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Sugar on a Stick meetings
Meeting details
Regular meetings for Sugar on a Stick take place on irc.freenode.net in #sugar-meeting, every Monday at 1900 UTC.
We use IRC for our meetings. If you don't have an IRC client (yet), you can use webchat - go to http://webchat.freenode.net and connect to #sugar-meeting, or click the screenshot below. (Replace "your_name" or the random ID provided with your name or some other nick you'd like to be known by.)
How we run meetings
With as much involvement as possible at all times.
The motivation is to have as many simultaneous actively participating people in the meeting as possible - ideally, at all times in the meeting, everyone in the meeting should be doing something really cool (and hopefully related to Sugar on a Stick) - not just waiting for their turn to speak. Think of it as a virtual version of the law of two feet.
Are YOU running a SoaS meeting? Take a look at How to run a meeting for an example of how a meeting is run, with commands listed out.
- Features/Revised_Browse_default-bookmarks.html - feature for consideration
- Suggested that this use link to Wiki Page Introduction_to_Soas-v3_Mirabelle [1]-To be updated for v4 when it is released
- dev-test-release cycle.
- Testing Suggestions Outline for Discussion:(satellit)
1- Bootable USB Windows/linux/Mac a- livecd-iso-to-disk - script b- liveusb-creator - application c- unetbootin - application e- dd=? - direct write to USB (probably unsupported) f- Direct creation of an .img file for distribution ala Bernie's Blueberry-Direct (probably unsupported) 2- CD works? a-i386 b-i386-64 3- Install to Virtualbox (Virtualization) Windows/linux/Mac a- Re institute Distribution of Virtual box appliances: http://download.sugarlabs.org/soas/appliances/ 4- Test against Activities - Ooo Spreadsheet ?[2] a- How share it? b- Move this information to the Sugarlabs Wiki in a shared Spreadsheet format? (sdz?) c-.xo vs rpm installs and many activities on ASLO vs in Repository- where to draw the line. 5- Collaboration between: a- XO--1 b- XO-1.5 c- 0.84 d- 0.86 e- 0.88 and 0.88.1 6- Wireless works? - Models of Netbook yes/no - wireless drivers used 7-Testing 0.90.0: http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.90/Testing#SoaS
- mtd: "someone should just ask sdziallas and pbrobinson nicely if they'd mind terribly if someone suggested some patches / post-processing scripts for the soas spin .iso and promised to help maintain those patches / scripts for at least a few releases."
- what people plan to work on for the v4 cycle
Procedure for Minutes and Logging
See the instructions on how to run a meeting.