VMware Player appliance of openSUSE-Sugar
Read this first.
networking help
how to use

VirtualBox Virtualization

With VirtualBox® one can run Sugar in a window on Microsoft Windows, Intel-based Apple Macintosh, or Linux host computers from a virtual machine (VM) window. VirtualBox overview

  • VirtualBox
  • A good solution for Macintosh computers
  • click above link ^ to download (1.1GB)
  • This DVD.iso is a great way to "SneakerNet" distribute this VM Appliance
Revised 03/02/2011 to remove sugar identity
  • Contents of DVD:
Instructions and .vmdk/.ovf files to import
32bit-VirtualBox Installers (OSE) (Directory with install files for VirtualBox 4.0.4)
(Does not include Free for Personal Use licensed extension pack) - includes instructions on how to download for personal use.
ReadMeFirst_Install_Instructions.pdf  (Instructions-how to install VirtualBox and import appliance)
UserManual.pdf (VirtualBox 4.0.4 User Manual-269 pages)
  • Cleared of sugar identity Starts on Color Selection Screen ( <===(back) to change name)


VirtualBox Appliances

  • click above link ^ to see a complete listing of Prebuilt VirtualBox Appliances


(click this ^ link for details)
  • Sugar sweets 0.88.1
  • Cleared of sugar identity Starts on Color Selection Screen ( <===(back) to change name) 03/02/2011

  • Appliance of Sugar on a Stick v3-Mirabelle
firstboot has not yet run; so a new user name and password will be set for the gdm login on startup for the first time
How Built:
8-GB VirtualBox hard disc
English and English keyboard
USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)
download and import 2 files: 533M   12K
  • Note1:Use the latest version of Oracle VM VirtualBox (3.2_10.8-64453 or later). Some appliances have multiple hard disc controllers and the earlier Sun VirtualBox 3.1 version does not support them.
  • Note2: All appliances were built on a MacBook Air with Oracle VM VirtualBox (3.2.10-r66523) then tested on a Ubuntu installation on an Acer Aspire One Netbook imported into VirtualBox (3.2.10 r66523)
  • Note3:Set ControlPanel/Frame "Edge" slider to far left for easier access to sugar-frame features

  • Appliance of Soas-v2 Blueberry
Download these three files:

Sugar Clone

customize or duplicate Live USB installations
(script files for making a customized Live USB installation self­-replicating)
Rebuild/Refresh a custom SoaS iso from a running stick
Possible Use Cases

(from Wiki Page)

Curriculum packaging
  1. A teacher wants to prepare a SoaS image with a custom set of installed Activity bundles or a Journal of Activity instances for an upcoming class term.
  2. The teacher modifies their current working image by adding or deleting Activity bundles from their Home view and adding or removing Journal entries with specific content
   (such as a Physics model template or Etoys project), even saving distributable ebooks, or bookmarks in Browse Activity instances that are named for specific sets of local web destinations
   (a class portal perhaps for deployments lacking Internet connectivity).
  3. The teacher scrubs out any personal passwords or other history that should not be shared in the new copies.
  4. A fresh or recycled USB stick is inserted into the computer running the customized SoaS image and the SugarClone script is executed. 
Full image backup or sharing
  1. A Learner has modified their environment, perhaps adding Activity bundles and prepared specific instances such as a Activities/Physics simulation.
  2. Their modifications include changes to their operating system installed through yum or RPM to obtain some new core functionality.
  3. The Learner wants to archive or share this image with friends or for a backup.
  4. Personal or private information is scrubbed from the Journal or Browse history and other potential stores.
  5. The User creates one or more Sugar Clones. 

This method of backup has the advantage that it copies Learner changes to the core operating system as well as the Journal. A LiveOS image using a separate persistent home folder could be partially cloned with either the operating system overlay or home folder without the other should that be desired.

Build Your Own Remix with Fedora (Advanced)

  • click above link^
Make your own Custom CD/DVD.iso with a customized kickstart file
  • Links to Trisquel, Debian and Mandriva on how to remix Live CD's

XO-1 & XO-1.5

Fedora Sugar Bugs

Sugar Bugs

  • Sugar on a Stick
Sugar on a Stick Bugs
  • Soas-Sugar (fgrose)
  • 0.90-olpc (pbrobinson)