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Sugar on Caixa Mágica, the Magellan project
Magalhães is a Caixa Mágica based GNU/Linux distribution.
Setup repositories on Caixa Mágica box
Get it:
wget -c http://mirrors.nfsi.pt/caixamagica/12/oficial/iso/caixamagica-linux-12-live-GNOME-pt_PT-cdrom-i586.iso
Create a disk image:
qemu-img create -f raw caixamagica.raw 3G
Install it:
kvm -m 512 -hda caixamagica.raw -cdrom caixamagica-linux-12-live-GNOME-pt_PT-cdrom-i586.iso -boot d
Boot, log in as root and add an user:
adduser sugar password sugar
Add repositories:
urpmi.addmedia sugar http://people.sugarlabs.org/~alsroot/magalhaes urpmi.addmedia main http://ftp.caixamagica.pt/12/oficial/i586/media/main/release urpmi.addmedia main_update http://ftp.magalhaes.caixamagica.pt/12/oficial/i586/media/main/updates --update urpmi.addmedia contrib http://ftp.caixamagica.pt/12/oficial/i586/media/contrib/release urpmi.addmedia contrib_update http://ftp.magalhaes.caixamagica.pt/12/oficial/i586/media/contrib/updates --update
Setup repositories on Magalhães box
If you don't have installed Magalhães:
- download VM image
- untar it
- start kvm with untared .vmdk file like with common kvm's disk image
Add repositories:
urpmi.addmedia sugar http://people.sugarlabs.org/~alsroot/magalhaes
Install sugar packages
To install core components (services, window manager, journal etc.) type:
sudo urpmi sugar-glucose
To install core activities type:
sudo urpmi sugar-fructose
Or to install the SugarPlatform(sugar-glucose + sugar-fructose + honey's deps):
sudo urpmi task-sugar
Sugar packages are being built by jhconvert and follow its matrix of package versions.
- 0.84.x
Sugar repository includes some stuff that installed in /opt/sugar. When sugar doesn't start make sure that proper exports present(look at /usr/bin/sugar)
- Aleksey Lim
- Tomeu Vizoso
- Thomas Gilliard (Testing only)
- be involved and add yourself here