Talk:Sugar on a Stick release process

From Sugar Labs
Revision as of 07:58, 21 September 2010 by Satellit (talk | contribs) (→‎Installation: |Fedora-14-Beta-RC3-i386-netinst with Sugar-desktop in "Customize now" shows same sugar bugs as Nightly Compose Soas spins)
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Test Matrix

preliminary proposed layout
Awaiting approval by Soas Committee
Test results starting 08/18/2010
  • For previous testing use source lists referenced below


Test Older Test Reports
CD Boots [1] [2]
Installation [3] [4]
Activity Testing [5]
Collaboration [6] [7]
Mac Testing [8]

CD Boots

Boots (yes/no) (xxxxxxxxx.iso) Test Date mmddyyyy Submitter Wireless works (yes/no) Models of XO/Netbook/PC/Mac Comments (include Trac Numbers for Bugs)
yes soas-i386-20100817.16.iso Sugar on a Stick 4 (Mango lassi) Fedora 14 (Laughlin) 0.89.1 08192010 satellit yes ACER ASPIRE One Atom N454 and external usb DVD/CD *boots to console; firstboot; sugar name field+color; then F3 only first time booted
yes soas-i386-20100818.16.iso Sugar on a Stick 4 (Mango lassi) Fedora 14 (Laughlin) 0.89.1 [9] 08192010 satellit yes ACER ASPIRE One Atom N454 and external usb DVD/CD Weekly Test Image[10] *boots to console; firstboot; sugar name field+color; then F3 only first time booted
yes TEST Soas-v3-08222010-Remix Sugar on a Stick 3 (Mirabelle) Fedora 13 (Goddard) 0.88.1 08222010 satellit no Hp Pavillion tx1417d Laptop AMD Turion 64x2 Remix from f13 XFCE installed to an external USB Hard Disk( Build System using fedora-livecd-soas.ks and livecd-tools) -updates: Physics 4>5 Record 66>79 Write 69>70 Turtle Blocks 89>95
no soas-i386-20100824.16.iso 08242010 satellit n/a ACER ASPIRE One Atom N454 and external usb DVD/CD boots thru firstboot; then starts x ends up with blank screen with X cursor no gdm or sugar login
yes desktop-x86_64-20100818.16.iso 08252010 satellit no but 3 new Ad-hoc Networks AP's Hp Pavillion tx1417d Laptop AMD Turion 64x2 *boots to console; firstboot; sugar name field+color; then F3 only first time booted livinst to external USB 250 GB HD then yum installed sugar* sugar-emulator=fedora 14 (branched) 0.89.3
no soas-i386-20100826.15.iso [11] 08262010 satellit n/a Hp Pavillion tx1417d Laptop AMD Turion 64x2 Weekly Test Image[12] boots thru firstboot; then starts x ends up with blank screen with X cursor no gdm or sugar login
no soas-i386-20100828.21.iso 08302010 satellit n/a Hp Pavillion tx1417d Laptop AMD Turion 64x2 boots thru firstboot; then starts x ends up with blank screen with X cursor no gdm or sugar login
no soas-i386-20100829.17.iso 08302010 satellit n/a Hp Pavillion tx1417d Laptop AMD Turion 64x2 boots thru firstboot; then screen freezes on smolt send screen 475304:[13]
no soas-i386-20100830.15.iso [14] 08312010 satellit n/a Hp Pavillion tx1417d Laptop AMD Turion 64x2 Weekly Test Image[15] boots thru firstboot; then starts x ends up with blank screen with X cursor no gdm or sugar login
no TEST Remix using f14 x64 and f14 x64-updates Repos (edited fedora mini.ks) used soas.ks with livecd-tools) for build; f14 based build system 09012010 satellit n/a Hp Pavillion tx1417d Laptop AMD Turion 64x2 *boots to console; firstboot fails after smolt no gdm or sugar
yes TEST Remix using f14 x64 Repo (edited fedora mini.ks) used soas.ks with livecd-tools) for build; usingf14(branched) build system 09052010 satellit n/a Hp Pavillion tx1417d Laptop AMD Turion 64x2 *boots to console; firstboot,smolt,sugar 0.89.1 f14 (branched) f14-updates repo has problem?- liveinst to 4GB USB works see below NOTE Confirmed: Made 2nd .iso with f14-updates repo. boots,ends up with blank screen with X cursor no firstboot, gdm or sugar login
no soas-i386-20100908.15.iso [16] 09092010 satellit n/a EeePc1000HE and external Hp DVD/CD writer Weekly Test Image[17] ends up with blank screen with X cursor
no soas-x86_64-20100910.16.iso (i386 failed to build:Error creating Live CD : Unable to download from repo) 09112010 satellit n/a Hp Pavillion tx1417d Laptop AMD Turion 64x2 ends up with blank screen with X cursor <alt><ctrl> f5 firstboot command runs firstboot then startx says other server0 active unable to connect to X server similar to Bug 475304 [18]
no soas-i386-20100911.18.iso 09122010 satellit n/a EeePc1000HE and external Hp DVD/CD writer ends up with blank screen with X cursor Bug 632818: [19]Bug 627401: [20]
no soas-i386-20100912.17.iso 09132010 satellit n/a EeePc1000HE and external Hp DVD/CD writer ends up with blank screen with X cursor Bug 632818: [21]Bug 627401: [22] ON boot: "unable to parse graphical.service" <alt> <ctrl> f5; login root: firstboot=fades to black screen after firstboot ends; PC unresponsive (will try with USB with persistence so can reboot and fix graphical,service link)
no soas-i386-20100913.15.iso 09142010 satellit n/a EeePc1000HE and external Hp DVD/CD writer ends up with blank screen with X cursor
yes soas-i386-20100915.17.iso [23] 09162010 satellit yes Hp Pavillion tx1417d Laptop AMD Turion 64x2 Weekly Test Image[24]boots to name___ works fine have f1 neighborhood f14 sugar 0.89.3, trys to get keyring password 6+ times (it has not been set) then goes to f3 ring
yes soas-i386-20100916.15.iso 09172010 satellit yes EeePc1000HE and external Hp DVD/CD writer boots to name___ works fine have f1 neighborhood f14 sugar 0.89.3 no changes seen since yesterdays. trys to get keyring password 6+ times (it has not been set) then goes to f3 ring
yes soas-i386-20100917.16.iso 09182010 satellit yes EeePc1000HE and external Hp DVD/CD writer boots to name___ works fine have f1 neighborhood f14 sugar 0.89.3 no changes seen since yesterdays. trys to get keyring password 6+ times (it has not been set) then goes to f3 ring
yes TEST_Remix liveusb-creator running from CD; downloads soas-v3-mirabelle and makes bootable USB; boots to Name____ 09192010 satellit yes EeePc1000HE and external Hp DVD/CD writer TEST_Remix f14-soas-v4 Remix with liveusb-creator and zyx-installed Built on f13-DVD installed USB HD, livecd-tools with modified.ks files. trys to get keyring password 6+ times (it has not been set) then goes to f3 ring
yes soas-i386-20100919.18.iso 09202010 satellit yes EeePc1000HE and external Hp DVD/CD writer grey boot screen-boots to Name______ pops up enter keychain password 6x does not work then it lets soas run [25]network neighborhood starts Ad-hoc Network 1 wireless AP logs in fine then see Avitars. sugar 0.89.3 f14(Laughlin) Sugar on a stick (Mango Lassi) CP Software update does not work [26]
yes soas-i386-20100920.16.iso 09212010 satellit yes EeePc1000HE and external Hp DVD/CD writer boots to Name______ pops up enter keychain password 6+times (does not work) then it lets soas run [27]network neighborhood starts Ad-hoc Network 1 wireless AP logs in fine then see Avitars. sugar 0.89.3 f14(Laughlin) Sugar on a stick (Mango Lassi) CP Software update does not work [28]


 a- liveinst (Anaconda) from Live CD
 b -Anaconda from install CD/DVD 
 c- zyx-liveinstaller (have to yum install)
 d- Virtualbox (livinst/Anaconda/zyx)
 e-VMworkstation (livinst/Anaconda/zyx)
 f- QEMU (livinst/Anaconda/zyx)
Test ( xxxxxxx.iso) Date mmddyyyy Submitter Comments (include Trac Numbers for Bugs)
liveinst soas-i386-20100817.16.iso 08182010 satellit Installs to to HD, USB, and QEMU HD with liveinst (yum install @virtualization in f13 gnome terminal)
liveinst soas-i386-20100818.16.iso [29] 08192010 satellit Installs to to HD, USB
livinst desktop-x86_64-20100818.16.iso 08252010 satellit livinst to external USB 250 GB HD then yum installed sugar* sugar-emulator=fedora 14 (branched) 0.89.3 Great Gnome and Sugar Desktop
Anaconda Fedora-14-Alpha-i386-DVD.iso [30] 09032010 satellit install to 16GB USB /boot 500 ext4 / 14000 ext4 no swap - yum groupinstall sugar-desktop - yum install sugar-emulator liveusb-creator-Build: Fedora 14 (Branched) Sugar: 0.89.3
livinst from CD TEST f14.iso soas.ks and edited mini.ks with ONLY f14 repo - (using f14 livecd-tools and soas.ks) 09052010 satellit install to 4GB USB /boot 500 ext4 / ext4 balance no swap
zyx-liveinstaller Fedora-14-Alpha-i686-Live.iso [31] 09072010 satellit install to 4GB USB /boot 500 ext4 / ext4 balance no swap Works Fine
Anaconda systemd_20100907_i686.iso Test day image: [32] 09082010 satellit install to 8GB USB /boot 500 ext4 / ext4 balance no swap; boots to bash-4# to Fix known bug: [rm /etc/systemd/system/; ln -s /lib/systemd/system/ /etc/systemd/system/; reboot] Bug 627401 [33]
zyx-liveinstaller systemd_20100907_i686.iso Test day image: [34] 09082010 satellit install to 8GB USB /boot 500 ext4 / ext4 balance no swap; boots fine
Anaconda <fails> soas-i386-20100915.17.iso 09162010 satellit writes with f13( outdated anaconda) no firstboot so no gdm login that works "other"
zyx-liveinstaller soas-i386-20100915.17.iso 09162010 satellit usb formatted /boot 500 ext4 / balance (8GB USB) ext4 no swap works get XO color selector on start
liveinst soas-i386-20100916.15.iso 09172010 satellit Install:use whole disk (8GB SD) ends up at gdm "other" FIX: <alt> <ctrl> f5 login root, password useradd (new user name); passwd (new user password) exit; <alt> <ctrl> f1 login to new user name and password at gdm
zyx-liveinstaller (yum installed to Booted CD) soas-i386-20100919.18.iso 09202010 satellit 8 GB USB /boot (ext4) / (ext4) no swap 0.98 completion error (zyx) but usb boots ok get Enter password for Keyring 'Default'to unlock popup(times out)[35] <cancel works> auto logs in to my AP, Browse works but no avitars in f1 neighborhood [36]
Netinstall 14.17.4 Anaconda to extenal 250Gb USB HD Fedora-14-Beta-RC3-i386-netinst with Sugar-desktop (all items checked) in "Customize now" 09212010 satellit boots HD firstboot. Sugar: boots ok get Enter password for Keyring 'Default'to unlock popup (requires 4+ cancels)[37](Already logged into woreless AP in Gnome) CP Software update not working[38], after restart: no avitars in f1 neighborhood [39]

Bootable USB

 USB-scr  ./livecd-iso-to-disk  --format --reset-mbr --overlay-size-mb 1200 /home/(user)/Desktop/soas-i386-2010xxxx.xx.iso /dev/sd(x)    link:[40]
 liveusb-creator Windows/Linux [41]
 unetbootin   windows [42] linux [43]
 dd   dd if=soas-i386-2010xxxx.xx.iso of=/dev/sd(x) bs=4k VERY DANGEROUS! Use "mount" command to be CERTAIN of USB /dev/sd(x) address This will destroy your PC Hard Disk if wrong! 
Method used to create USB USB Size _GB) Persistent (yes/no) ( xxxxxxx.iso) Test Date (ddmmyyyy) Submitter Comments (include Trac Numbers for Bugs)
USB-scr 4 GB yes soas-i386-20100811.16.iso 08122010 satellit
liveusb-creator --reset-mbr (f12)linux 4 GB yes 1200 soas-i386-20100817.16 08212010 satellit firstboot; smolt report; name___; color____ sugar 0.89.1 f14 (Laughlin)
liveusb-creator --reset-mbr f14(branched) on running 16GB USB 4 GB yes 1200 Running 16Gb USB f14-Alpha-DVD USB / Mirabelle.iso downloaded by liveusb-creator 09032010 satellit boots normally to Sugar Name____ field
USB-scr 2 GB yes 1200 soas-i386-20100911.18.iso 09122010 satellit ends up with blank screen with X cursor
TESTING liveusb-creator --reset-mbr (f12)linux 8 GB (hp125) yes 1290 (failed at 2059-FAT?) soas-i386-20100912.17.iso 09132010 satellit ends up with blank screen with X cursor TESTING At boot screen add selinx=0 3 to boot line then login root. Fix known bug 627401: [44] rm /etc/systemd/system/ then ln -s /lib/systemd/system/ /etc/systemd/system/ then reboot. At boot screen add 3 to boot line login root startx gives background blue splash screen. no content. ?bug 632818? (cannot log in graphically with gdm) [45] test2: reboot boot screen add 3 to boot line; login root: yum install sugar* (adds 41 files) Local host login: Starting LSB: Late init script for live image Startin ACPI Event Daemon failed; reboot 3 root yum install gdm (gdm-2.31.90-5.fc14.i686 repo updates-testing) sugar-emulator :RuntimeError: could not open display; sugar:metacity: Missing argument for -d Test-3:) yum groupinstall XFCE (40 pkgs) reboot into 5 get sugar logon: CP:sugar on a Stick) Mango Lassi) Fedora 14 (Laughlin) 0.89.3 boots fine
liveusb-creator --reset-mbr (f12)linux 8 GB Lexar USB yes 1290 soas-i386-20100912.17.iso 09132010 satellit 2nd run add selinux=0 3 to boot line, login root: Fix known bug 627401: [46] rm /etc/systemd/system/ then ln -s /lib/systemd/system/ /etc/systemd/system/, yum groupinstall XFCE (40 pkgs); shutdown -h now reboot with boot line added 5 to end. comes up asking for colors_____ in sugar. FIXED Presence service works sees jabber if leave it on AdHoc Network 1 (already connected).


 a- XO-1 (Dextrose)(os353py)
 b- XO-1.5
 c- 0.84 v1 Strawberry
 d- 0.86 v2 Blueberry
 e- 0.88 v3 Mirabelle  
 f- 0.89-0.90 v4 Mangolassi
 g- Ad Hoc Networking
 originator > joined (yes/no)
Activity Collaboration {example: a>e (yes/no)} Test Date mmddyyyy Submitter Comments (include Trac Numbers for Bugs)
Browse 115 e<>e yes d<>e yes c<>e yes e>a no a>e yes 08212010 satellit e>a does not show up on F1 a>e yes opens bookmark (if not start screen)
Chat 66 d<>e yes e>a no (wired to wireless) a>e yes? 08212010 satellit e>a does not show up on F1 a>e shared but no id (grey or ???? no color for e on a)fine on e
write 70 e>a no (wired to wireless) 08222010 satellit e>a does not show up on F1
Turtle Blocks 95(e) Turtle Art 86(a) e>a no a>e yes 08222010 satellit e>a no a>e yes shared with 2 turtles

Macintosh Testing

 Method Used:
  Boot Helper CD
Method Used ( xxxxxxx.iso) Type of Mac and Model Date mmddyyyy Submitter Comments (include Trac Numbers for Bugs)
test-1 test-2 test-3 test-4 test-5 test-6

Testing Suggestions Outline for Discussion

  • Testing Suggestions:(satellit)
revised 08/20/2010
expanded into tables shown above

1- Bootable USB
 a- liveusb-to-disk script
 b- liveusb-creator Windows/Linux
 c- unetbootin
 d- dd=?
2- Can be Installed yes/no
 a- liveinst (Anaconda)
 b- zyx-liveinstaller (have to yum install)
 c- Virtualbox
3- Burned CD  works? yes/no
4- Test against Activities
 a. Installed
 b. Downloaded from ASLO or Drag-Dropped from ASLOxo-3 USB [47]
 c. Report Activity Tests Here:: [48]
5- Collaboration worked between: Note which activities, and Sugar Versions (a-f)
 a- XO--1
 b- XO-1.5
 c- 0.84
 d- 0.86
 e- 0.88   
 f- 0.89-0.90
6- Wireless works? yes/no
 - Models of XO/Netbook/PC/Mac
 - wireless drivers employed (if known)

Testing Links ?
Activity Test Table:
Fedora Test Days Spin:
  • MediaWiki
