Development Team/Sugargame
Sugargame is a Python package which allows Pygame programs to run well under Sugar. It is fork of the olcpgames framework, which is no longer maintained.
Sugargame embeds the Pygame window into a GTK window, and translates GTK events to Pygame events.
What it does:
- Wraps a Sugar activity around an existing Pygame program with few changes
- Allows Sugar toolbars and other widgets to be added to the activity UI
- Provides hooks for saving to and restoring from the Journal
Differences between Sugargame and olpcgames
The olpcgames framework provides a wrapper around Pygame which attempts to allow a Pygame program to run mostly unmodified under Sugar. To this end, the Pygame program is run in a separate thread with its own Pygame message loop while the main thread runs the GTK message loop. Also, olpcgames wraps Sugar APIs such as the journal and mesh into a Pygame-like API.
Sugargame takes a simpler approach; it simply offers a way to embed Pygame into a GTK widget. The Sugar APIs are used to interact with Sugar, the Pygame APIs are used for the game.
Sugargame advantages:
- Simpler code
- More elegant interface between Pygame and GTK
- Runs as a single thread: no thread related segfaults
- Possible to use Sugar widgets with Pygame
Sugargame limitations:
- No support for Pango or SVG sprites (yet)
Using Sugargame
Porting a Pygame program
To use Sugargame to Sugarize a Pygame program, set up an activity directory and copy the Sugargame package to it.
The activity directory should look something like this:
activity/ - Activity directory:, SVG icon, etc. sugargame/ - Sugargame package - Activity class - Pygame code - Install script
To make the Activity class, start with test/ from the Sugargame distribution.
The activity should create a single PygameCanvas widget and call run_pygame on it.
self._canvas = sugargame.canvas.PygameCanvas(self) self.set_canvas(self._canvas) # Start the game running. self._canvas.run_pygame(
In your Pygame main loop, pump the GTK message loop:
while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration()
Adding Pygame to an activity
For help with Sugargame, please email the Sugar Labs development list:
Sugargame is developed by Wade Brainerd <>.
It is loosely based on the source code to the olpcgames framework, developed by the One Laptop Per Child project.