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It should be Sugarlabs policy to make the teacher's job easier - once teachers actually benefit from Sugar, teachers will be our strongest advocates for the use of Sugar and the XO in class, and beyond.
A simple fact: Teachers get to decide if the XO will be used in class.
While Sugar was meant primarily for kids, school class time has to do with some National Official Program Curriculum.
The performance of teachers, their salary and chances for promotion are all dependent on if and how they achieve these mandatory activities and content.
Given any kind of education tool, it either makes the teacher's job easier in reference to those class objectives, in which case it will be adopted enthusiastically, or it requires so much extra, unpaid and often unappreciated effort and time that it is used but seldom.
1) make Sugar relevant - focus in aligning Sugar with the Official Program of Education of Perú and Uruguay - with between 50% and 70% of the total user base of Sugar, this would be a good start 2) evaluate, evaluate, evaluate, not just when or where Sugar works, but, more importantly, where and when it fails. And why. So as to reinforce, re-orient, redirect efforts as a matter of Greatest Need. Sugar is "operational", but is far from being "used" as a matter of course and as it was expected originally 3) without abandoning the Constructi***st origins of Sugar, focus in the OS/GUI/Content/environment/community being actually useful where it is needed most and can make the greatest quality jump: in class 4) make Sugarlabs relevant - figure out how to integrate more teachers (and students) to the Community, as we seem to be losing ground - only 6 new members of Sugarlabs, for 2012, hopefully it means that there are other ecosystems growing elsewhere, that we need to connect with and support each other.