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Where to get Visual Match


Visual Match is a pattern-matching game written for Sugar; it is included as part of the honey collection of Sugar add-ons. The object of the game is to find sets of three cards where each attribute—color, shape, number of elements, and shading—either match on all three cards or are different on all three cards. The current version doesn't yet support sharing with multiple players or saving to the Journal, but it can be played by a single player.

Version 8


Visual Match has not yet been translated into any languages other than English.

(See our Pootle server for details about how to translate Visual Match into your language.)

Examples of matches

One-red-circle.png Two-red-circles.png Three-red-circles.png colors, shapes, and shade match; numbers are different

One-red-circle.png One-green-ex.png One-blue-check.png numbers match; colors, shapes and shade are different

One-red-circle.png Three-blue-checks.png Two-green-exes.png everything is different

Examples of mismatches