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Sugar Creation Kit/Activities
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- Initial support to Gtk3 landed in 0.96, but is safer promote Gtk3 activities to sugar 0.98 and bigger.
- listing: Activities Descriptions and Developer Pages
- OLPC listings: Activities
- Recursos_en_espanol Los siguientes recursos han sido creados por personal de distintos deployments de America Latina y otros colaboradores.
Activity Links
- http://activities.sugarlabs.org//en-US/sugar/ ASLO site for downloading xx.xo files
- http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Activities/Sugar_Labs/0.104 NEW
- Activity Matrix Activities Table listing ASLO No.;Compatibility with Os version; Description etc.
- http://download.sugarlabs.org/activities/ Activities by Number (with most old versions)
- Activity Links sorted by Number as 0f 08/07/2011
- Activity Information In Depth Development Team Release Modules
- Activity_Library/Devel ASLO development information
- Activity Team Resources
- http://oficina.paraguayeduca.org/~jsaldivar/activities/ bundled activities (paraguayeduca)
- 11.3.0 State of activities: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/11.3.0/Activities#State_of_Activities
- Advanced-(work in progress) : http://wiki.paraguayeduca.org/index.php/Analisis_de_Uso_de_Actividades Analysis of Activity usages from XO backups:Sugar Love (Activities Needing developer help)
- Test Matrix
- Talk:Sugar_on_a_Stick_release_process#Test_Matrix
- Testing/Activity Test Table
- olpc:Activities (OLPC Listings)
Tam Tam Resources
- Materials for teachers of the Tam Tam Suite
- Scratch
- http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Scratch
- http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Activities/OLPCAU/10.1.3
- Relicensing to GPL2 soon: https://lists.launchpad.net/scratch/msg00301.html
- GCompris
- http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4313/ GCompris-15 activity
- Activities/GCompris Home Page
- http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4314/ Administration tool for GCompris activity (for Teachers)
- Activities/GCompris Home Page
- http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4313/ GCompris-15 activity
- ooo4kids http://download.ooo4kids.org/en
- http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4241 ASLO link version 1.0
- http://download.ooo4kids.org/?wpfb_dl=71 Linux rpm
- http://ftp.educoo.org/home/OOo4Kids/XO/1.2/
- http://ftp.educoo.org/home/OOo4Kids/XO/1.2/en-US/ 1.2.xo (Latest)19-Mar-2011
Note For Latest Activity Testing and Compatibility see: Testing/Activity Test Table#Activity Test Results
- Activities IndexMirabell.ods (Included on DVD] OR
- http://people.sugarlabs.org/Tgillard/Activities-Index-ASLO.ods (not being updated)
- http://people.sugarlabs.org/Tgillard/Activities-Index-ASLO-f13-Mirabelle-f14-rawhide-Soas-tests.ods (more recent than on current DVD-not being updated)
- Open Office Spreadsheet showing .xo File Compatibility with Mirabelle and earlier versions of SoaS.
- Note: You can sort it, as it is a spreadsheet!
How To remove an installed or Updated activity
- This is for original activities or those updated through ControlPanel/Software-Update
- Sugar terminal:
su (password) cd /usr/share/sugar/activities/ ls (note name of activity that is to be removed) rm -rf ~ xxxxxx.activity (Removes the activity-this is irreversible)
- now an activity .xo file in the sugar journal with the same name (with a lower version number) will start
- as an example: if you want to run Browse 112.xo downloaded from ASLO if Browse-120 is installed in sugar.
Wikipedia Database Download
- To download information for off-line storage
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Wikipedia-CD/Download