User:Alsroot/trash/Frame Panels


One code base for all object browsing related functionality.


Current status

  • Targeted release: 0.86
  • Last updated: Thu Jul 9 00:36:45 UTC 2009
  • Percentage of completion: 0%

Detailed Description

Keep all object browsing related functionality in one code base. This code base will have several UI modes i.e. Journal mode(for objects-centric notion), Calibre-like mode(for browsing books), Rhytmbox-like mode(for audio files) etc.

Benefit to Sugar

Browsing different types of sugar object looks the same in many cases(search, tagging etc.). So, keep unified code base and do not split it could be a useful idea.


It affects Journal code in sugar package, adds new activity for <0.86 releases.

How To Test

In progress..

User Experience

All objects browsing features will look equally. It should mean that users will reuse theirs Journal experience in browsing books for example.


For >=0.86, all functionality will come from sugar package, for <0.86 it will be packaged in activity.

Contingency Plan

If you cannot complete your feature by the final development freeze, what is the backup plan? This might be as simple as "None necessary, revert to previous release behaviour." Or it might not. If you feature is not completed in time we want to assure others that other parts of Sugar will not be in jeopardy.


Is there upstream documentation on this feature, or notes you have written yourself? Link to that material here so other interested developers can get involved.

Release Notes

The Sugar Release Notes inform end-users about what is new in the release. An Example is 0.84/Notes. The release notes also help users know how to deal with platform changes such as ABIs/APIs, configuration or data file formats, or upgrade concerns. If there are any such changes involved in this feature, indicate them here. You can also link to upstream documentation if it satisfies this need. This information forms the basis of the release notes edited by the release team and shipped with the release.

Comments and Discussion

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