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Lesson plan template
This is a lesson plan template that incorporates a Sugar activity.
It can be printed downloaded as a Microsoft Word document.
How to Use
For online (wiki) lesson plans
- Cut and paste the /Wiki Version into a new wiki page's "Editing" text box.
- Start with the Instructional Procedures section. That's the "what does the class *do*" part, which is the meat of the lesson.
- Fill out the other parts.
- Share
- Reflect (meta): how did it go? Should the lesson plan template be improved?
For never-online printed lesson plans
Are you sure it's never going to be online? Consider writing it online first using the instructions in the previous sections.
Print out the Microsoft Word version.
Lesson Summary
Briefly describe the procedures and purposes of the lesson.
Estimated Duration
Include an estimate of the time needed for instruction.
Any important, up-front-visible comments should go here.
Identify strategies to pre-assess student knowledge of the selected standard(s), benchmark(s) and indicator(s). Data from pre-assessment helps educators select specific instructional strategies and determine appropriate complexity and pacing for the lesson. Pre-assessments may be as informal as a reflection on students’ prior learning, a conversation about concepts or warm-up problems at the beginning of class that are not scored. They may be more formally structured, such as a quiz or an assigned writing topic.
Scoring Guidelines
Define scoring guidelines for the pre-assessment, which may take the form of teacher judgment, a checklist or another scoring format. Scoring guidelines should reveal whether or not student has met the indicator or benchmark so that instruction can be modified and targeted to learners accordingly.
Teachers should conduct ongoing teacher assessment and student self assessment throughout instruction. These can be planned or conducted as opportunities for observation or reflection arise. If planned, describe here.
Identify strategies to assess student learning as a result of the lesson. Data that results should help to plan subsequent instruction.
Scoring Guidelines
Define scoring criteria for the post-assessment, which may take the form of a rubric or another scoring format. Scoring criteria should reveal whether or not student has met the indicator or benchmark so that instruction can be targeted accordingly. If possible, assessment and scoring criteria should be developed to reflect student process as well as product.
Instructional Procedures
Describe the instructional steps that will be taken to implement the lesson.
An introductory lesson plan might comprise:
- Brief overview of what might be possible with each Activity
- Introduction of one or two key functions
- Exploration time -- encourage sharing between participants, particularly when they learn something new
- Introduction of another key function
- Exploration time (as before)
- Discussion - how do they see using the Activity with their students
- Create a project/sample lesson plan from good ideas in the discussion
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Materials and Resources
For teachers
List the materials needed for the teacher.
For students
List the materials needed for the students.
Key Vocabulary
List key terms that need to be defined prior to or as part of instruction.
General Tips
Record observations and suggested modifications to facilitate instruction and student learning in the lesson.
List and attach any additional materials created for the lesson, including student handouts, blackline masters, overheads, etc.
Adaptation and Connections
Differentiated Instructional Support
Describe how instruction can be differentiated according to learner needs, to help all learners either meet the intent of the specified indicator(s) or, if the indicator is already met, to advance beyond the specified indicator(s).
These are ideas for all students to continue learning on this topic -- in class or outside of class.
Homework Options and Home Connections
Describe work that will be assigned to students outside of the classroom.
Interdisciplinary Connections
Tell how the lesson can be integrated with other content areas to strengthen student learning.
Technology Connections
Suggest ideas for integrating technology into the lesson.
Research Connections
Include research that supports the content or methods of instruction within the lesson.
Content Standards
This lesson plan was written by *Author*.
It is released under the "Attribution 3.0 Unported" license.