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Overlay demands follow steps
- at first, setup overlay in layman
layman --add sugar
- if you use stable profiles (x86 and amd64) change your package.keywords
cat <where_your_overlay_is>/profiles/<release>/package.keywords >> /etc/portage/package.keywords
To install core sugar components (services, window manager, etc.)
emerge glucose
To install core activities
emerge fructose
Overlay was built and run on x86 and amd64(x86_64) platforms
Sugar packages are being built by jhconvert and follow its matrix of package versions.
- last stable release
- development versions (fetching from code repos) - packages with version 9999
9999 glucose packages have source USE flag to install links to .py sources. So, you can keep glucose git repos in your sources directory and all .py files from /usr will be linked to your sources directory. to use this feature you need to setup SUGAR_SRC_ROOT environment variable and `git clone` all glucose packages to $SUGAR_SRC_ROOT, names of subdirectories in $SUGAR_SRC_ROOT should be equal to proper package name.
Runtime environment
To use telepathy-salut connection, start avahi
/etc/init.d/avahi-daemon start
To use jabber connection, configure jabber server in accordance with these instructions.
Post overlay related bugs to http://dev.sugarlabs.org/ component gentoo-overlay
- Aleksey Lim
- be involved and add yourself here