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Linux Mint Debian Edition
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- Download:http://www.linuxmint.com/edition.php?id=88
- Compatible with Debian squeeze
- Rolling updates
Install Sugar 0.88.1
- Menu/Administration/Synaptic Package Manager:
- search "sugar"
- and select:
sugar-tools-0.88 sugar-artwork-0.88 python-sugar-0.88 sugar-terminal-activity python-jarabe-0,88 sugar-emulator-0.88 sugar-session-0.88 sugar-presence-service-0.88 sucrose-0.88 python-sugar-toolkit-0.88 sugar-pippy-activity python-hulahop sugar-chat-activity python-carquinyol-0.88 sugar-turtleart-activity libhippocanvas-1.0 python-hippocanvas
- Apply
- start Sugar: (Menu/Education/Sugar)
- from 2nd USB Stick:
- Click on journal
- Open Frame (pointer to top right corner)
- Drag-drop Install from USB icon in left bottom corner
- to Journal icon in extreme left bottom corner
- Click on surf (web browser)
- Go to top right "Activities"
- (This is ASLO where you can install activities)
- search for IRC and install
- search for edit and install
- search for speak and install
- search for record and install
- Enjoy
- An Alternative is to Download and burn this DVD full of activities:
- http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sck/ASLOxo
- And Drag Drop install from the CD icon in bottom of frame to the journal icon
- Original Release Announcement: OLD
- (these are copied from that site)
- All Mint 10 features
- 64-bit support
- Performance boost (using cgroup, the notorious “4 lines of code better than 200″ in user-space)
- Installer improvements (multiple HDDs, grub install on partitions, swap allocation, btrfs support)
- Better fonts (Using Ubuntu’s libcairo, fontconfig and Ubuntu Font Family) and language support (ttf-wqy-microhei, ttf-sazanami-mincho, ttf-sazanami-gothic installed by default)
- Better connectivity and hardware support (pppoe, pppoeconf, gnome-ppp, pppconfig, libgl1-mesa-dri, libgl1-mesa-glx, libgl1-mesa-dev, mesa-utils installed by default)
- Better sound support (addressing conflicts between Pulse Audio and Flash)
- Updated software and packages
- LMDE uses rolling updates; so once installed it becomes current version each time it is updated.
- Use linuxmint-debian-201101-gnome-dvd-i386.iso older versions (including torrents) were bad
- Make USB Installer Stick
We actually made the ISO compatible with unetbootin so you may have more luck there. http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/
Notes for Installation on VirtualBox 4.0
- Use gparted on Live DVD to format the 8-10 GB VirtualBox HD
- /boot ext4 500 /7000 ext4 swap=balance
- Install to HD
- edit partitions to format as ext4 and as /boot; /; and swap
- Finish installation and reboot
- Note this same procedure works to install to a 8 GB USB disk
2 GB Live USB disk
- A Fast (ADVANCED) Method
- Great for Netbooks without a CD/DVD drive
- Boot Netbook from this non-persistent Live USB diskto test linuxmint-debian-201101-gnome
- Use it to Install to HD
- Great for Netbooks without a CD/DVD drive
- tested from DL; boots fine (satellit 01/04/2011)
Download: linuxmint-debian-201101-gnome-dvd-i386.img
- How to write to USB disk
- Download to desktop
- Use "mount command to see USB address: ie: /dev/sdb; /dev/sdc; /dev/sdd....etc
- Or use gparted to see USB address
- dd command is VERY DANGEROUS; if you use wrong address you will distroy your Hard Drive with no warning.
- In root terminal #:
cd Desktop dd if=linuxmint-debian-201101-gnome-dvd-i386.img of=/dev/sd(x)
How to Make a 2 GB Installer USB disk
- Use the 32 bit version to make a 32 bit USB disk and 64 bit to make 64 bit USB disk
- squeeze release notes
- Install of linux-mint-debian-edition
- Install xxx.iso to USB Stick
- Enabling support for WiFi devices based on Broadcom 4311/4312/4313/4321/4322/43224/43225 chipset
- "initial release of a fully-open Linux driver for it's latest generation of 11n chipsets. The driver, while still a work in progress... supports multiple current chips (BCM4313, BCM43224, BCM43225) as well as providing a framework for supporting additional chips in the future."