Marketing Team/Meetings
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Upcoming Agenda
by Sean Daly
1. Making Sugar Labs press-contactable - there's a problem with Google's Grand Central: it's US-only (for call forwarding) at this time. But I think I have a solution - obtain a US GSM SIM card which I could use in Europe (if the roaming fees won't ruin me ;-) .
2. List of education publications I have added for press releases - after much googling & yahooing I have identified a number of education publications/portals. I'll submit my list for comment later today.
3. Elevator pitch for teachers - I will respond to Walter's rough draft later today & would like your input. This text may be a starting point for the next press release's short description of Sugar Labs (underneath "news" part of press release).
4. Press release languages - I'd like to spend a couple of minutes discussing the possibility of doing press releases in languages other than English, in particular en, fr, de, pt. I can do French and perhaps we can find volunteers to do the other languages? There's a workflow aspect to this of course.
5. Sugar Labs Ambassadors program - dfarning has suggested we look at Fedora's Ambassadors program.
6. Obtaining USB sticks for Sugar on a Stick (SoaS) - have we contacted anyone beyond Belkin, Pantone, Emtec? and where are we with these three leads.