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Finding help
Begin by reviewing the navigation bar on the far left of every page of this wiki. Each section with a triangle ▸ will expand ▾ to reveal common destinations.
- Open the Sugar section, if necessary.
- Follow the Get started link under Sugar, to study the page Getting Started.
- There you will find Sugar manual, recommended reading for all!
- And you will find links to tutorials, videos and, importantly, current release notes.
Sugar Labs FAQ
There is a compilation of the team frequently asked questions (FAQs).
Viewing wiki categories
Many of the pages on this wiki are tagged at the bottom of the page with "Category:" or "Categories:". (A list of all the categories and the number of pages in each category is available at Categories.)
- Have a look at the foot of this page, it has the tag Help. If you click on the tag, it will take you to an index of all other pages tagged Help.
- You can see all the pages tagged 'FAQ' by following this link Category:FAQ - an index to all FAQ pages (with links for new questions).
- Similarly, Category:Help shows pages tagged as 'Help', and Category:HowTo - pages tagged as 'HowTo'.
The Undiscoverable
We have tried hard to make it easy for children to discover what they can do with Sugar software without being told. But that isn't always possible. So we have a list of things that teachers should know about, and be able to demonstrate. If you find some feature of the software incomprehensible, please add it to the list, and we will see what we can do for you and everybody else who runs into the same problem. Sometimes the answer is a click of the mouse away, but not always. We are, after all, introducing children to all of human knowledge. They will inevitably need help with much of it. It took all of our ancestors many years to get this far, so it is alright if children spend a few years hitting the highlights, and getting help to do it.
OLPC Project Help and Information
OLPC represents by far the largest Sugar deployments. For general help and information about the OLPC Project, please see these links at the OLPC Wiki:
- Official OLPC FAQ,
- OLPC's Support FAQ, for questions about the XO laptop, its version of Sugar, and Activities.
- Much information is applicable to the current version of Sugar (e.g., using Activities).
- Support, for more support mechanisms,
- :Category:OLPC FAQ, and Ask OLPC a Question (in roughly that order).
Communication and Forums
- Sugar Labs/Communication channels
- The official OLPC community support forum, forum.laptop.org http://en.forum.laptop.org/
- The Fedora community has an active forum http://www.fedoraforum.org/
There is an index to Sugar Labs infrastructure services.
Sugar glossary
There is a glossary with commonly used acronyms available here.
Former help sites
On these sites, you can find the description of some old problems, but they are no longer maintained by the Sugar Labs community:
Request help
- If you have not found the answer you need here, try Help Requests.