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Sugar on a Stick Ubuntu
Proposed for Archive.
It has been proposed that this page be regarded as an archive. It could be marked "Archive" or it could be moved to an Archive location. --Inkyfingers 21:20, 4 March 2012 (EST)
Please contribute to the discussion on the talk page.
See Ubuntu for other Sugar in Ubuntu options.
Note: this procedure works for these circumstances Taken from http://dev.laptop.org/~probono/sbuntu/
For latest Info for Ubuntu Sugar Remix:
- updated 07/10/2010 satellit
* Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex * Built November 29, 2008 * Browse activity works
How to make a Ubuntu 8.10 Sugar Live USB system
- Download the stock ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso and burn it
- Create a Live USB system using the built-in Live USB installer (In Ubuntu 8.10 and later: System --> Administration --> Create a USB startup disk). If you choose "Stored in reserved extra space", do NOT use up the entire available space, but leave at least 100 MB so that we can add sugar in the next step.
- Add the file sugar.squashfs to the directory casper/ on the USB stick
How to make a Ubuntu 8.10 Sugar Live USB system from Windows
(Note that these instructions can be used to make a Fedora-based Sugar Live USB, or can be run from Linux as well)
- Download the stock ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso
- Download UNetbootin for Windows (or Linux) and run the application
- Supply the Ubuntu 8.10 desktop ISO file in the "Diskimage" option, select your target USB drive, and press "OK" to make an Ubuntu Live USB
- Add the file sugar.squashfs to the directory casper/ on the USB stick
The file sugar.squashfs is kept separate from the Ubuntu system itself, which stays unmodified. This way, sugar can easily be updated without having to download the entire Ubuntu system. Just replace sugar.squashfs with the updated version.
The instructions below are only interesting if you want to make your own sugar.squashfs instead of the one provided for download here. How to make your own sugar.squashfs
First, create a stock Ubuntu 8.10 live USB system as described above and boot from it. Next, we need to fix a bug the initrd so that /cow is shown when we use the "show-cow" boot option by executing this script. Now, we add "show-cow" to the boot arguments in syslinux.conf. Then, boot the system using the fix initrd, and do the following in the running system:
sudo su echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu intrepid universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list echo "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/sugarteam/ubuntu intrepid main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list apt-get update apt-get --force-yes -y install sugar-* squashfs-tools
- Then do
cat > exclude <<\EOF etc casper cdrom cow home media rofs tmp var/cache var/log var/run var/tmp var/lock var/mail EOF
- It is important to exclude etc because otherwise permissions are mixed up
mount /cdrom -o remount,rw
time mksquashfs /cow/ /cdrom/casper/sugar.squashfs -ef exclude
- If you want the system to boot straight into Sugar (instead of Gnome) during boot, do:
mkdir -p add/etc/skel/ cat > add/etc/skel/.dmrc <<\EOF [Desktop] Session=sugar EOF mksquashfs add/ /cdrom/casper/sugar.squashfs
- OLPC Foundation
- Sugar Labs
- Debian Edu Developers and Debian OLPC
- Ubuntu sugarteam
Simon Peter http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:probono