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Fedora/Sugar test cases
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f20 Sugar Test cases
Soas spin
- 1-) Soas boots to (name____)
- Live version should boot directly to this screen with no login to liveuser first.
- 2-) Soas installed to Hard Disk with "livinst" in root terminal, should boot to (lightdm or gdm) using the name and password for the user setup in anaconda.
- 3-) Jabber.sugarlabs.org should connect and display XO "Buddies" in (f1) network neighborhood screen
- a) If connected to wired netork
- b) If connected via (f1) to Wireless Access Points shown on the (f1) screensugar-emulator
- c) If connected to Mesh AP be able to connect to another XO or PC running sugar and connected to the same MESH.
- 4-) USB inserted should show up in the frame.
- a) sucessfully drag drop of items in the journal to the USB.
- b) sucessfully install an xxx.xo file when dragged from the USB to the journal.
- c) sucessfully unmount the USB with a right click on the USB Icon in the frame.
- 5-) All functions in My Settings (Sugar-control panel) should work.
- a) Software update in CP should work
- 6-) All applications in the list view of (f3) Home should work.
- 7-) Sugar-desktop installed with "yum install @sugar-desktop sugar-runner" in another DE:
- a) Start from menu item in DE - education-sugar
- b) log out/login to (lightdm or gdm) session "sugar" run sugar-desktop full screen.
- 8-) sugar-desktop installed from netinstall or DVD should work.