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Activities/SoaS Loader
A tutorial with instructions to write Sugar to a USB stick.
- Name: Iain Brown Douglas
- Email: iain at browndouglas dot plus dot com
Current status
Working demonstration built.
With thanks to Read the Docs SoaS Loader is available to preview on http://soas-loader.readthedocs.org
Detailed Description
The method involves `livecd-iso-to-disk` as this page.
Construction is copied from Help Activity, which uses Sphinx, http://sphinx-doc.org/.
A liveinst
method is under consideration.
Pro, makes nice 4 or 8 GB sticks.
Con, instructions are more difficult to write for novices.
- If the tutorial is to be available to all users, they should not easily be able to delete the host OS as could happen with anaconda.
- Fairly detailed instructions are necessary to explain how to set up a satisfactory for children boot record.
Future versions
Might include a script which would probe the capacity of an inserted USB stick,and deliver the livecd-iso-to-disk command on confirmation by the user.
Might include liveinst instructions under the heading `How to install Sugar on an expired Windows XP machine`.
Benefit to Sugar
Allow new users to adopt Sugar more easily.
Comments and Discussion
Feedback, please, on the discussion tab.