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Marketing Team/Events/LinuxTag2011
LinuxTag 2011
Event Details
LinuxTag is the most important place for Linux and open source software in Europe. The 17th LinuxTag presents all the latest for professional users, decision makers, developers, beginners and the Linux community — May 11 to 14 at the Berlin Fairgrounds. LinuxTag is organized by the LinuxTag Association in partnership with Messe Berlin GmbH. For more information, go to the LinuxTag 2011 website.
Here are instructions how you get to Linuxtag.
And here are some informations on accomodation.
Event Organizer
Raffael Reichelt will be organizing Sugar's presence at LinuxTag 2011.
Are you planning to attend? Add your name and contact info below!
Name | available from to | stays at | Note |
Raffael Reichelt | 20011/05/10 - 2010/05/15 | local | - |
Tony Anderson | - | local | - |
Sugar Activities
Sugar does advocate the concepts of activities - you learn through doing, so if you want more learning you want more doing. So the Sugar Labs team wants to get engaged at Linuxtag:
- We will have a booth at Linuxtag, like we had last year, more information can be found below.
- Tony Anderson shows a complete demo school setup, including school server and 3 XO's. We will try to integrate some netbooks running Sugar On A Stick in a schoolserver environment.
Sugar Booth
Please list your availability if you are interested in helping with the booth. Or if you already know which shifts you want to take, feel free to add yourself in the second table. German skills are welcome - but not needed. Ideally a shift is two people, but given the space reserved at the booth size I think we can get away with one as well. Helping at the booth means answering questions regarding Sugar and Sugar Labs and the largest deployer of Sugar One Laptop Per Child (OLPC). Of course you don't have to be an expert in all of the areas. Furthermore we will have hardware for demoing Sugar and flashing Sugar on a Stick (Soas) on request.
People helping at the booth will get a Linuxtag ticket. We are also allowed to order some guest tickets but of course helping out at the booth is the preferred choice.
We are sharing one big booth together with Squeak Etoys, X2go and SkoleLinux. Find here the hall plan.
Name | German | 11.05.11 | 12.05.11 | 13.05.11 | 14.05.11 | Note |
Raffael Reichelt | Native | yes | yes | yes | yes | x |
Day | 09.00-12.00 | 12.00-14.00 | 14.00-16.00 | 16.00-18.30 |
11.05.11 | name1, name2 | name1, name2 | name1, name2 | name1, name2 |
12.05.11 | name1, name2 | name1, name2 | name1, name2 | name1, name2 |
13.05.11 | name1, name2 | name1, name2 | name1, name2 | name1, name2 |
14.05.11 | name1, name2 | name1, name2 | name1, name2 | name1, name2 |
- Tuesday 10.05.11 - roughly 15.00: Booth Setup
- Saturday 14.05.11 - 18.30++: Booth tear-down and cleanup after the exhibition hall closes.
- all times are local Berlin times (UTC+1)
Storage Space
to be determined
Power and Internet Connectivity
Power and Internet will be provided by LinuxTag and Messe Berlin for the project booths. What we need are:
- extension cords
- long network cables
- switches
Not permitted by Linuxtag:
- wireless access points (You are not permitted to operate your private wireless LAN. Please take this serious. There will be several site surveys to ensure this.) - Mesh networking is allowed though
- coffeemakers, kettles and cooking stuff
- connect visitors to the project's network