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Activity Team/Obsolete/Native Packages
GNU/Linux distributions
GNU/Linux distributions integration is not intended to follow all requirements for native packages and in most cases cannot be reused for GNU/Linux distribution official repositories. There are only three major ideas behind distribution support:
- run Zero package in particular GNU/Linux distribution using native packaging system
- do not interfere with official packages
- make packages reusable for 0install deployment model
Zero Sugar GNU/Linux distributions integration is designed to support primarily OBS workflow. Each OBS package is an all-sufficient Zero Sugar entity with one exception, it knows nothing about 0install infrastructure. It is possible to follow regular OBS procedures for these Zero packages e.g. creating links to Zero packages and branching them within OBS.
Each Zero package consist of:
- <package-name>.info Zero Sugar spec file
- <package-name>.changes regular OBS changes file
- revision file with revision number of current version
- <package-name>.spec stub spec file for rpm based distributions
- stub spec files for deb based distributions
- tarballs with sources
RPM support
Each Zero package has rpm.spec file to support building package on all RPM based distributions that OBS supports. File contains only one line %zsugar_spec
to invoke zsugar_spec
macros which generates spec file content on demand according to current 0sugar.info and revision files content.