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The Undiscoverable/Calculate
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This is the output of help(index). You can get more information on any of these functions using help(name).
- And Logical and
- Or Logical or
- abs Absolute value
- acos Arc cosine
- acosh Arc hyperbolic cosine
- add +; The help for this function is incorrect.
- asin Arc sine
- asinh Arc hyperbolic sine
- atan Arc tangent
- atanh Arc hyperbolic tangent
- ceil Ceiling; round up
- cos Cosine
- cosh Hyperbolic Cosine
- exp Expenential
- fac Factorial
- factorial Factorial
- factorize Factorize integer
- floor Floor; round down
- gcd Greatest Common Divisor
- index List functions
- is_int Boolean; True for integers, False otherwise
- ln Natural logarithm
- log10 Base 10 logarithm
- mul ×
- negate 0-x
- plot Graph function; plot(function, var=a..b). plot(sin(x),x=0..36
- pow Power
- rand_float Random number between 0 and 1
- rant_int Random integer between 0 and argument; default is 65536
- round Round to nearest integer
- shift_left Binary left shift
- sift_right Binary right shift
- sin Sine
- sinc sin(x)/x
- sinh Hyperbolic sine
- sqrt Square root
- tan Tangent
- tanh Hyperbolic tangent
- test Undefined function
- xor Boolean xor; Not equal