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Activities/Text dungeon
Text dungeon
A text dungeon game for literacy and numeracy. The file describing the dungeon is plain text, it can be edited with an editor such as Write.
File:Textdungeon1.xo install bundle, works on Sugar 0.88 - 0.92
The intention is that children would both play and create dungeons to develop math, literacy and problem solving skills:
Playing the game
- visualise 2D spaces (could extend to 3D or even 4D)
- navigate compass directions N E S W and relationship to right, left
- text literacy
- can include subject related content
- problem solving
Making/editing/reading a dungeon file
- all the above plus
- Cartesian coordinates
- variables
- word processing skills
- programming like skills
- create in any language
Dungeon file format
[l,room x,room y] your location
[i, item, item ....] your inventory
[u,room x, room y, item, room x, .....] location of items
[d,room x, room y, direction, locked, room x, .....] status of wall/door segments, unlisted segments are locked, doors can be asymmetric
[r,room x,room y,direction,item which unlocks,open text,closed text,text when opening] one entry for each unlockable door
For example, the Sampledungeon represented above is described by these strings
[u,0,0,lamp,0,1,key,1,1,sword,1,0,princess] #key in room 0,1 , sword in room 1,1 ,princess room 1,0
[d,0,0,0,0, 0,1,2,0, 0,1,1,1, 1,1,2,1, 1,1,3,0, 1,0,0,0] #room 0,0 north door open, room 0,1 south open, room 0,1 east door locked etc
Keyboard commands
h - help
f - forward
r - right
l - left
b - list backpack contents
p item - pick up item
d item - drop item
u item - use item