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- Use Ubuntu startup disk creator to install the DVD to a 4 GB USB stick. Works Very well --Satellit 15:00, 21 March 2012 (EDT)
- CD contains 3 language selections: en; es; pt.
- Fully loaded with Groveshark; banshee; BLC; totum; Shotwell; flash; Thunderbird; Pidgin; Gwibber; Xchat; Openoffice; Giver; PdfPrinter; filezilla; Skype; Audacity; Picassa; Google Earth; wine; VirtualBox; Garfio and many other extras to make it very user friendly.
- Tuquito 5 (Ubuntu 11.04) page updated 11/15/2011
- Sugar 0.88 and 0.90 + Ubuntu Sugar Remix in software manager
- Sweets-Sugar 0.94.1
- Tuquito 4.1 (Ubuntu 10.4) Note: does not seem to be available 11/16/2011
- Sugar 0.88 in software manager (see below)
Request for Help
- [Sugar-devel] Sugar in Tuquito Distribution 3/27/2011:
I would like to learn more about Sugar and the procedures that are needed to be folowed in order to make that tuquito (http://tuquito.org.ar this is an ubuntu derivated distribution) takes part of the distributions that are officially supported by sugar. I would like to tell you our case, and what we have done until now 1. Necessity Classmate netbooks has been chosen in some provinces of Argentine and in the "Conectar Igualdad Plan" (http://www.conectarigualdad.gob.ar/). These computers will have distributions based on Ubuntu. One of the problems the users of ubuntu are facing is that the packages of sugar are not up to date or we have problems to compile the hulahop seccion and we have errors executing the browse activity because of the updating of xulrunner . 2. Solutions considering the situation that we have with the people of Tuquito, we have decided to try to solve these problems and compile sugar from jhbuild. You can see on these links 2 tickets created by me relating to this job ( http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/2496 http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/2629 ). 3. Procedures that we have followed to compile sugar in Tuquito (can be applied in ubuntu 10.10 too) first step: In /sugar-jhbuild/sjhbuild/sysdeps.py add the following line Line 18: 'Tuquito': 'unstable', in line 53 we add 'Tuquito' Line 53: elif name in ['ubuntu', 'debian','Tuquito']: second step add 3 files to ~/sugar-jhbuild/config/sysdeps using the xml for ubuntu cp 50ubuntu-10.10.xml 50tuquito-4.1.xml cp 50ubuntu-allversions.xml 50tuquito-allversions.xml cp 10ubuntu-allversions.xml 10tuquito-allversions.xml third step add the next packages to solve dependecies to compile libgtk2.0-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev libxml2-dev libpopt-dev python-dev libtool intltool python-gconf python-gnome2-dev python2.7-dev python-gtk2-dev python-gnome2-dev libgnome-desktop-dev libgnomecups1.0-dev libwnck-dev librsvg2-dev gtk-doc-tools libtelepathy-glib-dev libasound2-dev icon-slicer xulrunner-dev libcroco3-dev libtelepathy-glib-dev icon-naming-utils shtool libgconf2-dev abiword espeak espeak-data libabiword-2.8-dev libtelepathy-glib0 libdbus-glib-1-dev metacity pep8 pylint python-abiword python-evince python-rsvg python-telepathy python-wnck python-xklavier telepathy-gabble telepathy-salut xulrunner-1.9.2 python-lxlm y python-beautifulsoup forth step: We have built a package to solve the xulruner problem. Here you can find the package http://acercadelaeducacion.com.ar/scripts/python_xpcom with this procedure we are able to compile the sugar from jhbuild in tuquito (in theory works in ubuntu 10.10 too) A Question: I have done this with short knowledge of sugar and with a lot of help from the local chapter of sugarlabs (sugarlabs Argentina). Our aim would be to officially reach the support of sugar in Tuquito. - Which procedure should we follow to be an official distribution for sugar? Next Steps In order to test this version of sugar I have done a script that builds the package (sugar-jhbuild) and the sugar.desktop in /usr/share/applications. This script also makes the xssesion to execute the sugar-emulator in full screen mode. We would also like to make a version of Tuquito and sugar in which the users could choose the enviroment to start the computer (gnome or sugar and not the sugar-emulator). Could you explain us how to do this? You can see the script here http://www.acercadelaeducacion.com.ar/scripts/script_sugar_tuquito.sh Best regards Alvar
- Re: [Sugar-devel] Sugar in Tuquito Distribution 08:14 AM 03/28/2011
....clip.... By the way we are packing sugar-jhbuild in deb format, so later you can install latest sugar in tuquito (or other debian distributions) from repositories directly. With this the browse problem is fixed because we are going to put in our repositories the package xpcom http://www.acercadelaeducacion.com.ar/scripts/python_xpcom.deb another thing I have made a patch for add support to tuquito in sugar I sent it to sugar labs but I don't know the exactly steps for add changes to sugar-repo so I attached this patch in this email so you maybe can add this or send to the right people. about tuquito license, it is licensed under GPL
Patch: python_xpcom.deb
Install Sugar 0.88.0 from Ubuntu/maverik/with symantic
- >gnome-terminal:
sudo su (password) # >symantic reload search for "sugar" select all sugar named items (select each one from list-DO NOT SELECT Ubuntu Sugar Remix items) install >close symantic ># apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev libxml2-dev libpopt-dev python-dev libtool intltool python-gconf python-gnome2-dev python2.7-dev python-gtk2-dev python-gnome2-dev libgnome-desktop-dev libgnomecups1.0-dev libwnck-dev librsvg2-dev gtk-doc-tools libtelepathy-glib-dev libasound2-dev icon-slicer xulrunner-dev libcroco3-dev libtelepathy-glib-dev icon-naming-utils shtool libgconf2-dev abiword espeak espeak-data libabiword-2.8-dev libtelepathy-glib0 libdbus-glib-1-dev metacity pep8 pylint python-abiword python-evince python-rsvg python-telepathy python-wnck python-xklavier telepathy-gabble telepathy-salut xulrunner-1.9.2 python-lxlm y python-beautifulsoup >exit terminal
- Problem:NO BROWSER installed in sugar
- Sugar-browse not present or installed (03/29/2011) satellit
- install sugar-browse-120.xo from 2nd USB disk
- Download python_xpcom.deb
http://people.sugarlabs.org/Tgillard/python_xpcom.deb Install with Package installer but it will still not start.
- Sugar-log: ImportError: No Module named hulahop
- Solution: Load surf-115.xo onto 2nd USB and insert in slot.
- Download (In firefox outside of sugar) surf-115.xo to a 2nd USB from here: http://people.sugarlabs.org/Tgillard/Surf-115.xo
- Drag drop surf-115.xo[1] from 2nd USB to journal icon in left corner.
- Start surf and click on "activities" link on top right corner of start screen (ASLO)
- Install any activities you want.
Install Sugar-desktop 0.88 "SWEETS"
- NEW 02/03/2011 alsroot and satellit
- This is dextrose-2, thus more then just 0.88. it contains several features that still not committed to the trunk + bug fixes from 0.90+
- Sugar 0.88 sweets
- Boot Install and open terminal
sudo su cd /etc/apt gedit sources.list (gedit opens) add these lines to sources.list: deb http://bazaar-download.sugarlabs.org/Trisquel%3a/4.0/Ubuntu-10.04 ./ save file; exit gedit add bazaar gpg key: (in root terminal) gpg --keyserver keys.sugarlabs.org --recv-keys 75BB5FDF gpg --armor --export 75BB5FDF | apt-key add - synaptic Reload Package Information [X] Search for "sweets" check "sweets-distribution" in Synaptic apply "Downloading Package Files" "Installing software" Exit synaptic
- 77 files
- DL 03/28/2011 for testing with VirtualBox 4.0.4for OS X (satellit)
- 206 updates
- seems to require over 1024 memory 1530 speeds up mouse
- Sweet-distribution selected 77 files
- how to configure full screen.
- Browse will not start
- FIX:
- Load surf onto 2nd USB disk and insert in slot.
- click on the journal in sugar main view
- click on the USB icon on bottom of frame (left) after frame retracts
- Drag drop surf-115.xo[1] from 2nd USB to journal icon in left corner.
- Download surf to your 2nd USB from here: [1]http://people.sugarlabs.org/Tgillard/Surf-115.xo