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Karma/Bundle layout
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The Main Karma Package
A set of tools that will help you start working with Karma quickly
This is what is contained in the repository at http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/karma/
- Includes script for Karma activity generation, xo bundle generation
- includes "platform" files, i.e. a basic html5-capable browser that can be used to create an xo bundle
ROOT/ assets/ ( images, sounds, and text common to karma.html, examples, and the lessons ) default/ images/ sounds/ locale_name/ images/ locale_name.json ( karma actually needs the .po file to be converted to .json ) sounds/ AUTHORS ( Should include names of everyone that has contributed to Karma main package ) ChangeLog COPYING ( Licensing information, should default to MIT License ? how distinguish b/w code licensing and content licensing ) css/ ( css/ and js/ contain the code common to all examples, lessons, and karma.html ) examples/ ( working examples of karma lessons ) js/ ( css/ and js/ contain the code common to all examples, lessons, and karma.html ) INSTALL karma ( This is a shell script that launches utils/karma.js, it just checks if you have java installed so you can run karma.js it is inspired partly by rails and django-admin administrative scripts ) karmaplatz.html ( The starting page for accessing Karma lessons, should include links to the examples ) lessons/ ( this is the workspace for creating new Karma lessons ) NEWS ( List of important changes to this package indexed by version ) po/ README utils/ ( The narwhal command-line interpreter for javascript and other utility scripts used by karma.js ) bin/ browser/ ( An html5-capable browser that can be used to create sugar .xo bundle ) karma.js ( The main utility script for karma, all it dependencies live in utils/ ) packages/ tests/
Karma XO bundle
- similar to E-Paath layout and uses the standard Sugar bundle structure
- It is still undecided whether karma will default to using Browse which is based on Firefox or Surf which based on webkit (Safari/Chrome). Surf requires that you install the rpms for pywebkitgtk and webkitgtk
activity/ activity.info (activity info file) activity-web.svg (icon for activity as specified in activity.info) mimetypes.xml (map documents to MIME types) text-plain.svg (icons for documents, e.g. "text-plain.svg" for "text/plain") text-html.svg contents (manifest for bundle contents) contents.sig (credentials for signed bundle) permissions.info (optional; not a stable API) assets/ AUTHORS bin/ launch.sh (launcher script) browser.dtd browser.py cert8.db clickToView.xml COPYING css/ downloadmanager.py edittoolbar.py globalhistory.py js/ icons linkbutton.py karma karmaactivity.py karmaplatz.html lessons/ locale MANIFEST messenger.py model.py palettes.py places.py po/ promptservice.py README securitydialogs.py sessionhistory.py sessionstore.py setup.py viewtoolbar.py utils/ webtoolbar.py
Karma lesson bundle
consists of multiple lesson in a single bundle
- common jquery and css files in a single folder
- The karma utility script can be used to generate a lesson bundle with accompanying main menu and search (probably some sort of sitemap)
bundle_name/ assets/ default/ docs/ images/ sounds/ default.po karmaplatz.html ( Common gateway to access the lessons in the bundle) css/ ( common css files (e.g. jquery.jgrowl.css and menu.css ) ) js/ ( common javascript / jquery files ) lessons/ ( directory for all the lessons ) lesson_name1/ lesson_name2/
consists of a single lesson
lesson_name/ index.html ( valid html5 -- markup only includes visual elements and links in other resources, no inline code or styling ) css/lesson_name.css ( css files -- specific to the lesson ) js/ lesson_name.js ( javascript controlling logic for the lesson ) po/ ( translation files ) ne_NP.po # example translation file for Nepal - Nepali sp_ES.po # example translation file for traditional Spanish assets/ ne/ images/ sounds/ docs/ activity text lesson plan teachers note en/ images/ sounds/ docs/