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EduJAM/2011/Code Sprint
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Right after the eduJAM! 2011, we had the Sugar Code Sprint to work on deployment needs detected during the summit.
- On Sunday we had a brainstorm session to triage bug reports from the field.
- This day was historic: For the first time the Sugar Labs Obersight Board could meet with 6 of 7 members (didn't find the minutes in http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/Minutes)
- Code Sprint main achievements: (see whiteboard)--> PLEASE ADD LINKS TO MORE INFO OR DOWNLOAD
- Journal
- Cloud Journal brainstorm (many people)
- Mockups for multiselection (tch, godiard, aq, manuq))
- Mockups for tags (tch, godiard, aq, manuq)
- Documents Folder patch (walter)
- Portfolio Activity (walter, manuq)
- Library brainstorm (godiard, manuq)
- Social Calc fixes (nick dorion)
- Maps Activity (nick dorion)
- Gnumeric Activity (dirakx)
- Etoys: download projects from Squeakland (bert)
- Fixes for Sugar Doers Kit (SDK) (alsroot)
- Patch workwflow Dxo - SL - OLPC (anish, erikos, martin_xsa)
- Review reports from the field
- Modification of 'I Can Read' activity to support sign language (walter)
- Journal
- Aaron Boarden
- Adam Holt
- Aleksey Lim
- Andrés Ambrois
- Anish Mangal
- Bernie Innocenti
- Bert Fruedenberg
- Bastien Guerry
- Christofer Roibal
- CScott Ananian
- Chris Ball
- Daniel Castelo
- Esteban Arias
- Esteban Bordón
- Gabriel Eirea
- Gonzalo Odiard
- Luis Michelena
- Manuel Quiñones
- Martín Abente
- Nick Doiron
- Pablo Flores
- Rafael Ortiz
- Rodolfo Arce
- Sebastián Silva
- Simon Schampijer
- Tony Anderson
- Vladimir Castro
- Walter Bender
This is part of Sugar Camp Q2 2011.