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The Quiz activity is an expanded version of the ImageQuiz activity created by Chris Hager and Georg Witwer. It adds additional quiz types: matching picture, text flashcard, and audio flashcard. It provides the capability for the user to create a quiz and export it as a bundle (mime_type: application/x-imagequiz) with the extension .iqxo. This bundle can be imported into the Quiz activity on other XOs.
Taking a Quiz
Making a Quiz
Utility Functions
The utility functions are not needed for normal use of the Quiz activity.
The import utility shows a list of quiz bundles in the datastore. If a bundle is selected (clicked), the utility will unzip the bundle, copy the images and audio clips to the local activity files, and enter the questions in the SQLite database. When complete, the utility blanks the screen. The user can then pick that quiz from the 'Pick Quiz' menu option.
The export utility shows a list of the quizzes in the database. If a quiz is selected, the utility creates a control file (deck.xml) and copies the required images and audio clips to a work folder. The files are then zipped into a bundle which is saved in the datastore (Journal). The bundle can be stored on a usb drive (copy from the Journal) and installed on a different XO using the Import utility function. This function will be needed for a newly created quiz to be shared via the schoolserver or a usb drive.
The delete utility shows a list of the quizzes in the database. If a quiz is selected, it is deleted from the database. If an image or audio clip is not used in another quiz, it is also deleted. There is no 'undo'!
The reset utility removes the entire database as well as all of the images and audio clips. The next time the Quiz activity is launched it will start with a fresh copy to the pre-installed quizzes. All other quizzes will be gone.
Quiz Bundle
The Export utility saves a bundle in the datastore (Journal). The bundle has the mime_type: application/x-smile and the file extension .iqxo. It is a zipfile which contains the control file (deck.xml) and the images and audio clips required for the quiz. The current version does not import a bundle from the Journal Activity - the Quiz activity must be launched and the bundle imported from the selection screen using the import utility function. The bundle is a means to exchange quizzes. The Quiz activity stores the questions for each quiz in an SQLLite database and copies the images and audio clips into the activities local files.
Features Requested
User:Cjb would love to see a collaborative quiz activity that works something like this:
- gives a shared countdown and then asks a question, and gives points based on who answered correctly/first/etc, and keeps track of scores over time
- this could either use static written questions, or randomly generated questions based on rules (like a math problem generator that comes up with questions by choosing from random numbers inside a given range)
- would be a great way to showcase collaboration and harness the power of competition for learning e.g. math
If you're interested in helping out, please add your wiki name to this list!