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Some introductory words what the activity is like. Any special things you like to mention that happened during the release cycle etc
More Info: link to get some further info about the module
- reduced memory usage
- performance improvements in startup
Detailed changes
- Modularized the shell to have every major UI component like the frame the home view and the control panel reside in his own module and be self contained
- Use gconf as a backend to store the profile.
- Several heavy shell dependency have been dropped.
- Merge of the journal and of the shell service into the shell
- "Battery fully charged" shows up in error (battery is removed) #5867
- Jabber server description is ambiguous #8623
- Should re-request closed random views #8900
- Should request random activities/buddies to populate the mesh view #7545
- Clipboard objects need meaningful labels #5751
- Dragging within the clipboard creates duplicate clippings #8606
- Cursor lock while dragging icons in Home (or anywhere) #7408
- Tray control should support highlight on drag #8604
- Fix uninstalling activities from the home view
- Make sugar control panel support selection of multiple languages d.l.o
- Add saving and loading of the nm connections and support for WPA #8876
- Implement a global handler for the view source key
- Initial implementation of activity notifications
- Wireless network frame device #9
- Make sugar control panel support selection of multiple languages #8876
- Update Icon in the AP palette #7
- Control Panel needs to list wireless firmware version #8131
- Fix language parsing on Gentoo and ALTLinux #81 (alsroot)
- Change the FRAME_POSITION_RELATIVE to follow eben's spec
- exec sugar-session
- Add wired device icon for the frame
- Only show wireless device in the frame when connecting/connected
- Use jabber.sugarlabs.org by default
- Only create a keydialog for the activating connection
- CanvasPulsingIcon: Don't begin pulse loop on resume if not pulsing
- Use g_timeout_add_seconds() for power efficiency
- Add the journal button to the volumes toolbar in the journal
- Remove jarabe/model/volume.py and use gio instead
- First try at restoring removable devices support in the journal
- make the image viewer activity the default one for iamges
- Make the journal entries in the favorites palette resumable
- Simplify the constants used to identify favorite layouts
- Separate debug settings from xsession #163
- Add logout option #207 to xomenu (sayamindu, icon by eben)
- Change jabber server without sugar restart #142
- About my XO -> About my Computer
- Fix setting the timezone in debian #196
- Autoconnect to AP that we connected to last #8
- Add a favorites mode setting for deciding if the favorites view resumes by default or not
- Resume by default the last activity from the favorites view
- Implement filtering by file type for removable devices
- Filter by timestamp, not by mtime #132
- Add support for text queries on removable devices
- Dont abort if we cannot read a file from a removable device
- Add a favorite filter to the journal toolbar
- Sanitize the file name when we copy to removable devices
- Refresh the detailed view when the entry changes #36
- Refresh full metadata when editing so we dont lose properties #38
- Focus Search is not exposed via dbus anymore #89
- 'Open with' does not work for clipboard item #131
- Install bundles when they get into the journal #165
- Add Resume item to the file transfer palette
- Fix erase button in the journal #126
- Following eben's spec for the device positions
- Resume Activity list is not updated directly #322
- Fix network panel on XO (Sascha Silbe) #290
- Only show cp power section on xo #320
- Add logout option to the buddy menu (Sayamindu) #207
- Launch activity also when clicking on the palette icon #335
- Use the activity icon for the 'Start new' palette item #314
- Close the object chooser when the activity is closed #329
- Dates in journal are not translated #55
- Don't mute when right-clicking the speaker icon #278
- Correctly cache the connection to the OHM service #249
- Show launcher screen immediately after the user clicks to start an activity #243
- Use documend-send icon (Gary C Martin) #227
- Try harder to get an icon for a clipping
- Hide the journal activity in the home view #87
- Correctly initialize the TrayIcon
- Add 'View Details' option to object palette in journal
- Translation updates
- Hide OLPC-specific fields on non-xo machines #133
- Add a 'Clear search' button to 'No matching entries' message #266
- Correctly detect when a query in the journal is empty #255
- Avoid launching two instances of the same activity instance #238
- Add start-with option to objectpalette in the journal
- Fix dnd of icons in the favorite view #213
- Right click on AP should reveal palette not connect to AP #10
- Display space used and left in the volume palette in the journal #33
- Don't update the zoom level when a dialog window pops up
- Fix filtering the objectchooser with data types #219
- Revert "Add a favorites mode setting for deciding if the favorites view resumes by default or not"
- Listen for changes in the Activities dir and install/uninstall activities accordingly #235
- Fix sorting of favorite icons by installation_time #387
- View Source: Option and accelerator in activity frame palette
- View Source: Use activity icon outline for Bundle Source, part of #360
- View Source: Hide Python Bytecode files #361
- Use the file transfer icons
- Many new translations!
- Focus rectangle corners should be rounded #406
- Restore minimal .xol support #459
- Check the activity version and replace an older version upon download #464
- Friendstray: icon reacting to right click #441
- Network device icons don't react on right click #463
- Don't open a launcher window when that activity is already running #426
- Fall back to application-octet-stream for unknown types #458
- Show a generic icon for clippings, if available #454
- Don’t add_bundle on activity dir change when installed already #442
- Make mute sound code togglable
- Keyhandler: Map XF86Search to the journal search
- Keyhandler: Catch all exceptions (thanks to Sascha Silbe)
- Give time for exit to execute when closing the emulator #435
- Dont hardcode the maximum amount of entries to cache in the journal #72
- Add standard ‘Print’ shortcut to take a screenshot
- Use keyboard specific keys to set the volume #430
- Update to new DBus policy #307
- Fix palette appearance on right-click #403
- Switch to existing instance of an activity if it’s already running #410
Tomeu Vizoso