Difference between revisions of "Service/wiki"

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m (→‎Wiki instances: fix note format)
(→‎Account Creation: update link)
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* See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Preventing_access#Restrict_account_creation
* See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Preventing_access#Restrict_account_creation
* Create account page: https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/index.php?title=Special:UserLogin&type=signup
* Create account page: https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Special:CreateAccount
== Local Labs contacts ==
== Local Labs contacts ==

Latest revision as of 13:47, 29 January 2025

Statistics: http://stats.sugarlabs.org/wiki.sugarlabs.org/


Hosted on


Administrative contact

<webmaster at sugarlabs.org>

Account Creation

Local Labs contacts


Wiki instances

The main wiki lives here at /srv/www-sugarlabs/wiki/

Except for trivial changes, work on the wiki should be carried in the parallel wiki-devel instance before landing onto the production instance.

Note: The devel wiki has an out of date snapshot of the DB and a slightly different LocalConfig.php.

Note: Often, the devel instance contains changes performed by various wiki admins to test extensions and configuration options. Do not sync LocalConfig.php blindly to the production wiki! Use vimdiff.

Before overwriting the page database, please

  • observe http://wiki-devel.sugarlabs.org/go/Category:Under_construction
  • announce the plan on systems@ and to any collaborators who have signed their 'Under construction' pages in the template (such as by using the 'E-mail this user' link in the sidebar for the wiki user's page, even when it is a red link or not yet created).


Our MediaWiki instances are installed from git to allow easy rebasing of our changes on upgrades. For the full details on this installation method, see http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Download_from_Git

The initial setup process (probably outdated now) lookd like this:

git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/core.git --branch REL1_34 wiki-devel
cd wiki-devel
git submodule update --init

Checkout additional extensions we wish to enable. For ease of management, check them out into extensions-all and then symlink them from extensions/

EXTENSIONS=CheckUser ContributionScores HTMLets LastUserLogin LdapAuthentication MobileFrontend TimedMediaHandler UniversalLanguageSelector UserMerge VisualEditor Widgets
mkdir extensions-all
for i in EXTENSIONS; do
  git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/$i extensions-all/$i --branch REL1_34;
  (cd extensions && ln -s ../extensions-all/$i);
  composer update --no-dev


Note: Before blindly following the procedure below, check the official documentation for anything that might have changed:


We update our MediaWiki instances by simply pulling from the remote git repo and then switching to a different stable branch:

git fetch
git branch -a | grep REL | sort -V
git checkout -b REL1_XX origin/REL1_XX
git submodule update --init --recursive

The "extensions-all" directory contains a bunch of git repositories stitched together with 'git submodule'. To update it:

cd extensions-all
for ext in *; do (cd $ext && git fetch && git checkout -b REL1_XX origin/REL1_XX); done

Along with the extensions, we would also need to update the skins to the latest release. We officially use Vector (fro Desktop) and Minerva Neue (for Mobiles, v1.35+, Minerva Neue is the official responsive theme used by Wikipedia).

cd skins
for skin in *; do (cd $skin && git fetch && git checkout -b REL1_XX origin/REL1_XX); done

Please revise if the following steps are still needed:

You also need to update some dependencies using a PHP manager called 'composer':

composer update --no-dev

Now run update script:

php maintenance/update.php

In the case of Local Labs wikis, the correct command for performing the updates is:

php maintenance/update.php --conf /srv/www-sugarlabs/pe.sugarlabs.org/wiki/LocalSettings.php
(replace pe.sugarlabs.org for the correct path for your local lab)

Obsolete documentation


If the SemanticMediaWiki extension is enabled (we don't use it), also refresh its tables:

cd extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/maintenance
php SMW_setup.php


As of this writing, the default skin vector is integrated into MediaWiki, and we don't load other skins in LocalSettings.php.

The skins also need to be updated from time to time (particularly after a major release). Instead of checking out hundreds od skins using the official process, we refresh only the skins that are installed:

cd skins
for i in MonoBook Timeless; do
  (cd $i && git fetch && git checkout -b REL1_34 origin/REL1_34)

Creating a Local Labs wiki

  • Add a group for the wiki (vigr)
cd /srv/www-sugarlabs
cp -a co.sugarlabs.org pe.sugarlabs.org
chown -R icarito:sugarwiki-pe pe.sugarlabs.org
cd pe.sugarlabs.org/wiki
rm -r images/*
vim LocalSettings.php
vim SecretSettings.php
  • Create apache virtual host:
 cp -a /etc/apache2/sites-available/pe.sugarlabs.org /etc/apache2/sites-available/ar.sugarlabs.org
 vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/ar.sugarlabs.org
 a2ensite ar.sugarlabs.org
  • Create DB with some clever trick. I reused config/index.php to setup a new MediaWiki instance and then I've thrown away the generated LocalConfig.php:
 mv LocalConfig.php LocalConfig.good
 cp -a /srv/www-sugarlabs/co.sugarlabs.org/config .
 (go to http://ar.sugarlabs.org/wiki/config/index.php)
 rm -r config LocalConfig.php
 mv LocalConfig.good LocalConfig.php
  • Create tables for OpenID:
mysql -u root -p pe_sugarlabswiki < extensions/OpenID/openid_table.sql