Testing/Reports/Sugar on a Stick

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  • This is a page for results of testing of Nightly Composes of SoaS Spin

Beta Releases


nightly composes

All createLiveCD Tasks owned by kevin in Koji

Get networking status from terminal

  • You can use "nmcli" if you need to get networking started from terminal.


Test of sugar-desktop as standalone install
customize now
  • Sugar-Desktop only selected (gnome-desktop deselected)
error evince not available (sugar-read) install anyway
1166 Packages
  • reboot
firstboot; user; smolt; login to sugar at color ==> then f3 works.
  • f1 grey screen no jabber
MySettings/AboutMe/change color: restart gdm login:
f1 jabber now works (bug)
Central Avatar disappears in 2 minutes (BUG) rest of avitars remain
  • Activities
non selected
etoys 116 error message after start
write 72
terminal 31
Memorize 36
calculate 35
Turtle Art 107submenus work! NEW
physics 8 submenus work! NEW
record 66
speak 20
irc 9 #sugar and #sugar-es with translate bot
pippy 40 still error
Import Error: cannot import name physicssubmenus work! NEW
Chat 70
log 24
abacus 19
surf 115 submenus work! NEW
browse 120 (failed to start)
read 88 (failed to start)
  • MySettings/Software update:
speak 20-25 submenus work! NEW
record 66-89 no sound
calculate 35-36


TEST Booted CD Acer Aspire One N450
Same as 501.
  • Cp/Software Update
speak 20-25 voice ok 2 right submenus bad (NEW)
record 66-89 no sound 
calculate 35-36  no submenus listed as Calculadora on f3 listing


TEST Booted CD Acer Aspire One N450 + Install + Install @gnome-desktop
Plymouth sugar animation on boot and shutdown.
  • NO JABBER CONNECTION just central avitar
See 3 ad-hoc networks and 1 wireless AP
Wired connection ONLY works - No Wireless
no pop up to enter password on click on wireless AP
cp/about me/color change/restart/gdm login Live System User (no password)
connects to Jabber on restart from gdm
Central Avitar disappears after several minutes
  • Activities
# etoys 116 error after startup
write 72	clip, bullet indent and table no submenus
terminal 31
memorize 36
calculate 35 no submenus
turtle art 107  no submenus 
physics 8
record 66  no sound 
speak 20  voice ok 2 right submenus bad 
irc 9 works #sugar #sugar-es
pippy 40   physics: error cannot import  name physics
chat 70   not visible on F1 
log 24
abacus 19  no submenus 
surf 115  no submenus (NEW - only activity not a favorite)
# browse 120 (did not start)

  • Cp/Software Update
speak 20-24 voice ok 2 right submenus bad
record 66-89 no sound 
calculate 35-36  no submenus listed as Calculadora on f3 listing
  • INSTALL TEST terminal # "liveinst"
USB external HD "default:use existing"
Fedora Installer F15 logos
plymouth animation
Firstboot; user;Date & time; smolt;gdm login
Starts at color <== to name --> Done
;Activities:Terminal; Physics; IRC; Log; abacus; surf not selected as favorites
; f1 Greyed out
cp color change restart
;f1 central avitar and ad-hoc and AP's  appear but no jabber connections
  • INSTALL Gnome-Desktop
sudo yum install @gnome-desktop alacarte
log out gdm select gnome log in
add/programs  search "sugar" select all offered selections
Connect to wireless networks now works
keychain enter password 1 time cancel 6-times
F1 jabber shows connections
  • Sugar Cp/Software Update after install
speak 20-24 voice ok 2 right submenus bad
record 66-89 no sound 
calculate 35-36  no submenus listed as Calculadora on f3 listing
Visual Match 28
Calandario 4
TamTamSynthLab 55
TamTamMini 57
TamTamEdit 55
TamTamJam 56
tamtam suite work after updates
  • Installed Applications after gnome3-shell update and cp/software update 05/05/2011
spiral display on 10" Acer Aspire One n450 (sugar-emulator -f) full screen
calculadora 36
record 89
TamTamEdit 55
TamTamJam 56
Visual Match 28
calendario 4
TamTamSynthLab 55
TamTamMini 57
Etoys 116
write 72
terminal 31
memorize 36
Turtle Art 107
physics 8
irc 9
pippy 40
chat 70
log 24
abacus 19
surf 115
browse 120  (does not start)
analyze ( from ASLO- no telepathy)
implode 9
view slides 8
image viewer 17
jukebox 20
flipsticks 2
get IA Books 3
finance 3
moon 11
typing turtle 26
playgo 5
infoslicer 8
connect 22
clock 5
maze 9
labyrinth 11
paint 32
speak 25 (updated today has sub-menus)
testing of apps in progress


TEST in VirtualBox 4.0.4 OSX
  • NO JABBER CONNECTION just central avitar
cp/about me/color change/restart/gdm login Live System User (no password)
greyed screen eventually gets just central avitar which disappears after about 1 minute
  • Activities
# etoys 116 error after startup
write 72	clip, bullet indent and table no submenus
terminal 31
memorize 36
calculate 35 no submenus
physics 8
record 66 no Photo no Video no sound (MacBook Pro i7)
speak 20  voice ok 2 right submenus bad 
turtle art 107  no submenus
irc 9 works #sugar #sugar-es
pippy 40   physics: error cannot import  name physics
chat 70   not visible on F1 
log 24
abacus 19  no submenus 
# browse 120 (did not start)
  • Terminal:# yum install sugar-surf (115-1.fc15) updates-testing
5 packages
surf-115  works
  • Cp/Software Update
speak 20-24 voice ok 2 right submenus bad
record 66-89 no Photo no Video no sound (MacBook Pro i7)
calculate 35-36  no submenus listed as Calculadora on f3 listing

Fedora-15-Nightly-20110425.17-i686-Live-kde.iso -Sugar In VB4-OSX

TEST in VirtualBox 4.0.4 OSX
  • firstboot, user, smolt gdm login
yum install @sugar-desktop --skip-broken sugar-emulator sugar-surf
sugar 0.92.1-2
  • link sugar-emulator to top folder
keychain enter password 1x cancel many times
Greyed out f1 Network Neighborhood. (BUG)
terminal # setenforce=0 seleniux=0
These changes are not persistent to next start
Then f1 shows jabber
And downloads from surf-115 ASLO will not crash sugar-emulator
74 updates 04/28/2011
rest of report is the same as in xfce report below

Fedora-15-Nightly-20110425.17-i686-Live-xfce.iso with Sugar

yum install @sugar-desktop --skip-broken sugar-emulator
sugar 0.92.1-2
  • Terminal: sugar-emulator -f
keychain enter password 2x cancel many times
Greyed out f1 Network Neighborhood. (BUG)
terminal # setenforce=0 seleniux=0
Then f1 shows jabberFedora-15-Nightly-20110425.17-i686-Live-xfce.iso with Sugar
And downloads from surf-115 ASLO will not crash sugar-emulator
  • Shortcut to desktop works to add sugar with command sugar-emulator -f
better to log in to sugar in gdm login.
  • Activities
record 66  see updates
Calculadora 35 see updates
log 24
physics 8  circle is too small  fixed after terminal # setenforce=0 seleniux=0 and surf-115 download of physics-8.x0
& etoys 116 DBus Error on start
irc 9  2 tabs #sugar and #sugar-es with translator
write 72  sub-menu error
memorize 36
turtle art 107 sub-menu error
abacus 19
chat 70  cannot share or write in message line (jabber not connected)
terminal 31
pippy 40
speak 20 sound works
surf 115 Works fine thanks pbrobinson
& browse 120 (did not start)
  • cp/Software Update
speak 20-24
calculate 35-36
record 66-89  no sound


Test of live CD
  • CD Boots to Name___ then color then f3 screen
f1-NO WIRELESS Connect though can see Wireless AP; no login pop-up (BUG)
Restart from main drop-down menu causes shutdown and ejection of CD (BUG)
not the same as Control panel color change; restart which returns to gdm login - THIS IS THE EXPECTED BEHAVIOR
Suggest add Log Out to dropdown menu (It is removed in soas.ks)
  • CP/about me color change reset
returns to gdm "other" will not log in (bug)
This is not consistent on some repeats see "Live System User" and login works
  • TEST firstboot:ALT Ctrl f5 login root
"Firstboot: add user:"sugar", smolt etc
  • Alt Ctrl f9 back to gdm login
gdm:login:user"sugar" and password
f1-NO WIRELESS Connect though can see Wireless AP; no login pop-up
  • Connect wired cat-5 network
  • CP/about me color change reset
gdm:login:user"sugar" and password
f1 jabber sees other avitars
  • Central Avitar for user disappears after several minutes from f1 screen (BUG)
  • CP/software update:
Turtle Art 105-107
Speak 20-24
Record 66-89
Calculate 35-36


Test of install of CD via liveinst and sugar-desktop
  • Install sugar-desktop:
yum install @sugar-desktop sugar-emulator
  • sugar-emulator and sugar DO NOT START
$ sugar-emulator
** Message: pygobject_register_sinkfunc is deprecated (HippoCanvasBox)
Window manager warning: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on display ':30'.
setting a new selinux policy with 'chcon -t bin_t /usr/libexec/mission-control* /usr/libexec/telepathy*' resolves it.


INSTALL TEST "livinst" to 4GB USB "Custom Install
/boot 500 ext4 / 3400 ext4 rest of usb (no swap)
Boots to firstboot; user; smolt; gdm "other"
  • Does not connect to Wireless AP in f1 neighborhood
no connect dialog to enter AP Key
Wired connection works
sees 3 Wireless AP and 3 ad-hoc network points
  • Central Avitar disappears then chat icon missing on f1
  • Restart shuts down system (it us usually goes back to login gdm screen like Control Panel restart does.
  • logout returns to gdm (still "other")

browse-120 does not start surf-115.xo does not start

On shutdown and restart jabber connection is NOT restored.


Boots to NAME___;Color ==>
  • Does not connect to Wireless AP in f1 neighborhood
no connect dialog to enter AP Key
Wired connection only works after Control Panel about me color change and restart
Wired connection must be connected before restart to connect to jabber
sees 3 Wireless AP and 3 ad-hoc network points
  • Central Avitar disappears then chat icon missing on f1
  • liveusb-creator in gnome3-shell makes a persistent USB
  • BUG: Restart ejects CD or shuts Down USB
>(it should return to login gdm screen like Control Panel restart does.)<
Reboot of persistent USB starts at gdm liveuser and jabber works on wired connection.
  • Activities (all selected as favorites)
# etoys 116 error after startup
write 72	clip, bullet indent and table no submenus
terminal 116
memorize 36
calculate 35 no submenus
physics 8
record 66 Photo Video OK no sound
speak 20  voice ok 2 right submenus bad 
# turtle art 105(did not start) see update below
irc 9 works but no channel tabs; have to "/join"
pippy 40
chat 70 joined by another user  not visible on F1 Dbus Exception: org.freedesktop.Telepathy, error invalid handle
log 24
abacus 19  submenus OK
# browse 120 (did not start)
  • Software Update
turtle art 105-107  Works no submenus
speak 20-24 voice ok 2 right submenus bad 
record 66-89  very faint sounds
calculate 35-36 no submenus


  • Fixed Soas-v5
pbrobinson for testing
Note this is x86-64
Boots CD with "c" on power up of MacBook Pro i7
Requires USB Mouse or Trackpad and wired network (No wireless)
Tested on ACER ASPIRE ONE N45 and external DVD/CD USB drive
  • starts at Name____
  • Activities
  • Key to preliminary tests:
KEY &= does not start (+/-)=starts but not right
Write 72
Memorize 36
(+/-) Etoys 116 error on start
(+/-)Calculate 35 blank sub-menus
Update to Calculate 36 blank sub-menus
Physics 8
(+/-)Record 66 no sound
Update to Record 89 (MacBook Camera works; no sound; freezes on volume control on frame)
Speak 20
Update to Speak 24 (no sound MacBook)
& Turtle Art 35
update to Turtle Art 107 Starts but No submenus
IRC 9 slow starting (needs to point to port 8001)
(+/-)Pippy 40 cannot import name physics etc not all functions play (physics xolympics)
Chat 70
Log 24
Abacus 19
Terminal 31
& Browse 120
Sugar on a Stick 5
Fedora Release 15 (Lovelock)
Sugar 0.92.1
  • No Jabber connections
  • after restart to gdm login for live user; jabber is found and works????
  • Network cannot connect to wireless (sees wireless AP in F1 neighborhood; but no drop down connect message)
Ethernet works with cat 5 cable
  • Installs to VirtualBox4.0.4 OSX Correctly with "liveinst" in root terminal


(on first login to Live User it tries to go to start Gnome/openbox)
log out then click on "other"
select sugar as gdm dropdown; enter no password
it will fail
next log in live user (no password) and sugar will start
name:_______==>Click to change color==>Done
New Keyring Password  
gnome keyring prompt : An application wants to acess the keyring 'xxx' but is locked  (cancel) (ok) enter 8 times no place to enter password.
 Set frame bottom slider almost all way to left-restart
*Note: on restart remembers the password on first entry
F1 neighborhood sees jabber and other avitars
Control Panel/ About My Computer:
   Sugar on a stick 5
   sugar 0.92.0
  • ACTIVITIES (after 4 updates) #=did not work
# Sugar-Browse -120 does not start
memorize -36
Record-66 Audio only (Virtualbox OSX)
speak-20 audio OK
# Turtle Art-105
IRC-9 port 6667 slow connecting needs to be port 8001
chat-70 posts to f1 and joins to it there.
# etoys-116 DBusError: Process /usr/bin/sugar-presence-service MessaeNotUnderstood: DBusError>>arguments
  Presenceservice.log IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/liveuser/.sugar/default/buddy.icon.jpg


there are still some problems with Soas:
on first login to Live User it tries to go to start openbox
log out then type in live user in the  login bar "other"
select sugar as gdm dropdown
it will fail
next log in live user (no password) and sugar will start
If Ethernet (wired) is connected the f1 neigborhood works on jabber
Control Panel/ About My Computer:
   Sugar on a stick 5
   sugar 0.92.0


04/01/2011 tested in VirtualBox4.0.4 OSX
It fails with pop-up message "failed to load session"gnome-openbox"  (LOG 0UT)
Then goes to login "Live System User"
when log in get pop-up message "failed to load session"gnome-openbox"  (LOG 0UT)
gdm shows
GNOME/Openbox  >-get pop-up message "failed to load session"gnome-openbox"  (LOG 0UT)
Openbox >Live System User  and blank password:(authentication failure)
Sugar > Live System User  and blank password:(authentication failure)
Command F5 login init3:
Install to HD "use whole disk"
  • Boot HD in VirtualBox
Sugar Starts
*Browse does not start
*No Jabber connection