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Development Team/Collaboration Refactoring
During the 0.90 release cycle, Collabora is sponsoring the refactoring of the presence and collaboration framework in Sugar with the following objectives:
- reduce the dependency on deprecated or soon to be deprecated parts of the Telepathy spec,
- improve interoperability with other messaging systems,
- make it easier to implement further collaboration features, often developed for other systems.
The strategy that will be followed can be summarized as turning Sugar into a normal Telepathy client.
Instead of implementing these changes inside Sugar's Presence Service, we are going to remove this layer because of the unneeded complexity that it brings and because several of the services it provides are either obsoleted or replaced by new components in the Telepathy framework. See Development Team/Presence Service Removal for details.
Tasks for 0.90
Reimplement presence in the Shell
Work ongoing in http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/sugar/repos/nops based on Development Team/Presence Service Removal. This is the base for all the rest of improvements to the collaboration infrastructure.
Status: feature complete, polishing and stabilization ongoing
Dispatch new channels
- Implement an approver and display the invitation in the UI
- Make sure other telepathy clients don't interfere even if installed
Status: feature complete, polishing and stabilization ongoing
Reimplement sugar.presence without the PS
Instead of having the logic split between sugar.presence and the PS, implement what is needed inside sugar.presence using the D-Bus API.
Status: feature complete, polishing and stabilization ongoing
Implement compatibility PS based on sugar.presence
For activities that still depend on the PS D-Bus API.
Status: in progress
Tasks for future releases
Implement a non-Sugar-specific interface for announcing activity
An important part of the Sugar experience is that users can choose to do any of their work either alone or together with other people, so the UI displays on-going activities, allows joining existing activities, sharing a local activity, inviting other people to an on-going activity, etc.
There's interest in systems other than Sugar that also use Telepathy to gain similar capabilities, so we are going to work in defining better the intended user experience and designing a Telepathy interface for this.
You can follow this work on the Telepathy tracker: http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27107
Account configuration in the control panel
Sending and accepting subscription requests
Adding an arbitrary contact to our contact list
Avatars support
Merge Salut and Gabble contacts in the UI (?)
Make activities activatable dbus services
So they can be activated in other desktops.