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Revision as of 18:06, 3 January 2011 by Satellit (talk | contribs) (→How to Make a 2GB Installer USB)
How to install Sugar on Mandriva box.
- Beginning from 2009.1 version Mandriva supports Sugar out-of-the-box.
Mandriva Linux release 2010.2 (Sugar 0.88.0)
- Released 12/22/2010
- use same commands as for 2010.1 to install
- Known Problem:
- Browse does not start
- Solution:
- In Mandriva 2010.2 sugar-terminal or Konsole:
wget http://people.sugarlabs.org/Tgillard/firefox-6.xo cp firefox-6.xo Desktop
- drag drop this file onto a 2nd USB stick
- Boot Sugar-emulator
- Move Cursor to Journal on top frame
- Click on USB symbol on bottom left when frame retracts
- Drag with mouse the firefox-6.xo to the Journal in bottom right corner
- Firefox is installed on the f3 Ring, click to start
Mandriva Linux 2010.1 (sugar 0.88.0 )
Start Mandriva Linux 2010.1 (Official) for i586 start browser http://easyurpmi.zarb.org/ <Add Official Media> {Hit button on website] (packages download) start terminal su password urpmi task-sugar Log Out Log in with gdm switcher as sugar
Mandriva Linux 2010.0 (sugar 0.86.2 )
Start Mandriva Linux 2010.0 (Official) for i586 start browser http://easyurpmi.zarb.org/ <Add Official Media> in root terminal urpmi task-sugar (76 packages download) Log Out Log in with gdm switcher as sugar
Mandriva Spring 2009.1 (0.84.2 sugar)
Start Mandriva Linux Spring 2009.1 (Official) for i586 start browser http://easyurpmi.zarb.org/ <Add Official Media> {Hit button on website] (packages download) Log Out Log in with gdm switcher as sugar
- Sugar-emulator available
How to Make a 2GB Installer USB
- Useful for installing to a netbook with no CD/DVD drive
- From Virtualbox 4.0 Appliance
- 1-)Start Virtual Appliance
- 2-):Download Mandriva-2010.iso to desktop
- 3-)in root terminal:
su password:_____ # urpmi unetbootin (Install occurs)
- 4-)
- unetbootin
- unetbootin/password
- [x]Diskimage/[...]/file system/home/(user)/Desktop/xxxx.iso
- unetbootin
- 5-) Insert 2GB USB -(it will show in Type "USB Dive" "Drive": drop down window) <OK>
- 6-)"Installation Complete Reboot <exit>
- 7-) Shutdown VirtualBox Appliance
- Use USB to boot PC and choose Install
Older then 2009.1 or using last development versions
You should setup link to development repository. Add these lines to /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg
Contrib mirror/arch/media/contrib/release { }
Where mirror is a cooker mirror from that list and arch is one of supported platforms
Install Sugar packages
To install core components (services, window manager, journal etc.) type:
sudo urpmi sugar-glucose
To install core activities type:
sudo urpmi sugar-fructose
Or to install the Sugar Platform (sugar-glucose + sugar-fructose + honey's deps):
sudo urpmi task-sugar
NOTE on x86_64 architecture you need i586 repository to install squeak dependency.
- i586
- x86_64
Sugar packages are being generated by jhconvert and follow its matrix of package versions.
Post bugs to official Mandriva bug tracker. You need to fillin follow fields:
- Product to Mandriva Linux
- Component select from list
- Version to Cooker
- Hardware Platform to i586 or x86_64
- Source RPM follow field's comments
- Aleksey Lim
- Tomeu Vizoso
- Tom Gilliard testing
- be involved and add yourself here