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Testing/Reports/ARM RPi
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Revision as of 14:18, 29 July 2012 by Satellit (talk | contribs) (→Applications: applications installed with yum install sugar*)
Test report raspberrypi-fedora-remix-17-test-003.img
Write to SD Card
zcat raspberrypi-fedora-remix-17-test-003.img.gz >/dev/mmcblk0
Boot SD Card
- Plug in power cord
- Firstboot
Use Network time there is no realtime clock on RPi (errors will occur if time is not set correctly) root password User and Password [x]user is part of administrator group [x]resize with swap 128 MB [x] Graphical Boot
- Use default desktop config (LDXE)
- Change memory split:
- Required on this image to avoid out of memory condition when using yum to install
- "This image uses a 128/128MB memory split between the ARM CPU and the GPU,
- instead of the more useful 224M/32M. To change this, run this command:"
cp /boot/arm224_start.elf /boot/start.elf In Terminal: sudo su Password cp /boot/arm224_start.elf /boot/start.elf
- Resize of File System and Creation of swap
"The SD card will be resized during the second boot. "this will appear as the file /swap0 and will appear in both /etc/fstab and swapon -s " ctyler on #seneca
Install sugar-emulator
yum install sugar-emulator
- Jabber works
- Sugar 0.96.1
- No Activities
- STILL TESTING --Satellit 00:04, 29 July 2012 (EDT)
Test report raspberrypi-fedora-remix-17-test-001.img
- Version 001 Used in this example:
- ftp://ftp.ges.redhat.com/raspberrypi/test-releases/rpfr17/20120725a/rpfr-727.img
- Version 002 will not log in to firstboot user password
- And could not be tested
Write to SD Card
- To use this image, boot a Fedora system, download the image, and execute this command:
zcat raspberrypi-fedora-remix-17-test-001.img.gz >/dev/X *Where X represents your unmounted SD card device (typically starting with "sd" or "mmcblk"). Do not use a partition device, use the device representing the entire SD card.
- Alternate Method
uncompress .gz file in root terminal: dd if=raspberrypi-fedora-remix-17-test-001.img of=>/dev/X*
- example:
# dd if=rapberrypi-fedora-remix-17-test-001.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 6144000+0 records in 6144000+0 records out 3145728000 bytes (3.1 GB) copied, 1266.46 s, 2.5 MB/s
Boot SD Card
- Plug in power cord
- Firstboot
root password User and Password [x]user is part of administrator group [x]resize with swap 128 MB [x] Graphical Boot
- log in (you are forced to change your password)
Use default desktop config (LDXE)
- Change memory split:
- Required on this image to avoid freezes
- In Terminal:
sudo su Password "This image uses a 128/128MB memory split between the ARM CPU and the GPU, instead of the more useful 192M/64M. To change this, run this command:" cp /boot/arm192_start.elf /boot/start.elf
- Reboot
- Sucess..
#yum install gparted
- gparted shows all of SDXC Card has files on it now.
#yum update
- raspberry firmware arm 5tel 20120727git installed
Install Sugar 0.96.1
#yum install sugar-emulator 37M- 1 Package + 43 Dep Packages #yum install sugar* 62M 177M installed
Start Sugar
- Applications/education/sugar
- sugar-emulator starts
- NAME ____________Version____________Comments
IRC 10 MOON 14 Calandario 4 Flip Sticks 13 Typing Turtle 29 Connect 22 Portfolio 26 Get Books 11 Measure 42 Finance 8 Calculate 40 Pukllanapac 9 Turtle Art 142 Analyze 8 Chat 77 StopWatch 15 Image Viewer 21 Labryinth 14 Terminal 39 PlayGo 5 Log 29 Clock 8 JukeBox 23 Abacus 35 Mail 1 Help 14 Flip 4 Countries 33 InfoSlicer 15 Distance 31 Dimensions 38 Read 99 Implode 12 Physics 10 Maze 21 View Slides 8 Pippy 48 Record 96 Memorize 41 Browse 139 Works fine Speak 41 starts but did not join another shared chat on jabber Write 79 Paint 43
Sugar-Desktop is not available
- No Fedora Repositories can be added (not available)
Test report Raspbian-PiscesMATE.img
- 07/26/2011
- MATE is a fork of GNOME 2
Write to SDXC Card
- Unzip
# dd if=rpi_pisces_mate_r1.img of=/dev/mmcblk0
Boot SDXC Card
- Cards tested:
- SanDisk Ultra SDXC 64 GB 30 MB/s
- SanDisk SDHC 8 GB 15 MB/s
- Do resize of SD Card here in another computer with gparted - (See section below)
- Use SD card to USB adapter if needed
- Boot RPi with the resized card.
The following two user accounts are created on this image:
Username Password root raspbian raspbian raspbian
- Login to raspbian
- Startx
- boots to MATE Desktop Environment 1.2.0
apt-get update dpkg-reconfigure tzdata - Be sure it is correct apt-get upgrade - 226 files apt-get synaptic
Test#1 Install Sugar-0.96 in Wheezy
- synaptic:
- search for sugar
- Select:
- sugar-session-0.96 - 315 files
About my Computer
- Caution Keyring password is asked at start
- This password required to be used to start Jabber.sugarlabs.org
Build Debian GNU/Linux testing/unstable Sugar 0.96.1
- 1 Amp Power Supply is marginal with a Dell USB Keyboard and Dell USB Wheel-Mouse connected to the 2 supplied connectors on RPi
- Use a 4-Port Powered Desktop Hub to connect them instead (Belkin 4-port Powered Hub F4U20-8830-06939 Rev A00) worked
Install More Activities in Sugar
- (Note: this is experimental as USB's do not Automount on insertion on the RPi)
- Do one of these: 1 or 2
- 1.Download Activites to Desktop with Browser
- rename xxx.xo to xxx.zip
- extract xxx.zip to Desktop
- change permissions to 077
- apply permissions to files in directories
- Terminal
sudo cp -rf /home/raspbian/Desktop/Surf.activity /usr/share/sugar/activities/ sudo cp -rf /home/raspbian/Desktop/Browse.activity /usr/share/sugar/activities/
- Start Sugar-emulator
- new activities should show in f3 Home screen
- 2.Insert USB with xxx.xo files (/dev/sda1)
- Make folder /home/raspbian/Desktop/USB
mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /home/raspbian/Desktop/USB
- USB shows up on Desktop
- Start Sugar-emulator
- Drag Drop install xxxx.xo files from USB to Sugar Journal
Pippy 46 Turtle Art 98
Test #2 Install sugar 0.88.1
- continue but use apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get update dpkg-reconfigure tzdata - Be sure it is correct apt-get dist-upgrade - Very Large update
Install sugar-emulator-0.88
apt-get install sugar-emulator-0.88 - Pulls in large set of gnome files
About my Computer
Build: Debian GNU/Linux testing/unstable Sugar: 0.88.1
Pippy 45 Turtle Art 98 Log 24 Terminal 28 Write 70 Calculate 40 Chat 76
Note: extra Activities added when installed
apt-get install sugar-emulator-0.86 then apt-get install sugar-emulator-0.88
- Installed activities from 0.86 remained
Resize SDXC Card with gparted
- NOTE: this was done in Trimslice H250 with RPi Card inserted in front SD slot
- SDXC card filled up installing as a test:
apt-get install synaptic apt-get install gparted apt-get install education-desktop-sugar
- after reboot:
apt-get install education-desktop-sugar dpkg --configure -a
- Resumed the install on the enlarged file system
Test report debian6-19-04-2012.img
- Debian info:https://wiki.debian.org/Sugar
- http://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads
- D/L: http://downloads.raspberrypi.org/images/debian/6/debian6-19-04-2012/debian6-19-04-2012.zip
- UnZip and write to 64 GB Ultra SDXC Card with dd
- Boot SDXC Card
login pi password raspberry startx
Install sugar-0.88
- LXTerminal:
- Root password is not known but "sudo su" goes to root terminal
sudo su apt-get install sucrose-0.88 apt-get update apt-get install sugar-emulator-0.88
- Start Education/Sugar from menu
- Activities loaded:
Browse Read
- Jabber does not work
About my Computer
Build: Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.4 (squeeze) Sugar: 0.88.1
- Activities that work D/L from ASLO (Browse)
IRC-10.xo Turtle Art Mini-147 Turtle Art 147 (very slow) edit-8
- Activities that are too large to run:
GetBooks 11
- Tried loading synaptic but it freezes loading catalogues.
- apt-get remove synaptic
Get Sugar Journal full messages after several uses
- Fix:
- Remove SDXC card - Insert in Laptop and start gparted
- resize-move /dev/sdg2 to 20 GiB
- Reboot in RPi
- No longer get journal full messages
- Activities that are too large to run:
Turtle Art 147 GetBooks 11