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A review of installation methods
This is a work in progress. Please review and contribute.
Installation to HD, USB hard drive, and USB/SD flash drives
Uncompressed file systems
- zyx-liveinstaller <from Ferminal>Sugar_on_a_Stick/ZyX-LiveInstaller
- creates real file structure on USB or HD (without rebooting)
- name and color selection (and ssh keys remain the same)
- This can be a problem for using it for distribution
- liveinst (Anaconda)<from Terminal> Sugar_on_a_Stick/Linux/Non-compressed_Fedora#Use_liveinst_command_in_terminal
- installs to HD or USB stick
- If you make an .img file from the USB before running "firstboot", it becomes a good way to duplicate the sticks.
- Net install CD Sugar_on_a_Stick/Linux/Non-compressed_Fedora#Make_your_OWN_Custom_SUGAR-DESKTOP_USB_Boot_Stick
- need a fast Internet connection
- very slow install(6+ hours for USB)
- allows custom install of sugar-desktop only or Gnome/KDE + Sugar
- If you make an .img file from the USB before running "firstboot", it becomes a good way to duplicate the sticks.
Compressed file systems on USB/SD
- script with .iso file Talk:SoaS_Blueberry_Instructions#With_the_soas-2-blueberry.iso.2C_leave_out_the_options_for_a_separate_persistent_home:
- live-usbcreator application
- Download the latest version of the Fedora LiveUSB Creator from http://fedorahosted.org/liveusb-creator and extract it.
- Plug a blank target USB flash drive (or SD Card) into your computer (minimum 1-gigabyte).
- Launch LiveUSB Creator.
- Select Sugar on a Stick v2 Blueberry in the drop-down menu on the upper-right side to download the liveUSB disk image. Alternatively, download Blueberry here, then hit the Browse button and select the downloaded file.
- Adjust the Persistent Storage slider. This enables you to save the child's work in Sugar onto the device.
- Select your flash drive as the target and click the Create Live USB button.
- Wait for the process to finish, then close the LiveUSB Creator program.
- Stop your flash drive using the Safely Remove Hardware dialog and eject it.
- other Linux distributions Sugar_on_a_Stick/Linux
Duplication of USB/SD .img files
- dd copy of USB/SD <from terminal>Sugar_on_a_Stick/Linux/Non-compressed_Fedora#Duplication_of_USB_Sticks Autologon Sugar_on_a_Stick/Linux/Non-compressed_Fedora#AUTO_Login_to_SUGAR
Upgrade to Sugar 0.84 with Fedora 11 and Gnome
Look at Instructions Here: http://www.olpcnews.com/forum/index.php?topic=4768.msg31772#msg31772%3E
- message #3 How to install.
- NOTE: Software has been updated since that posting. The latest Software is available here:
- put these files on a fat32 boot flag USB stick
- add your security key to the USB
- Be certain to disable security first
- follow instructions in message #3
THIS WILL OVERWRITE YOUR NAND in the XO-1 with the new OS.
- Use XO-1 AC Charger to guarantee this will complete