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Revision as of 09:00, 22 May 2011 by Satellit (talk | contribs) (→trisquel-sugar_4.5.1_i686: more observations on testing)
- Install test 05/22/2011 satellit
- In Progress now
- VirtualBox 4.0.8 OSX
- Intro Screens on install:
- Screens #3 & #4 Should be Sugar specific not talk about Desktop
- Graphics should reflect language installing English not Spanish
- Starts at select color screen with avatar to click to change colors
- Better if It started on Name____ screen (<== to get to it now)
- Jabber works; connects and sees other avatars
- Booted from Live CD it will not logon again after restart of sugar: asks for user and password, non were set!
- Boots on MacBook Pro i7 (hold "C" on power on) even sees and logs on with external USB wireless Dongle: D-Link DWL-122
- CP/About me:
- Trisquel 4.5 Sugar 0.88.1
- key:% not favorite ERROR
tamtamjam 56 (no sound on Mac VM) tamtamsynthlab 55 tamtamedit 55 (no sound on Mac VM) write 73 turtle art 106 -> 107 %terminal 31 root[#_] button asks for password and then crashes (this is Ubuntu based so needs to call sudo su not default su command) etoys 116 read 79 %pippy 38 -> 40 chat 70 goes on line and joins from f1 neighborhood calculate 35 - > 36 jukebox 20 %log 24 image viewer 17 browse 119 -> 120 (does not start) NOTE surf-115.xo Downloaded to USB stick from http://people.sugarlabs.org/Tgillard/Surf-115.xo works insert USB stick; click on journal on frame wait for frame to retract and drag drop install from USB in left bottom corner to journal in Trisquel Sugar story builder 16 (sound works on Mac VM) view slides 13 tamtammini 58 (no sound on Mac VM) typing turtle 27 paint 33 irc 9 #sugar and #sugar-es defaults to es get ia books 6 (server error) jigsaw puzzle 8 physics 8 memorize 36 speak 25 (sound works on Mac VM) poll 27 record 79 (no audio; no video found on Mac VM) read etexts 22 (sound works on Mac VM ; reads downloaded book) flipsticks 8 labyrinth 11 infoslicer 8 downloaded topic aspirin from web successfully moon 11 joke machine 12 slider puzzle 8 cartoonbuilder 11 colors 15 clock 5 arithmetic 2 %develop 39 freecell 3
Software Updates...
scratch 19 new implode 10 new browse 119->120 (Does not Start) calculate 35->36 "Calculadora" pippy 38->40 turtle art 106->107