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Summer of Code/2015/WebCollaboration Redesign
About You
What is your name?
Abhishek Jairath
What is your email address?
What is your Sugar Labs wiki username?
What is your IRC nickname on irc.freenode.net?
What is your first language?
Where are you located, and what hours (UTC) do you tend to work?
New Delhi, India(UTC +5:30). Usual working hours 5:30 - 9:30 and 16:30 - 20:30 (UTC)
Have you participated in an open-source project before? If so, please send us URLs to your profile pages for those projects, or some other demonstration of the work that you have done in open-source. If not, why do you want to work on an open-source project this summer?
No I haven’t exactly contributed to a open-source project but I did add some functionalities to Ghost, an open source blogging platform, while working for a startup. Moreover I have been using a lot of open-source stuff for so long that I really want to contribute to the community.
About your project
What is the name of your project?
Re-design collaboration with web technologies
Describe your project in 10-20 sentences. What are you making? Who are you making it for, and why do they need it? What technologies (programming languages, etc.) will you be using?
The project aims at redesigning the existing collaboration model for web activities.
This would involve developing a node.js server with a socket.io instance. On the client side there would be a javascript api to be made part of existing sugar
It would allow sugar web activity developers to incorporate collaboration between activities irrespective of platform. The technologies used by the project will javascript, web sockets and some other js libraries if required.
What is the timeline for development of your project? The Summer of Code work period is from May 19 - August 22; tell us what you will be working on each week. (As the summer goes on, you and your mentor will adjust your schedule, but it's good to have a plan at the beginning so you have an idea of where you're headed.) Note that you should probably plan to have something "working and 90% done" by the midterm evaluation (27 June); the last steps always take longer than you think, and we will consider cancelling projects which are not mostly working by then.
Convince us, in 5-15 sentences, that you will be able to successfully complete your project in the timeline you have described. This is usually where people describe their past experiences, credentials, prior projects, schoolwork, and that sort of thing, but be creative. Link to prior work or other resources as relevant.
You and the community
If your project is successfully completed, what will its impact be on the Sugar Labs community? Give 3 answers, each 1-3 paragraphs in length. The first one should be yours. The other two should be answers from members of the Sugar Labs community, at least one of whom should be a Sugar Labs GSoC mentor. Provide email contact information for non-GSoC mentors.
Me : For Sugar web-activity developers completion of this project would mean having an option to provide collaboration related features in the web activities. And with web taking precedence over native softwares I think project would help push the envelope in terms of creating new kind of activities for web.
Moreover socket.io, on which the collaboration server is being proposed to be developed, has native client for Android which can be used to communicate to the server in case of Android Activities. And this would allow every children
Martin Abente Lahaye : Collaboration is a fundamental piece of Sugar's pedagogic approach, a big part of the learning experience happens while sharing. Writing activities in a different language won't change that. So we must provide a collaboration framework to sugar web-activity developers.
Walter Bender: The only time collaboration is called cheating is when you are in school in the rest of life it is called being productive and getting the job done we put an emphasis on collaboration in Sugar to introduce it from the start. We have a solid mechanism for Python but are lacking a mechanism in Javascript. We need to address that lack.
What will you do if you get stuck on your project and your mentor isn't around?
For programming problem I would Google my problem and look for solution in forums. And for architectural or technical problems I will try to communicate my problem via IRC and mailing list and wait for someone to respond while I do other project related tasks.
How do you propose you will be keeping the community informed of your progress and any problems or questions you might have over the course of the project?
I would open a thread in Sugar mailing list and update my weekly progress there.
Send us a link to a screenshot of your Sugar development environment with the following modification: when you hover over the XO-person icon in the middle of Home view, the drop-down text should have your email in place of "logout".
Describe a great learning experience you had as a child.
Is there anything else we should have asked you or anything else that we should know that might make us like you or your project more?
I have always thought that education is the best way to have a better society. And Sugar is indeed doing a great job at it. And features like sharing activities and being able to communicate with kids anywhere around the globe makes children realise that people in other countries are just as good as them and they all belong to the same world.http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Summer_of_Code/2015