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Teacher feedback
These are items that have been collected from the field by talking with teachers and what they miss using Sugar. Ideally they should be turned later into real Feature pages later.
Spreadsheet Activity
Often Open Office (for kids) is installed to use Calc (spreadsheet) because the SocialCalc activity is not working reliably enough. Also, teachers would like to have an activity to do simple cake and bars graphics (they used SocialCalc for these tasks so far). Discussion about Open Office 4 kids and 'sugarization'.
Activity for presentations
Often Open Office (for kids) is installed to use Impress (presentations) because the SocialCalc activity is not working reliably enough.
Options for making a screenshot, screenshot more accessible
Many times they do a screenshot and open it in Paint to remove the toolbar. It would be nice to have options when making a screenshot like: only capture the active window, select an area to make a screenshot from. As well it would be nice to have the screenshot functionality and the options available in the UI. Has been turned into a Feature already.
Concept maps
Teachers would like to have an activity or enhance the labyrinth activity for doing Concept Maps, at the moment they use cmaptools in GNOME, paths forward have been discussed at this thread.
Add full name of user
The teachers asked if it is possible to add a field for the real name of the child and another one for the nickname, because it is difficult to identify them for collaboration.
Timeline Activity
To teach history an activity that let's you do timelines has been requested often.
Sequence Activity
It would be nice to create a video with a sequence of photos like with MovieMaker or kdenlive.
Offline reading in Browse
They propose to add an option to Browse to save a PDF file to enable offline reading.