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Revision as of 21:38, 23 February 2010
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(Sugar users are learners.)
Learner applications in Sugar are called Activities. They are software packages that automatically save your work producing instances of the Activity that can be resumed at a later time. An Activity instance is a Journal event. Many Activities support learner collaboration where multiple learners may be invited to join a collective Activity session.
Please see the Sugar Activity Library for a nearly complete list of activities which are available for Sugar.
The Activity Team's Activity Team/FAQ has many developer-oriented questions, but Sugar Learners should post their general Activity-related questions to the team at this page. Questions about a specific Activity should be posted on the discussion page for that Activity available below.
Please see the Activity Team for developer information.
Native Sugar Activities
See Category:Activities for wiki pages of actual activities.
Below is a list of activity developer pages.
- Activities/AEIOU
- Activities/Abacus
- Activities/Abacus/Abacos
- Activities/Abacus/Worksheet
- Activities/Abacus/Worksheet/Answersheet
- Activities/Activities needing documentation
- Activities/Activity Library
- Activities/Amazonas Tortuga
- Activities/Analyze
- Activities/Analyze Journal
- Activities/Arithmetic
- Activities/Biorhythm
- Activities/Biorhytm
- Activities/Blocku
- Activities/Blocku/Development
- Activities/Blocku/LessonPlans
- Activities/Blocku/Sketches/Screenshots
- Activities/Blocku/Student
- Activities/Blocku/Suggestions/Comments
- Activities/Blocku/Teacher
- Activities/Blocku/Tutorials
- Activities/Bounce
- Activities/Bridge
- Activities/Browse
- Activities/Bulletin Board
- Activities/Buscaterrones
- Activities/Butia
- Activities/Butialo
- Activities/CalculArte
- Activities/Calculate
- Activities/Cartoon Builder
- Activities/Cells
- Activities/Chart
- Activities/Chat
- Activities/Classroom Broadcast
- Activities/ClipArt
- Activities/Clock
- Activities/Colors
- Activities/Compress
- Activities/Conozco-Nicaragua
- Activities/Conozco America
- Activities/Conozco Paraguay
- Activities/Cookie Search
- Activities/Count My Steps
- Activities/Crikey
- Activities/DataManager
- Activities/Develop
- Activities/Distance
- Activities/DrGeo
- Activities/ELEGIR
- Activities/Elect
- Activities/Elephant
- Activities/Erikos
- Activities/Etoys
- Activities/Expresar
- Activities/Fantasy
- Activities/FileShare
- Activities/FileShare/ChangeLog
- Activities/FileShare/status
- Activities/Flip
- Activities/Flip Sticks
- Activities/Food Force 2
- Activities/Fraction Bounce
- Activities/Fractionator
- Activities/Fractionator/status
- Activities/GCompris
- Activities/GeoGebra
- Activities/Get Internet Archive Books
- Activities/Gnuchess
- Activities/Graph Plotter
- Activities/Graph Plotter/lang-es
- Activities/Graph Plotter/translations
- Activities/Hello Mesh
- Activities/Help
- Activities/Help/Contribute
- Activities/Helpfr
- Activities/Helpfr/lang-fr
- Activities/Helpfr/translations
- Activities/HitTheBalls
- Activities/HorseGame
- Activities/IKnowMyABCs
- Activities/IRC
- Activities/I can read
- Activities/Image Viewer
- Activities/Implode
- Activities/Info Slicer
- Activities/Inform7
- Activities/Inform7/Proposal
- Activities/JClic
- Activities/Jamtank
- Activities/Jamtank 2
- Activities/Jigsaw Puzzle
- Activities/Joke Machine
- Activities/JournalShare
- Activities/Jukebox
- Activities/Kandid
- Activities/Labyrinth
- Activities/Lanzar
- Activities/Learn
- Activities/LetterMatch
- Activities/Level Tool
- Activities/Library
- Activities/Listen Spell
- Activities/LocoSugar
- Activities/Log
- Activities/MakeyMakey
- Activities/Map
- Activities/Map/es
- Activities/Mateton
- Activities/Mateton/lang-es
- Activities/MathHurdler
- Activities/MathHurdler/status
- Activities/Measure
- Activities/Memorize
- Activities/Memorize/Sensores
- Activities/Moon
- Activities/Music Keyboard
- Activities/NumberMunchersXO
- Activities/Nutrition
- Activities/Paint
- Activities/Paths
- Activities/Paths/lang-es
- Activities/Physics
- Activities/Pilas
- Activities/Pilas/lang-es
- Activities/Pippy
- Activities/PlayGo
- Activities/Plot
- Activities/Poll
- Activities/Portfolio
- Activities/Pukllanapac
- Activities/PyCut
- Activities/PyCut/status
- Activities/Quiz
- Activities/Read
- Activities/Read Etexts
- Activities/Read SD Comics
- Activities/Recall
- Activities/Record
- Activities/Reflection
- Activities/Ruler
- Activities/SNAIL
- Activities/Scorepad Activity
- Activities/Scratch
- Activities/Screencast
- Activities/ShareJournalStats
- Activities/Share Favorites
- Activities/ShowNTell
- Activities/Slider Puzzle
- Activities/Sliderule
- Activities/Smile
- Activities/SoaS Loader
- Activities/SocialCalc
- Activities/Speak
- Activities/Spelling
- Activities/SprayPlay
- Activities/Story
- Activities/Story Builder
- Activities/SugarSnake
- Activities/SugarSnake/status
- Activities/Sugar Commander
- Activities/Sugar Network
- Activities/Takbo
- Activities/TamTam
- Activities/Terminal
- Activities/Text dungeon
- Activities/Thumbs View in Journal
- Activities/TimeLapse
- Activities/Toaster
- Activities/Toaster/Cafe Questions
- Activities/Toaster/Develop
- Activities/Toaster/Disc
- Activities/Toaster/Schedule
- Activities/Toaster/System Security
- Activities/Toaster/UI
- Activities/Toaster/USB
- Activities/Toaster/Wishlist
- Activities/Tortuga de Mexico
- Activities/TransBot
- Activities/TurtleArt/Challenges
- Activities/TurtleArt/Fb plugin.py
- Activities/TurtleArt/Suggestions
- Activities/TurtleArt/Tutorials/Turtle Art Tutorial gci2012
- Activities/TurtleArt/Tutorials/Turtle Sensors Tutorial gci2012
- Activities/TurtleBlocks3D
- Activities/TurtleBots
- Activities/TurtleFlags
- Activities/TurtleNutrition
- Activities/Turtle Art
- Activities/Turtle Art-0.86
- Activities/Turtle Art/Arduino
- Activities/Turtle Art/Blocks
- Activities/Turtle Art/Challenges
- Activities/Turtle Art/Extras
- Activities/Turtle Art/Flow
- Activities/Turtle Art/Galleries
- Activities/Turtle Art/Gallery
- Activities/Turtle Art/Getting started
- Activities/Turtle Art/Help
- Activities/Turtle Art/Logo
- Activities/Turtle Art/Manual
- Activities/Turtle Art/Manual 2
- Activities/Turtle Art/Misc
- Activities/Turtle Art/Numbers
- Activities/Turtle Art/Packaging
- Activities/Turtle Art/Patching
- Activities/Turtle Art/Pen
- Activities/Turtle Art/Plugins
- Activities/Turtle Art/Portfolios
- Activities/Turtle Art/Programmable Brick
- Activities/Turtle Art/Sensors
- Activities/Turtle Art/Templates
- Activities/Turtle Art/Toolbars
- Activities/Turtle Art/Turtle
- Activities/Turtle Art/Turtle Cards
- Activities/Turtle Art/Turtlecards
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Abacus
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Adding Apples and Oranges
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Complex Numbers
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Conservation of Number
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Counting
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Counting/TA Counting Program
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Elementary Arithmetic
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Euclid
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Euclid/Cheating
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Figurate Numbers
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Fractions
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Galilean Gravity
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Galilean Relativity
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Groups of Symmetries
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Kindergarten Calculus
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Logo Code for Turtle Art Turing Machine
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Mathematics and art
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Measuring Slopes of tangents
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Numerals
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Numerals/Counting Rod Numerals Program
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Numerals/Cuneiform Wedge Glyph Program
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Numerals/Kharosthi Numerals Program
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Numerals/Mayan Numerals Program
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Shortcuts to the Times Table
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Spirograph
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Stack Programming
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Triangular Numbers Program
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Trigonometry
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Turtle Art Code for Turing Machine
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Turtle Art Turing Machine
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Turtle Art and Logo
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/Turtle Art programming without words
- Activities/Turtle Art/Tutorials/You be the Turtle
- Activities/Turtle Art/Under the hood
- Activities/Turtle Art/Using Turtle Art Sensors
- Activities/Turtle Art/Uso de Tortuga Arte Sensores
- Activities/Turtle Art/lang-es
- Activities/Turtle Confusion
- Activities/Turtle in a Pond
- Activities/Tux Paint
- Activities/Typing Turtle
- Activities/Updater/OLPCAU/Addons/13.2.0
- Activities/Updater/OLPCAU/Primary/13.2.0
- Activities/VLC
Running GNU/Linux Applications Under Sugar
There are two ways to run GNU/Linux applications as Activities under Sugar (meaning you don't need to use Terminal to load them):
- Sugar Coating - Making Linux apps run under Sugar, but not modifying them to take advantage of Sugar's collaborative capabilities
- Sugarizing - A fully integrated Linux application, re-engineered to take advantage of Sugar's advanced collaboration abilities
Sugar Coating Activities
To run Linux apps under Sugar (i.e., making them to run in the Sugar interface, without the collaboration and other Sugar integration programmed into them), read these instructions on Running Linux Applications Under Sugar.
In the future, we hope that Sugar will be able to run Linux applications natively without these steps.
Sugarizing Activities
See Activity Team for information on porting regular applications to run as native Sugar Activities.
Useful GNU/Linux Applications
VLC Media Player
The VLC media player is a highly portable multimedia player for various audio and video formats (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, mp3, flv, avi, ogg, ...) as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols. It can also be used as a server to stream in unicast or multicast in IPv4 or IPv6 on a high-bandwidth network.; the VLC Player is considered to be better by some users then MPlayer because it offer more settings, options and features. There is also no need to run it from Terminal. Read Activities/VLC to learn how to install it.
SeaMonkey has inherited the successful all-in-one concept of the original Netscape Communicator and continues that product line based on the modern, cross-platform architecture provided by the Mozilla project.
- The Internet browser at the core of the SeaMonkey suite uses the same rendering engine as its sibling Mozilla Firefox, with popular features like tabbed browsing, popup blocking, find as you type and a lot of other functionality for a smooth web experience.
- SeaMonkey's Mail and Newsgroups client shares lots of code with Mozilla Thunderbird and features adaptive Junk mail filtering, labels and mail views, multiple accounts, S/MIME, address books with LDAP support and is ready for both private and corporate use.
- Additonal components include an easy-to-use HTML Editor, the ChatZilla IRC chat application and web development tools like a DOM Inspector and a JavaScript debugger.
- If that's still not enough, SeaMonkey can be extended with numerous Add-Ons that provide additional functionality and customization for a complete Internet experience.
Seamonkey can be Sugar-coated.
Midnight Commander
Midnight Commander is a text-mode file manager and visual command shell. It is easily Sugar-coated for access from the Activities panel. Screenshot You can also run it directly in Terminal. (Paper Writers)
Totem Media Player
The Totem media player is already installed in the OLPC XO-1. It is the engine that supports media on the system. Out of the box it does not support MP3 music or MPEG-4 video. A free driver can be downloaded to add MP3 compatability. A Sugar-coating can be applied to easily access the program from the Activities panel.
- TuxType2
- TuxType is a touch typing tutorial/game than can be installed on the OLPC XO-1 using the yum command. A Sugar-coating can be applied to easily access the program from the Activities panel.
- TuxMath
- TuxMath is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts. A Sugar-coating can be applied to easily access the program from the Activities panel.
- TuxPaint
- Tux Paint is a drawing program for children ages 3 to 12. It combines an easy-to-use interface, fun sound effects, and an encouraging cartoon mascot who guides children as they use the program. A Sugar-coating can be applied to easily access the program from the Activities panel.
(Let's try to organize this page based on some criteria of completion as per the discussion in Talk:Activities.)