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Activity Team/Getting Involved
Setup Sugar
The easiest way is installing sugar from native packages.
If your favourite GNU/Linux distribution doesn't provide sugar or contains out-of-dated packages(in most cases you don't need latest minor release(like 0.82.1, 0.84.1), the good practise is looking for the last major release(0.82, 0.84)) you could consider possibility to use sugar-jhbuild - the system used by core developers to build sugar from last git sources.
Join the Activity Team
The Activity Team is newly formed and we are seeking members.
If you would like to join:
- Create a User page on wiki.sugarlabs.org if you have not already.
- Copy your SSH public key into your User page.
- Add a link to your User page to ActivityTeam/Contacts.
- Send an email introducing yourself to sugar-devel@lists.sugarlabs.org.
If you are an independent developer who is interested in working on a Sugar activity, please introduce yourself and your project in an email to sugar-devel@lists.sugarlabs.org.
Quick Start
If you'd rather just start coding right now, it's easy to do!
- Check ActivityTeam/TODO for ideas to work on. To start small, pick an Activity Feature Request. If you'd rather work on something harder, try one of the High Impact Tasks.
- If you haven't already set up Sugar, see ActivityTeam/Resources.
- Clone the Git repository for the project you picked and register it with Sugar.
git clone <project_url> cd project_name python setup.py dev (Ctrl-Alt-Erase to restart Sugar)
- Hack on the source code.
- Test you code in sugar environment
- use sugar command to run sugar as a regular window manager
- use sugar-emulator command to run sugar in window mode(in Xephyr), could be useful to test your activity in current environment without re-loginning.
- Create a patch file containing your changes.
git commit git format-patch -1
- Email 0001-My-change-description.patch to sugar-devel@lists.sugarlabs.org.