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Talk:Translation Team
Is there a mailing list?
- Yes, http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/localization Cjl 06:20, 15 December 2009 (UTC)
http://translate.sugarlabs.org/doc/en/index.html doesn't exist. --Walter 17:29, 30 June 2010 (EDT)
Honey reorganization
Not sure where to put this discussion, but Cjl and I had chatted about splitting Honey up into (at least) two parts as it is getting quite large and as a consequence, it makes it difficult for translators to focus their efforts. This rough pass at a split into Honey 1 and Honey 2 is based on history, pedagogy, and popularity. Please comment. --Walter 10:03, 21 April 2012 (EDT)
I have an even more mundane technical reason for wanting Honey broken up into smaller chunks. The time it takes to perform a complete refresh from templates when new strings land has been getting progressive longer and longer. Activity strings change quite rapidly when it is first put up for L10n and so having a place where Activities can start and later "graduate" to Honey would be very pragmatic. Cjl 12:06, 21 April 2012 (EDT)
I've changed the names to Honey 1 and Honey 2 and suggested some activities to move to Fructose, as they seem to be included in every build --Walter 15:33, 24 May 2012 (EDT)
Include in Fructose
- oficina.po (paint)
- portfolio.po
- readetexts.po
- record.po
- speak.po
Honey 1
- abacus.po
- calendario.po
- clock.po
- classroombroadcast.po
- conozcoamerica.po
- distance.po
- finance-activity.po
- fototoon.po
- get_books.po
- implode.po
- infoslicer.po
- jigsaw-puzzle.po
- labyrinth.po (mind map)
- maze.po
- measure_activity.po
- memorize.po
- moon.po
- physics.po
- ruler.po
- simplegraph.po
- slider-puzzle.po
- stopwatch.po
- story.po
- TamTam Suite
- typingturtle.po
- viewslides.po
- visualmatch.po
- words.po
- xoEditor.po
Honey 2
- analyze.po
- arithmetic.po
- cartoonbuilder.po
- colors.po
- deducto.po
- erikos.po
- flipgame.po
- flipsticks.po
- followmebutia.po
- fractionbounce.po
- get_ia_books.po
- gogo.po
- hellomesh.po
- hmouse.po
- joke-machine.po
- kandid.po
- karma_6_english_animalidentification.po
- locosugar.po
- lybniz.po
- mateton.po
- nutrition.po
- panorama.po
- paths.po
- PlayGo.po
- plot-activity.po
- pointillism.po
- poll-builder.po
- pukllanapac.po
- pydebug.po
- read-sd-comics.po
- recall.po
- reflection.po
- slideruler.po
- story-builder.po
- sugar-commander.po
- telescope.po
- timeline.po
- turtlepond.po
- watch-listen.po