Sugar Creation Kit

Revision as of 09:17, 23 March 2012 by Satellit (talk | contribs) (→‎100px|link=Sck/activities|Activities Activities: Activity Packaging Wish List)

Sugar Creation Kit DVD


Caution, this is a large file, at 3.8 GB

A complete DVD containing all the resources required to create all 3 versions of Sugar-on-a-Stick without requiring Internet access.


  • "sneakernet" or behind firewall at school.
  • save bandwidth on servers.
  • download once and distribute copies locally.

Sugar Labs
  • Main Sugar Labs introductory page

Get Sugar

Chat login with list of Channels and languages

Click this^ link to enter chat
Pida ayuda a través de este canal #sugar-es Por favor, sea cortés y hacer sus preguntas.
Los voluntarios no pueden estar en línea todo el tiempo.
Sea paciente y permanecer conectado durante varios minutos para ver su respuest 
(utilizar la función de meeting para la traducción de estos artículos)
  • Ask for help on these IRC channels by clicking on either of the above links (English or Spanish)
Please be courteous and ask your questions.
Volunteers may not be on line all of the time. Be patient and stay connected for several minutes to see their answer.
Read the Floss Manuals first!
Most answers can be found in them

Communication channels

Click this ^ link to access a page with all the means to communicate with Sugar Labs contributors and learners. It includes mailing lists, chat rooms, blogs, forums, Jabber networks, video, mail and telephone contacts.


the translation server for Sugarlabs
  • Google Translate
Translate text files english<==>spanish

World Time Converter

Tiny URL

What is my IP

Find your IP address


An expanded and enhanced listing of Items Included in the SugarCreationKit DVD ver 1.2.3 (see Above)
NOTE: There are newer and additional items on this web page that are not in the SCK DVD.iso

 Use to Download the elements you need and burn to your own DVD to save Downloading all of the above SCK DVD.iso

Look below to the References section to see how to then convert your customized DVD to an .iso

Introduction to the Sugar Interface  

  • Click on the following links to go to wiki pages of annotated screen-shots that cover these topics:
  • Note: The colored bars on the top and bottom of the following pages contain links to the next wiki page of the tutorial
- (This is not to be confused with the sugarlabs wiki page header)
Introduction to the Sugar Interface
Connecting to the Internet
Copying files with drag and drop
How to use the IRC Application
Annotated screen shots that show you how to use the IRC application
Communicate with other sugar users and developers on IRC
How to use the Chat application
Annotated screen shots that show you how to use the Chat application
A good example of collaboration on a shared activity via a jabber network
Send a file to friend from the Sugar-Journal
A nice way to sent a file to a friend
Also works to Save/Retrieve individual files from the sugar-journal that have been copied to a 2nd USB-stick
  How to Import a VirtualBox Appliance
with links to Virtual Appliances to download

Introducción a la interfaz de Azúcar  

Páginas wiki vinculado de Imágenes anotado que cubren estos temas
Introducción a la interfaz de Azúcar
Conexión a Internet
De arrastrar y soltar
Fotos de exportación
Importación / install <activity> archivo. Xo
Pantalla de captura de Screen capture
Cómo usar IRC
Tiros anotados de pantalla que muestran cómo utilizar la aplicación de IRC
Cómo usar Chat
Tiros anotados de pantalla que muestran cómo utilizar la aplicación de Chat
  Cómo importar un aparato de VirtualBox
  SCK-USB-MAC-Folder.iso (CD.iso)
108 MB
  • For MacBook Only - This Image contains the same content as SCK-USB (CD.iso) - Listed below
  • Details on how to use
  Burning a CD from an .iso file on a Mac
Annotated screen-shots showing how to do it.
  SCK-USB (CD.iso)
103 MB
  • This is an Archive of the Sugar Creation Kit - Most wiki pages were Downloaded on 12/30/2011
A set of Annotated screen shots as .html files with the accompanying folder containing the files for the .html
  • Intended to be used with no internet connection on the XO-1, XO-1.5, SoaS, and Trisquel-Sugar by students/teachers
  • Details on how to use

Introduction to Sugar on a Stick

  • Link to: Sugar on a Stick
Also located on left side of all Wiki pages under Projects
slides (.pdf) from my presentation at SCaLE10X-(Caryl Bigenho)
New Sugarlabs Website - Mock Up
This is a mock up of SugarLabs New Website
Under Construction.
Another Nice wiki page introducing Sugar

Sugar 0.96 feature list

  • Accepted and Deferred features of next Sugar version

F16 Sugar install from a booted Live CD/USB with liveinst

  • The Fedora-16-Live-SoaS.iso file is a 443 MB download.
Annotated Screen-shots of an install
  • Installs to 4 GB USB stick or VirtualBox 4 GB hard drive. (The procedure is adaptable for installation to a regular hard drive.)

F16 azúcar instalar desde una calzada Live CD / USB con liveinst

  • El archivo Fedora-16-en vivo-SoaS.iso es una descarga de 443 MB.
Anotado de fotografías en pantalla de una instalación
  • Se instala a 4 GB de memoria USB o VirtualBox 4 GB de disco duro. (El procedimiento es adaptable para la instalación de un disco duro normal.)

Installing and using liveusb-creator in sugar

  • Annotated screenshots from f16 SoaS
  • Make a booting persistent liveusb-stick from a fedora .iso file

f16 Sugar-Desktop Install with a netinstall CD

  • Requires a high speed internet connection.
  • Tutorial
Annotated Screen-shots of an Install
  • Installs to Hard Disk or USB-stick

Build a Persistent Boot USB-stick with tools_livecd-iso-to-disk script

  • In Linux terminal
  • 2 GB USB-stick or larger

  Sugar on a Stick (SoaS)

  1. Download
  2. Install
  3. Boot
  4. Use

  Sugar on a Stick v6 Pineapple
(Burn the .iso to a CD and Boot with the resulting CD)
Editable Listing of Activity Compatibility ASLOxo Activity Tests
  Sugar on a Stick v5 Coconut
(Burn the .iso to a CD and Boot with the resulting CD)
Final Version released 10/09/2011
Editable Listing of Activity Compatibility ASLOxo Activity Tests
 Sugar on a stick v4 Mango Lassi
(Burn the .iso to a CD and Boot with the resulting CD)
 Sugar on a stick v3 mirabelle
  Sugar on a stick v2 Blueberry
 Sugar on a stick v1 Strawberry

Spins Archives

(Burn the .iso to a CD and Boot with the resulting CD)

Nightly Composes

Fedora Mirrors List

Hardware Compatibility

smolt profiles:
XO-pixelqi Display:
XO-1 Display screen technology

SoaS Installation variations

A collection of install methods

Category:Live USB

A collection of links on how Live USB's are used in different distributions
A-Non-Live (real file structured) USB
This is an example of a dd writable SoaS-v2.img file which produces a fully functional Conventional install on a USB. This is equivalent to a liveinst install to USB.
It was first suggested by bernie in early 2010 as a better alternative to the currently used live USB SoaS file systems with their fragile and limited sized overlay,
  • This functionality is expected to be included in fedora 17.
  • This can also be realized by entering "liveinst" in root sugar terminal.
This is the Anaconda installer for live file systems which installs to the USB with a normal install.
Approximately 2 times as large a USB-stick is required (4GB minimum) as a compressed file system and an overlay are not used.
Notes on Live File Systems
LiveOS image
This page shares some information about the LiveOS design that helps Sugar on a Stick Learners make better use of their disc resources.
  • Clarify writing ISO to USB
(Discussion on what is supported in fedora)
Limited Lifetime of Persistent Overlay
One very important note about using the "primary" persistent overlay for system changes is that due to the way it's currently implemented (as a LVM copy-on-write snapshot),
every single change to it (writes AND deletes) subtracts from its free space, so it will eventually be "used up" and your USB stick will no longer boot.
Because of these limitations, it is advisable to use the system-level persistence sparingly, for configuration changes and important security updates only.
For a truly persistent write-many (vs write-once) overlay, use the --home-size-mb option to create a home directory filesystem image for personal files.
Unlike the primary system overlay image, the home.img can be re-used and loop mounted outside of the liveusb environment.
Cautions with u3 USB sticks
  • USB sticks with u3 partition will not boot with liveusb-creator
  • CAUTION: Formatting the USB-stick will not remove the hidden (virtual CD-ROM drive)
  • How to remove hidden u3 partition
Windoz: Insert u3 Stick then click on tray icon for u3; select delete u3 partition, once it is deleted the USB-stick will work with liveusb-creator
Commercial source of SoaS-loaded media
  • USB Flash Drives: -4gb-8gb-16gb-32gb (32 and 64-bit PC)
Note: Ordered One. In testing; It is Not Persistent -satellit_ 6 December 2011
Long Delay on shutdown as it is "waiting for the CD to be removed from the Drive"
Visible if you hit <esc> on shutdown
  • SDHC Flash Cards: -2gb-4gb-8gb-16gb-32gb (32 and 64-bit PC)
- see listing on site for more -


Wifi (Open FirmWare for WiFi networks):
Mesh Networking:

Community Distributions Complete Listing

Introduction to the Sugar Interface ' VirtualBox Appliances
  • Shown here are Linux distributions where sugar is used:
 Fedora F13 SoaS, F14 SoaS, f15 SoaS-0.92.x; f16 SoaS-0.94.x; f17 Soas v7-sugar 0.95.4; How to install Sugar packages
 Trisquel Tris 4.0 (Ubuntu 10.04LTS); Tris 4.5 (Ubuntu 10.10); Tris 4.5.1-sugar(Ubuntu 10.10); Tris 5.0 and 5.0-Sugar (Ubuntu 11.04) Tris 5.5 (Ubuntu 11.10)
 Mandriva 2010.2 Mandriva Sugar 0.88.0
 Mageia-2-Beta 2 Sugar 0.95.1
 Debian Debian 6 Sugar 0.88.1; 0.86; 0.84
 Linux Mint Debian Debian 6 Sugar 0.88.1
 Caixa Mágica based on Mandriva 2010.1 repositories Sugar 0.88.0
  Ubuntu sweets sugar 0.88.1 or 0.94.1 (and Mint 11 & 12)
  tuquito NEW Community Distribution based on Ubuntu 10.10
  fusion linux Remix of fedora 16; Gnome 3.2.1-sugar 0.94.1
  Sugar on a Stick (SoaS)   Download earlier SoaS versions
  USB SoaS-v5 and SoaS-v6 .img files to write to USB with dd (PC and Mac)


Updated: Added new activities from the sugar-devel list up to: 01/21/2012
  • Use as an off-line "sneaker net"- Download one time and have an off-line library of Sugar-activities on hand.
  • Burn the .iso file to a DVD.
To View tests and compatibility of some of the included Activities (works off-line) on the included Activity_Matrix web page;
Open the Activity_Matrix.html file in the Activity_List Folder on the DVD with Firefox, or in Sugar Browse 129 or Surf 115.
Copy contents of DVD to a USB-stick and open the USB-stick Activity_Matrix.html file in Sugar Browse 129 or Surf 115. - (Browse 130 does not open it in f17)
Hint: Use search window (_______) on the top bar of USB-stick display that appears when you click on the USB-stick icon in the left bottom corner of the sugar screen.
look for Activity_Matrix.html use open with on the drop down box that appears when you hover over the Activity_Matrix.html file.
  • Suggestion: copy only the activity.xo files that you want to use from the DVD to a (fat 16/32) USB-stick; Insert it and use it to drag-drop install a custom suite of activities to Sugar.
Activities.xo files can be installed by drag-dropping them into the Sugar Journal from a mounted DVD or a USB to which they have been copied.
You can also install and open the activities by clicking on them.


Click link ^ for more details

"I updated the Fedora Sugar Activities page [1] so that the users can
add their favourite/useful activities to be packaged." [Sugar-devel] Activity Packaging Wish List
Chapters on supporting both old and new toolbars in the same Activity plus using Pootle in MYOSA
Activity Testing
Alphabetical listing of activities.
NOTE This page has been split into 2 sections ^ Please refer to these links
Tested in Various XO-1; XO-1.5; SoaS and other Linux operating systems, in an editable tabular wiki page. show offered sharing  
Old Page:Activity Matrix ARCHIVE: No longer updated --Satellit 11:35, 17 February 2012 (EST)
Tested with a XO-1 - (os883 sugar 0.94.1) - Authored by Alan Jhonn Aguiar Schwyn
FileShare is an activity that allows the user to share files from their journal.
Note small files can be posted to sites like pastebin for sharing
  • Book: Challenging Programs in Logo
surf browser
  • alternate to sugar-browse
Included in latest f15 sugar 0.92.1 as the main web browser
Works in situations where sugar-browse will not start
Razor-qt Desktop
ShareMeNot is a Firefox add-on designed to prevent third-party buttons 
(such as the Facebook “Like” button or the Twitter “tweet” button)
embedded by sites across the Internet from tracking you until you actually click on them.

DVD covers; artwork & screenshots

 Floss Manuals

(Important Manuals on how to use Sugar Applications and Features)

(Local ARCHIVE of the.pdf files shown below:)
  • Source Links:
Introduction to Sugar
MakeYourOwnSugarActivities Internet Archive Publishing Quality
In PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Daisy, Full Text. DjVu formats
MakeYourOwnSugarActivities-es with corrected index
Introduction to the command line
What is Sugar
Linux Command Line
The Terminal
Turtle Art
Text to Speech:
e-book resources:


  • Open Education Resources (OERs) are digital replacements for textbooks available under some form of Free license, such as Creative Commons

Python Programming

Learn and practice Python programming in your web browser

Replacing_Textbooks - Booki

Replace textbooks
  • Booki
booki user guide
Booki importing-a-book

Khan Academy videos in OGV format

  • Only OGV format seems to work in Fedora-17-Beta-TC1-i686-Live-Desktop
  • Re: [IAEP] Khan academy content 04/05/2011
You can download around 1000 of the Khan Academy videos in OGV format
(playable on XO laptops) from   Here's an English/Spanish
index of relevant categories
If you're skeptical or haven't seen his videos, his talk sparked a great
discussion about math education on Hacker News: 

For more recent videos, including YouTube, there's this media guide:

Nick Doiron
Adobe Flash
a proprietary player for Flash media
Flash Player
needed for firefox viewing of Khan academy lectures
GNU Flash movie player and as a plugin to Browse is the default Flash player on the XO. It is the free software counterpart to the Adobe Flash player.
Flash Video Replacer


How to make your own custom Sugar-Creation_Kit.iso file
(How this DVD was converted to an .iso file)
    1. Collect, annotate and sort the files you want in a folder on your Desktop.
    2. Burn the contents of this folder to a CD or DVD.
    3. Use the following command in Terminal as the root user:
      dd if=/dev/sr0 of=Sugar-Creation-Kit.iso
/dev/sr0 is the device name for your DVD/CD drive
  • Sample output:
 dd if=/dev/sr0 of=Sugar-Creation-Kit.iso
 5555584+0 records in
 5555584+0 records out
 2844459008 bytes (2.8 GB) copied, 232.86 s, 12.2 MB/s
  • the resulting .iso file can be sent over the internet or used to make copies by burning to a DVD
copy items between a USB drive and sugar-journal
copy files between the sugar-journal and a 2nd USB-stick
install an <activity>.xo file from a 2nd USB-stick
Guide to GNOME 3 desktop
Replaces GNOME Shell Status Menu with one showing Suspend/Hibernate and Power Off as separate items
Packaged in fedora repos
Gnome cheatsheet
GNOME 3 release notes
  • Gnome IRC Channels
Start Gnome3 in Fallback Mode
  • "You can force fallback mode from a VT,much faster than trying to get through the control center, with this command:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.session session-name 'gnome-fallback'
  • With live CD or USB liveuser
run it as user - not root - then log out and back in again.
Switching between text consoles in a Linux virtual machine When the CTRL + ALT + F1 key combination is used to switch to another text console (terminal) on a Linux virtual machine,
the host switches to a text console instead of the guest.
Resolution The CTRL + ALT combination is used by VMware to direct the keyboard input to the host. Press CTRL + ALT + Space , press the F1 key (or desired Function key) while still holding down CTRL + ALT .
Workaround for Alacarte
  • Edit gnome3 menus
Change menu items by editing the *.desktop files in /usr/share/applications/
How to Sugarize an Application
Instructions on how to make a program appear in the (F3) Home view of Sugar as an icon
Running Linux Applications Under Sugar
This seems to be the same script as listed here: Sugarize which has these insructions: How to sugarize a program used with permission: Albert Cahalan's compiled libsugarize file. --Satellit 17:45, 18 January 2012 (EST)
Translated from Spanish with google translate:
There is a special package for an existing program sugarizar X11 using a bash script and a library specially created for it,
here let the package be zipped for download:
Just unzip the file and run the script found in the package and you answering the questions,
the script will generate a directory with the activity for sugar, then you should give the required permissions to  each file and directory
as explained in the main page this site and package the directory
to download the activity from the x or directly copy the entire directory to / home / olpc / Activities on the XO.
FSF-How to choose a license for your own work
fedora Licensing Guidelines
grub and grub2
how to recover grub and grub2 after installing windows
Re work LiveCD
  • Scheduled for f17 - Under discussion ATM
May affect spins and remixes.
How it works livemedia-creator
Download Methods
There are many alternative methods to install Sugar. The options can be very confusing because of the technical details and features that may be unfamiliar.
This page begins to itemize some of the many options that are available for those interested in learning more about the possibilities.

The Undiscoverable

(The Undiscoverable Features of Sugar)
Features and tips not easily discovered about using Sugar
HTMLDOC software, version 1.8.27. HTMLDOC converts Hyper-Text Markup Language ("HTML") input files
into indexed HTML, Adobe® PostScript®, or Adobe Portable Document Format ("PDF") files.
WLAN configuration of NetworkManager

Converting Mediawiki files to DocBook.XML


HTTrack allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local directory,
building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer. 
HTTrack arranges the original site's relative link-structure.
HTTrack is a free (GPL, libre/free software) and easy-to-use offline browser utility.


calibre is a free and open source e-book library management application developed by users of e-books for users of e-books


The offline Wikipedia reader Kiwix has recently been extended to read offline Wikipedia files on the Sugar operating system!

epub reader

Suggested uses:
  • Example: in an install of Ubuntu plus sweets-distribution sugar 0.94.1
    Download an epub book with Get Books Activity in sugar.
    Close Get Books.
    Click on Sugar Journal
    drag drop the epub file from the sugar journal to the documents folder in the bottom left of the frame.
    exit sugar and use firefox (with EPUBReader addon) to "open with" command to open the EPUB file from the Documents folder of Ubuntu.


Graphic installers

Liveusb Creator
  • Instructions on how to load a Live USB device in Windows, GNU/Linux, and Intel Mac's.
Liveusb-creator in f17
  • Will not start in f17 including TC2 Beta 2
This is fixed by 'yum install udisks' 
liveusb-creator needs an explicit dep on udisks.

udisks2 changed the default mount path for hotplugged storage.
it goes to /run/media/username/label now, not /media/label ."
--- Comment #7 from Fedora Update System <> 2012-03-20 02:02:14 EDT ---
Package liveusb-creator-3.11.6-3.fc17:
* should fix your issue,
* was pushed to the Fedora 17 testing repository,
* should be available at your local mirror within two days.
Update it with:
# su -c 'yum update --enablerepo=updates-testing liveusb-creator-3.11.6-3.fc17'
as soon as you are able to.
Please go to the following url:
then log in and leave karma (feedback).
Installing and using liveusb-creator in sugar
An easy method for Fedora and Windows, however this method does not generate a separate home.img filesystem to conserve the exhaustible OS overlay (see LiveOS image), nor does it copy the livecd-iso-to-disk installation script to the new device to permit generation of a new Live USB device from the first.
Note if graphical liveusb-creator program will not make a bootable USB-stick from an .iso file:
(This can happen if the stick is formatted to fat16 on another PC with a different Operating System.)
Use terminal command :
liveusb-creator --reset-mbr
USB-stick must be formatted: fat16/32; Labeled=LIVE; boot flag set.
(The LIVE label is only required when the device is to be used for a subsequent uncompressed installation to a hard disk.)
Does not make persistent USB-sticks
LiLi USB Creator
For Windows 7, Vista, XP
Makes a persistent USB from
Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, OpenSUSE, Mint, Slax, CentOS, ArchLinux, Gentoo, PCLinuxOS, Sabayon, BackTrack, Puppy Linux ...
Make an Ubuntu Mac-Boot-stick on the Mac
"We would encourage Mac users to download Ubuntu Desktop Edition by burning a CD for the time being.
But if you would prefer to use a USB, please follow the instructions..." in the above link.

Expert install methods

  • Set the script as executable (Properties)
Download link:
Also See Linux install script for live-iso-to disk
Technical Details
Use "dd" command
to make an install USB from a liveCD .iso file
Use (live).iso and terminal to make bootable USB
Use to install to HD or USB without needing a DVD/CD ROM
Building a bootable Mac USB
(tested on a MacBook Air)
Boot Helper CD's
  • MAC SoaS-3 Mirabelle Boot DISK
soas-3-boot-test.iso (Burn this to a CD and boot with it)
Read Me First & Credits to Programmer
  • MAC SoaS-4 Mango Lassi Boot DISK
soas-4-boot-test (Burn this to a CD and boot with it)
  • rEFIt
burn a bootable rEFIt CD on Mac OS X Used to Boot live USB's in a Mac
rEFIt is a boot menu and maintenance toolkit for EFI-based machines like the Intel Macs.
You can use it to boot multiple operating systems easily, including triple-boot setups with Boot Camp.
It also provides an easy way to enter and explore the EFI pre-boot environment.


Send hardware Profile

Backup and Restore

everything but the sugar-journal

QEMU Virtualization

In Gnome terminal:
yum install @virtualization
Start (Graphical): Applications/System Tools/Virtual Machine Manager
  • installs soas.iso files to VM HD (with liveinst command in terminal of running Virtual Machine)

VMware Player Virtualization

click this link ^ for more details and examples

Download VMware Player (free)

requires registering first but free.

VMware Player Appliances

VMware Player 4.0 will now work with exported Virtual Box appliances (see Below)
It still works with the compressed VMware Player files below
  • VMware Player appliance of SoaS-v3-Mirabelle
Compressed in .zip file
This appliance is ready to run "firstboot" (agree/user name/password/tz/etc)
sugarroot is the root password.
  • VMware Player appliance Trisquel-3 (NEW) 01/05/2011
Compressed in .zip file
  • VMware Player appliance Trisquel-4+sugar (NEW) 01/05/2011
Compressed in .zip file
  • VMware Player appliance Sugar on a Stick v2 (Blueberry)
Read this first.
  • VMware Player appliance of openSUSE-Sugar
Read this first.
networking help
how to use

VirtualBox Virtualization

click this link ^ for more details and examples.
scroll down on this page for RECOMMENDED Sugar Appliances

With VirtualBox® one can run Sugar in a window on Microsoft Windows, Intel-based Apple Macintosh, or Linux host computers from a virtual machine (VM) window. VirtualBox overview

replace OSE with Virtualbox and how to set up a USB-stick
Fedora f17 Additions
 Setup Mac to Autostart VirtualBox on startup
how to set it up

  • When making a new VM, to clear the Sugar Journal of old entries and to avoid identity conflicts among copies of the VM, enter the command rm ~ rf /.sugar in the Terminal activity. Then shutdown the VM. This will clear all Learner information on the VM and let you start with a fresh install. Skipping this will result in collisions in the Neighborhood view of the Jabber network between separate copies of the appliance. Verify the presence of the .sugar directory by entering ls -a in Terminal.
  • When cloning a customized VM, in order to keep the Journal and installed .xo Activities, use rm ~/.sugar/default/owner.key* in the Sugar Terminal, and then shutdown the VM. enter in root terminal:su (password) shutdown -h now This leaves the Journal entries and removes only the previous Learner's identity key files.

 All Prebuilt VirtualBox Appliances

click this link ^ to see a archive of older VirtualBox Appliances

Introduction to the Sugar Interface Activity Testing (A_to_I) Activity Testing (J_to_Z)
Try the appliances listed below first.
Use the RECOMMENDED versions first.
More Virtualbox Appliances are listed here
  Tutorial on how to import a VirtualBox Appliance
annotated screen-shots of an import

  Cómo importar un aparato de VirtualBox

  Download VirtualBox Here
  • Licensing Information.
VirtualBox is released as GPL=> "Freely available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Solaris x-86 platforms."
VirtualBox Extension Pack => "Free for Personal Use, available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Solaris x-86 platforms."
(Extension Pack is required for USB 2 Access.)


  • Sugar Desktop ONLY

Trisquel 5.0 is based on the previous Ubuntu release, 11.04 Natty Narwhal.

Sugar 0.94.1
  • More Info: TOAST
  • download and import 2 files:  540M         12K
starts at color selection
use <==(Back) to change name
Auto logon
enter password on restart
User = sugar
password = sugaruser
4-GB Virtual Box hard disc
English and English keyboard
USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)

  Ubuntu 11.04  sweets-distribution sugar 0.94

  • Full Ubuntu 11.04 "Gnome classic" desktop
  • Testing
Autostarts to desktop
XO icon on desktop that starts sugar 0.94 full screen.
Cleared of sugar identity; Starts on Color Selection Screen ( <===(back) to change/ customize name)
  • 41 sugar-activities (full cp/software update)
Password=sugaruser (also root pswd) (Use to unlock screensaver)
  • download and import 2 files:  1.8G          13K

  XUbuntu 11.10  sweets-distribution sugar 0.94

  • Full XUbuntu 11.10 A nice simple interface similar to gnome2
*Sweets Distribution <== use this one It should remain in bar after drop down closes
 Xfce Session
 Xubuntu Session
Cleared of sugar identity; Starts on Color Selection Screen ( <===(back) to change/ customize name)
  • fully updated
Password=sugaruser (also root pswd) (Use to unlock screensaver)
  • download and import 2 files:  1.5G          13K

  v6 Pineapple

firstboot has not yet run; so a new user name and password will be set for the gdm login on startup for the first time
Built 11/13/2011 with Virtualbox 4.1.4 for OSX
How Built:
4-GB VirtualBox hard disc
English and English keyboard
USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)
download and import 2 files:

  v5 Coconut

firstboot has not yet run; so a new user name and password will be set for the gdm login on startup for the first time
Built 10/10/2011 with Virtualbox 4.1.4 for OSX
How Built:
8-GB VirtualBox hard disc
English and English keyboard
USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)
download and import 2 files:


  • Sugar Desktop ONLY
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS with Sugar sweets 0.88.1
Cleared of sugar identity; Starts on Color Selection Screen ( <===(back) to change/ customize name)

  v3 Mirabelle

firstboot has not yet run; so a new user name and password will be set for the gdm login on startup for the first time
How Built:
8-GB VirtualBox hard disc
English and English keyboard
USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)
download and import 2 files: 533M   12K


Full Gnome Desktop plus Sugar 0.88.1
Debian Information
Updated 12/05/2010 includes activities Downloaded from ASLO as .xo files; and sugar-emulator.
Log in as sugar
8-GB VirtualBox hard disc
English and English keyboard
USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)
download and import 2 files:  2.1G 14K


Full Gnome Desktop plus Sugar-0.88.0
Mandriva Information
Note Log into gnome desktop first to enable networking then start sugar-emulator
Log in as sugar
8-GB VirtualBox hard disc
English and English keyboard
USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)
download and import 2 files:
 download and import 2 files:  14K  1.4G


2010.2 free DVD Download
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SoaS-remix is a bundle of and supporting scripts to make testing and use easier. The bundle will change with development. As of 10 February 2011 it contains,

  • - the primary remix builder
  • liveos-disk-to-iso - a Bash launcher script for
  •,, - temporary modules from livecd-tools with pending squashfs-compression_type() functionality

Get the SoaS-remix bundle:


Sugar on a Stick/Sugar Clone

customize or duplicate Live USB installations
(script files for making a customized Live USB installation self­-replicating)
Rebuild/Refresh a custom SoaS iso from a running stick

Possible Use Cases

(from Wiki Page)

Curriculum packaging
  1. A teacher wants to prepare a SoaS image with a custom set of installed Activity bundles or a Journal of Activity instances for an upcoming class term.
  2. The teacher modifies their current working image by adding or deleting Activity bundles from their Home view and adding or removing Journal entries with specific content
   (such as a Physics model template or Etoys project), even saving distributable ebooks, or bookmarks in Browse Activity instances that are named for specific sets of local web destinations
   (a class portal perhaps for deployments lacking Internet connectivity).
  3. The teacher scrubs out any personal passwords or other history that should not be shared in the new copies.
  4. A fresh or recycled USB stick is inserted into the computer running the customized SoaS image and the SugarClone script is executed. 
Full image backup or sharing
  1. A Learner has modified their environment, perhaps adding Activity bundles and prepared specific instances such as a Activities/Physics simulation.
  2. Their modifications include changes to their operating system installed through yum or RPM to obtain some new core functionality.
  3. The Learner wants to archive or share this image with friends or for a backup.
  4. Personal or private information is scrubbed from the Journal or Browse history and other potential stores.
  5. The User creates one or more Sugar Clones. 

This method of backup has the advantage that it copies Learner changes to the core operating system as well as the Journal. A LiveOS image using a separate persistent home folder could be partially cloned with either the operating system overlay or home folder without the other should that be desired.

SoaS in Parallels for OSX



Power PC
Doing builds again for fedora 16
  • IRC: #fedora-ppc on

OLPC/Sugar as Webserver

copied from Inkyfingers
  • Open Terminal and type the following to install Boa (approx. 100k)
su -
yum -y install boa
  • Now put your index.html in /var/www
  • Find your Sugar Computer/XO's IP Address. Still as root user (having entered su- already), enter into Terminal:
  • Look next to eth0 for 192.168.whatever (for example)
  • Go to another machine on your LAN and type your Sugar Computer/XO's IP Address into your browser. There's your Sugar computer serving up a web page!


BoxGrinder Build is an easy to use command line tool to create appliances (virtual images) from simple plaintext appliance definition files. BoxGrinder can produce appliances for a variety of virtual and cloud platforms using plugins supporting technologies such as VMware or EC2.

Build Your Own Remix with Fedora

Make your own Custom CD/DVD.iso with a customized kickstart file


  • used to build non-live CD/DVD isos
Pungi needs to run on the arch it is composing, as root, and with an install of what it is composing, eg if you are composing Fedora 8, you need to be running Fedora 8.
This is so that the correct userland tools are used to create the images and such used by anaconda.
The eventual usage of pungi will most likely be in mock chroots to facilitate this.
It needs to run on the arch it is composing due to how anaconda-runtime determines what files to put in the boot images at this time.
Currently the releases of pungi are designed to run on an updated Rawhide system. Development of pungi always tracks Rawhide.

Advanced Topics

Advanced Methods and Notes
Introduction to the Sugar Interface Activity Testing (A_to_I) Activity Testing (J_to_Z)