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Revision as of 05:49, 22 May 2011 by Satellit (talk | contribs) (→Software Updates...: Browse 120 does not start)
- Install test 05/22/2011 satellit
- In Progress now
- VirtualBox 4.0.8 OSX
- Intro Screens on install:
#3 & #4 Should be sugar specific not tallk about Desktop Graphics should reflect language installing english not spanish
- Starts at select color screen with Avitar to cliick to change colors
- Better if It started on Name____ screen (<== to get to it now)
- Jabber works; connects and sees other avitars
- CP/About me:
- Trisquel 4.5 Sugar 0.88.1
- key:% not favorite
tamtamjam 56 tamtamsynthlab 55 tamtamedit 55 write 73 turtle art 106 -> 107 %terminal 31 etoys 116 read 79 %pippy 38 -> 40 chat 70 calculate 35 - > 36 jukebox 20 %log 24 image viewer 17 browse 119 -> 120 story builder 16 view slides 13 tamtammini 58 typing turtle 27 paint 33 irc 9 get ia books 6 jigsaw puzzle 8 physics 8 memorize 36 speak 25 poll 27 record 79 read etexts 22 flipsticks 8 labyrinth 11 infoslicer 8 moon 11 joke machine 12 slider puzzle 8 cartoonbuilder 11 colors 15 clock 5 arithmetic 2 %develop 39 freecell 3
Software Updates...
scratch 19 new implode 10 new browse 119->120 (Does not Start) calculate 35->36 pippy 38->40 turtle art 106->107