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Fedora 29

From Sugar Labs
Revision as of 00:06, 18 May 2019 by Satellit (talk | contribs) (Rpi-3b+)
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Fedora® version page: 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 |
Fedora and the Infinity design logo are trademarks of Red Hat, Inc.

some of the older versions listed here ^ may be security risks- for archive purposes only


Download Fedora 29

https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/unofficial/releases/29/  (missing spins)
https://tx.fspin.org/  (respins) #fedora-respins

Installation in f29

Fedora-SoaS-Live-29_install <- How to install (Annotated Screenshots)
https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora/f29/install-guide/ :Fedora Installation Guide

Upgrading f28 to f29



"Fedora supports the the Raspberry Pi Model 2B and 3-series of devices including the 3B, 3B+, 3A+, 3CM and 3CM+ in Fedora 29 and later releases."

https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Creation_Kit/sck/Advanced_Topics#Raspberry_Pi_.2F_RPi (old work)

Sugar on other distributions

http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Ubuntu_on_rpi3 (Ubuntu)
https://people.sugarlabs.org/rishabh/ (debian)
https://en.opensuse.org/HCL:Raspberry_Pi2 (OpenSuse)


32 GB micro sd
Older model Rpi-2 LATER arm builds require Rpi-2b/3b to boot

sugar 0.112 no jabber


  • Fedora-KDE-armhfp-29-1.2-sda.raw

Updated and expanded with gparted 64 GB
  • Fedora-SoaS-armhfp-29-1.2-sda.raw
Does not boot

Use live-iso-to-disk for persistent Workstation USB

Sugar on a stick Installation



livecd-iso-to-disk --reset-mbr --overlay-size-mb 1000 --home-size-mb 800 --delete-home --unencrypted-home Fedora-SoaS-Live-x86_64-29-1.2.iso /dev/sdb1


  • Persistent Changes after reboot
Added/removed apps to favorites
Changed background
Installed HexChat from gnome-software
NOTE do not use install to disk from pop-up on reboot of USB

(x) USB must have: fat format & boot flag
(x) CAUTION use "mount" (in terminal) to get correct name for USB (/dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd etc)
also see: Testing/Reports/livecd-iso-to-disk
dnf install livecd-tools

[root@localhost f29]# livecd-iso-to-disk --reset-mbr --overlay-size-mb 2000 --home-size-mb 2000 --delete-home --unencrypted-home Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-29-1.2.iso /dev/sdb1

works great


livecd-iso-to-disk --reset-mbr --overlay-size-mb 4086 --home-size-mb 4086 --delete-home --unencrypted-home Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-29-1.2.iso /dev/sdb1
worked great

install hexchat in soas

install hexchat

  1. In terminal: "hexchat"
hexchat setup
Add user name you registered with - see below
Nick Name (**** )
Second Choice (****_)
Press [Edit]
select server (irc.freenode.net)
select autojoin channels (#sugar) (#sugar-meeting)
select Connect Commands (set irc_connect_delay 15); check (connect to this network automatically); Password (password you registered)

hexchat connected

Getting set up on IRC

Copied from Google_Code_In_2018/background#Getting_set_up_on_IRC

We use IRC for much of our communication. Unfortunate, Freenode, our IRC server, has been under attack by trolls of late, so we have had to lock down our channels. Therefore, you'll need to create a "registered account" to login. (You can use an IRC client or open https://webchat.freenode.net in a browser.)

To register on Freenode:

/msg NickServ REGISTER password youremail@example.com

(Filling in your email and password)

Leave the window open if possible.

You will get an email that includes a command you'll need to type in to complete your registration. (It may take a while for the email to arrive.)

Go back to the open IRC window and paste in the verification line from the email you received in the bottom space.

If you have closed the IRC window, you will need to reopen it.

Once you are registered, you may join the #sugar channel:

/join #sugar

When you reconnect at a later date, you may have to:

/msg NickServ identify your-password

Please contact walter @ sugarlabs . org if you have any questions.

logon to soas irc app

  1. use another irc app (Hexchat) in workstation or Mate (see links below) to register your nickname
in mate or workstation terminal "dnf groupinstall sugar-desktop-environment" log into sugar at login
#Fedora for (Autojoin Channels)
use "set irc_connect_delay 15" for (connect commands) in Hexchat
  1. /msg NickServ REGISTER password youremail@example.com
  2. look at e-mail in workstation or mate desktop and reply
  3. start soas irc as registered user
  4. /join #pidora (pidora allows commands and name ((nick)) changes)
  5. /msg nickserv identify (your primary nick) (password)
  6. change nick to (your primary nick)
  7. /join #sugar
You should be allowed to talk

Alternate Method to logon to IRC in Sugar



tested Beta:
"Greetings. Per this fesco ticket: https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1714 I have created the Fedora 28 spins/labs page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/28/Spins All spin maintainers/owners/interested parties should test their spins and at least update this wiki page with beta/final testing. Spins that don't have at least one tester at Beta may be dropped and not shipped in Final, so PLEASE make sure at least someone tests. Spin maintainers are also encouraged to test their spin more often and make sure it's composing correctly every day for Branched f28 and rawhide. Thanks, kevin."

f29 SoaS for virtualbox

  • Import and run in VirtualBox (OS agnostic)
final release with Sugar 0.112
  • root
  • user=sugar
not started - Users Sugar Id is not yet set
16-GB dynamic VirtualBox hard disc
2048 memory
English and English keyboard
USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)

note hit keys F1 then F3 to get to HOME screen

How to Clear ./sugar

  • When making a new VM, to clear the Sugar Journal of old entries and to avoid identity conflicts among copies of the VM, enter the command rm -rf ~/.sugar in the Terminal activity. Then shutdown the VM. This will clear all Learner information on the VM and let you start with a fresh install. Skipping this will result in collisions in the Neighborhood view of the Jabber network between separate copies of the appliance. Verify the presence of the .sugar directory by entering ls -a in Terminal.
  • When cloning a customized VM, in order to keep the Journal and installed .xo Activities, use rm -rf ~/.sugar/default/owner.key* in the Sugar Terminal, and then shutdown the VM. enter in root terminal:su (password) shutdown -h now This leaves the Journal entries and removes only the previous Learner's identity key files.
  • To clear the Sugar Journal:rm -rf ~/.sugar/default/datastore This may be needed if the Journal becomes clogged with too many entries. USE WITH CAUTION'


Installation Links

can be installed with
https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/unofficial/releases/29/x86_64/ (missed spins)




Red Hat Bugzilla – Bug 1519042 soas starts in journal:

This can be confusing for users

"Fix by hitting f1 key"

To connect to wireless AP if present

"then f3 key

to get to main menu"

set screen resolution in vmware


Gnome Multiwriter

Make multiple copies of .iso file to Different USB's
In gnome software search

:working copying to 2 usb.s at the same time



Sugar Clone makes it easy to share your personally-customized version of Sugar on a Stick.
Not tested on f29

Linux Distributions where sugar is available



Older tutorials on how to use sugar-desktop

Available Groups

Use to install a second Desktop Environment  
dnf groupinstall ......

Available Environment Groups:

  Fedora Custom Operating System (custom-environment)
  Minimal Install (minimal-environment)
  Fedora Server Edition (server-product-environment)
  Fedora Workstation (workstation-product-environment)
  Fedora Cloud Server (cloud-server-environment)
  KDE Plasma Workspaces (kde-desktop-environment)
  Xfce Desktop (xfce-desktop-environment)
  LXDE Desktop (lxde-desktop-environment)
  LXQt Desktop (lxqt-desktop-environment)
  MATE Desktop (mate-desktop-environment)
  Sugar Desktop Environment (sugar-desktop-environment)
  Development and Creative Workstation (developer-workstation-environment)
  Web Server (web-server-environment)
  Infrastructure Server (infrastructure-server-environment)
  Basic Desktop (basic-desktop-environment)
  Cinnamon Desktop (cinnamon-desktop-environment)

Available Groups:

  3D Printing (3d-printing)
  Administration Tools (admin-tools)
  Ansible node (ansible-node)
  Authoring and Publishing (authoring-and-publishing)
  Books and Guides (books)
  C Development Tools and Libraries (c-development)
  Cloud Infrastructure (cloud-infrastructure)
  Cloud Management Tools (cloud-management)
  Compiz (compiz)
  Container Management (container-management)
  D Development Tools and Libraries (d-development)
  Design Suite (design-suite)
  Development Tools (development-tools)
  Domain Membership (domain-client)
  Fedora Eclipse (eclipse)
  Editors (editors)
  Educational Software (education)
  Electronic Lab (electronic-lab)
  Engineering and Scientific (engineering-and-scientific)
  FreeIPA Server (freeipa-server)
  Games and Entertainment (games)
  Headless Management (headless-management)
  LibreOffice (libreoffice)
  MATE Applications (mate-applications)
  Medical Applications (medical)
  Milkymist (milkymist)
  Network Servers (network-server)
  Office/Productivity (office)
  Python Classroom (python-classroom)
  Python Science (python-science)
  Robotics (robotics-suite)
  RPM Development Tools (rpm-development-tools)
  Security Lab (security-lab)
  Sound and Video (sound-and-video)
  System Tools (system-tools)
  Text-based Internet (text-internet)
  Window Managers (window-managers)

group persistor md version: 0.6.0